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Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue May 29, 2012 11:39 pm
by Khadrelt
:) :) :)

Holy crap, I almost died there.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Wed May 30, 2012 12:25 pm
by punkUser
vinylrake wrote:Yes, but you probably say it in Canadian so it sounds like "U S, eh? U S, eh?"
Haha, nice :D

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 5:19 pm
by Zaknafein
vinylrake wrote:
the wheels on the short-bus go round and round, round and round, round and round....


I found this pretty offensive, I'm sure I'm not the only one. You're better than this VR.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:44 pm
by vinylrake
Zaknafein wrote:
vinylrake wrote:
the wheels on the short-bus go round and round, round and round, round and round....

I found this pretty offensive, I'm sure I'm not the only one. You're better than this VR.
I'm sorry if this hurt your feelings, I really should have thought of how this particular comment might resonate with you and how that might make you feel before I wrote it.

Seriously what's the matter Zak, not enough drama in your real life so you have to come back to the forums and try to stir up 4 month old comments and create trouble by pretending to be the poor slighted innocent? Really? This same old Bullschtick? You couldn''t even come up with a new routine in the last 4 months? You really ought to get out of the house and make some friends, you'll find it's much more interesting than what passes for drama on the forums.

As you well know, if you had a problem with something I said you know at least 2 other forums you could have contacted me on, but you waited for 4 months till you can play your sensitive martyr act card here on this forum - excuse me if I don't notice the sincerity dripping off your comment.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 9:25 pm
by Zaknafein
vinylrake wrote:
Zaknafein wrote:
vinylrake wrote:
the wheels on the short-bus go round and round, round and round, round and round....

I found this pretty offensive, I'm sure I'm not the only one. You're better than this VR.
I'm sorry if this hurt your feelings, I really should have thought of how this particular comment might resonate with you and how that might make you feel before I wrote it.

Seriously what's the matter Zak, not enough drama in your real life so you have to come back to the forums and try to stir up 4 month old comments and create trouble by pretending to be the poor slighted innocent? Really? This same old Bullschtick? You couldn''t even come up with a new routine in the last 4 months? You really ought to get out of the house and make some friends, you'll find it's much more interesting than what passes for drama on the forums.

As you well know, if you had a problem with something I said you know at least 2 other forums you could have contacted me on, but you waited for 4 months till you can play your sensitive martyr act card here on this forum - excuse me if I don't notice the sincerity dripping off your comment.
Pretty classy how you repeat the implication that I'm mentally handicapped (or retarded as you probably like to call it). I never left the forums, I was just banned from speaking my mind. Probably because I make people like you say incredibly offensive things about the mentally handicapped. Don't make a personal attack on me just because you're embarrassed about being caught in an act of bigotry.

Grow up.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:18 pm
by vinylrake
There was no attack at you in there Zak, stop trying to stir up drama and stop trying to put offensive words into my mouth.

I didn't repeat any insinuation against you, all I said was that I should have known how that comment might resonate with you before I made it.

Now why would I think the comment might resonate with you? Not because I think (as you so erroneously and spuriously allege) that I think you are in some way mentally disabled - obviously that's not the case, so no - not because you are mentally disabled or handicapped, but because your reputation for sensitivity and empathy and your efforts to defend those who are unable to defend themselves is so widespread and well known in the myth community that if I had just stopped to think before I made the comment of course I would have realized that a casual comment meant in good natured jest would resonate with you and you would feel offended on other people's behalf.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:58 pm
by Zaknafein
vinylrake wrote:
'If I had just stopped to think before I made the comment of course I would have realized that a casual comment meant in good natured jest...'

Stop trying to put offensive words into my mouth.
I find it disgusting that you think making fun of the mentally handicapped is a good natured jest. You reveal your appalling prejudice and ignorance by saying that it was a "casual comment". Next you'll be telling us that "some of your best friends are retarded". Nobody here is buying your baloney.

