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Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:29 pm
by Pyro
Did you try to Alt Tab and see if that helped? What build of 1.7 were you using? Did your "myth_log.txt" say anything about the issue? It is located in your Myth II folder, however it resets each time you load Myth again. Perhaps try it again and see what the log records. What setup (OS and specs) do you have?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 11:03 pm
by Propagandhi
Not sure if this has been mentioned, bug has to do with the message length increase (in game).

After hitting y I can now type a message for the whole length of my screen, but the message gets cut off when broadcast. Resolution is 1920x1200. I could supply sample strings if that would be helpful.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 1:24 am
by Melekor
Thanks, I've noted the bug. Sample strings won't be necessary.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 5:29 am
by oogaBooga
Pyro wrote:
oogaBooga wrote:Glad i didnt read any of the crap on the pages before this.
THe issue i'm having, is that I can save netgames, but when I do so, it only appears as a 1kb file...
If you had read some of what was said in this thread like the last post in the first page. You would know that the beta was fixed and reuploaded that day. So anyone who had downloaded it the first day it was out (the 3rd of May, same day as this thread was made) should redownload the 1.7 beta to be safe.
I'm very thankful I have you to tell me. I will go re-download it.

Posted: Sat May 09, 2009 12:51 pm
by killerking
Bonky wrote:
Pyro wrote:Probably a dumb question to ask you but... Did you try hitting the OK button in that missing plugins window?
after clicking the lil arrow and downloading the plugin,i was unable to do anything,couldn't hit the ok button,it didn't do anything,or wouldnt work ,complete freeze up
Hit the arrow again and you'll be fine.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 5:45 am
by Bonky
Pyro wrote:Did you try to Alt Tab and see if that helped? What build of 1.7 were you using? Did your "myth_log.txt" say anything about the issue? It is located in your Myth II folder, however it resets each time you load Myth again. Perhaps try it again and see what the log records. What setup (OS and specs) do you have?
i could alt tab and see finder and myth as open applications ,however clicking on the "ok" button in the Missing plugin window did nothing.I think im using the earlier build ,i will download Myth again and see if it happens again.
im on 10.5.6 on a 2 x 2.8GHZ Quad-Core Intel Xeon

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 6:11 am
by Bonky
I downloaded myth again,and when the missing plugin window came up ,i was able to hit "OK",didn't seem to download the plugin though,but i will check again.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 12:30 pm
by Pyro
To download you have to hit the arrow key on the side. The OK key only closes the window.

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:26 pm
by Bonky
Pyro wrote:To download you have to hit the arrow key on the side. The OK key only closes the window.
Yes i understand that,i hit the arrow but it didn't seem to download .On the earlier build it downloaded but i was unable to hit the "ok" button.I will try again and see if it works.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:36 pm
by Zappo93
ok i have a bug where when i am moving the camera a kind of pulse thing goes up the screen. it like a distortion going up the screen.

i don't really know what to call it. it is annoying though.
I'm on Mac OS 10.5.6 Intel and I'm using the Mac Universal version.
if you need anymore info i will do my best to give it.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:36 pm
by Graydon
Zappo: I had the same issue myself and did a whole bunch of debugging with Melekor.

Im guessing you render with OpenGL. You can fix the issue you're seeing using this new prefrences file called "PowerUser.txt", placed in your prefrences folder.

Melekor actually uploaded a text file for me, the same one should work for you.

Download that and put it into your prefrences folder. Open it, and set vsync to TRUE instead of default. I'd also recommend making 32bit textures True, enhances the ogl rendering dramatically. Smoother rendering on meshes taht dont have detail textures.

See if that fixes your problem.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:12 pm
by sasper
1.7 is woefully unplayable for me. i am using a powerbook 1.5 ghz motorola not intel, and have tried both universal and PPC, and both suffer the same problems.
if i use opengl rendering, i see only about 2 fps. if i switch to software rendering, i cannot interface with with myth whatsoever, the screen constantly flickers between finder and myth, and i have to turn my computer off and on again to quit myth.
i've also tried playing with the other parameters, texture cache, windowing, max fps etc, nothing makes a difference. you guys still have some pretty catastrophic bugs in 1.7.
never had any problems with 1.7.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:22 pm
by Melekor
I'm sorry to hear that 1.7 isn't working for you. What is your OS Version and video card? Did you mean that you had no problems with 1.6?

I'm the windows guy so I can't offer you any immediate help, but I'm sure our Mac programmer would like to work with you to resolve this when he gets back from vacation.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:34 pm
by GodzFire
sasper wrote:1.7 is woefully unplayable for me. i am using a powerbook 1.5 ghz motorola not intel, and have tried both universal and PPC, and both suffer the same problems.
if i use opengl rendering, i see only about 2 fps. if i switch to software rendering, i cannot interface with with myth whatsoever, the screen constantly flickers between finder and myth, and i have to turn my computer off and on again to quit myth.
i've also tried playing with the other parameters, texture cache, windowing, max fps etc, nothing makes a difference. you guys still have some pretty catastrophic bugs in 1.7.
never had any problems with 1.7.
Please post all your system specs; processor, memory, video card, system, OS, etc.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:46 pm
by Pyro
sasper wrote:you guys still have some pretty catastrophic bugs in 1.7
Doubtful, the mac builds you are using might be on a different default state, perhaps what Gray mentioned in the post before yours may help. I haven't had problems with 1.7 so far. Then again I'm on windows.