I didn't put any words in your mouth, you're the one making offensive jokes at the expense of the mentally handicapped.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2012 11:54 pm
by vinylrake
you keep using a word I have never used (it's clear from the record I never did) and say it is what I meant. this is the best you can do?

you have so much to learn young padawan, you want to play with the big fishes but you are still barely a minnow. all those years of trolling the mwc forums must have dulled your brain.

seriously zach, you trying to best me in wit or wordplay or logic is like charlie sheen trying to outdo hunter s. thompson. i am no where near his level of course, but i use it just to show how large the gap is between us.

someday my boy, someday - maybe if you lay off the pot you might develop your mind to a level where we can converse equally and you'll be a challenge for me- but you aren't even in the bush leagues yet.

ps. Your interpretation of my comment as an 'offensive joke' is based on your stereotype that all shorter than regular sized buses are only used to transport developmentally challenged individuals and that there is something inherently bad about being developmentally challenged - that saying someone is developmentally challenged is in and of itself some kind of insult. Short buses are used for myriad purposes and are used by people from all walks of life and different developmental capabilities - your assumption that people in short buses must be developmentally challenged and that fact alone is an insult says a lot about the way you think.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:21 am
by Zaknafein
So basically you're trying to weasel out of being a total douchebag who makes fun of retards by bragging about your wordplay skill and then claiming that your "wheels on the short bus" joke wasn't actually an insult towards handicapped people? You're not fooling anyone. Everybody can see right through your pathetic attempt to divert the accusation towards me.

This is about your original statement. It was the equivalent of making a "nappy headed hoes" remark, except Don Imus had the balls to apologize for his mistake. You however aren't capable of admitting you were wrong because you don't think there is anything wrong with making fun of people born with Down Syndrome, Autism, Asperger's, etc.

Perhaps if you spent less time acting better than everyone you interact with, you might make less verbal gaffes like this.

You could learn a thing or two from this guy:

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 12:52 am
by vinylrake
No Zak, I am just showing you that your word and logic skills and ability to make a coherent argument are so far below what you think they are that within a couple of posts you run out of the ability to even pretend you aren't just trolling for drama so you give up and fall back to calling people names. If it isn't me you are calling names, it's people who are developmentally challenged, or african americans - I am sure you'll find more groups of people to insult all while pretending you are 'outraged'.

Nice irony though pretending to be outraged at my indirect comment all while repeatedly using language to describe a group of people that is 1000x more offensive than anything I said. Almost clever if it weren't so painfully obvious what you were doing. I might have to downgrade your rating to Emilio Estevez if that's your best.

So, nice try, you were trolling and you got called out on it - boo hoo. Poor zak.

ps. No, this isn't about my original statement at all, it's all about you being a bored drama queen trying to generate some entertainment for your 'pals'.

pps. With some people I don't have to act.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 5:36 am
by Zaknafein
This is how I got banned last time. I was pointing out something obvious, then got lured into a debate by people like you, resulting in a flame war (what this is turning into), and I get accused of trolling which gets me banned. Here you are yet again trying to start a flame war, insulting me more with each post, each post longer to the last, attempting to wear me down in a battle of attrition (lets face it nobody can beat you there, these kind of conversations obviously get you hard). Even if I "win" said argument, the end result is still a ban. I'm not going to play into your games anymore, magma posters. The fact of the matter is, VR made an offensive comment in regards to the mentally handicapped, I'm not the only one to think so or I wouldn't have said that to begin with. I pointed it out. Now he wants to debate with me, in hopes that it will undo the damage he did to his reputation with that previous post. Baiting me with insults, calling me a pothead (I don't use drugs), and telling me that I ride the "short bus".

His posting is about on the same quality level as brandon hex, toecutter, or godzfire.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:29 pm
by vinylrake
Zak I appreciate the compliment - I am flattered that you think I have the power to lure you into a conversation you didn't intentionally start and that even your knowing that isn't enough to counter my powers - that you think I can still lead you down the path to ban-dom, but I think you seriously understimate your own talents - I am confident you don't need my help to get banned.

If you look back at my original comment that you allege to find so 'offensive', you would notice that I said nothing one way or the other about people who are (as you call them) "mentally handicapped". Not one thing, positive OR negative. If you don't believe me, quote me where I said anything negative about this group of people. (then just for chuckles, count up how many times you've used offensive terms to describe that same group of people as you express your transparently faux outrage))

as for the pot reference if you aren't just lying through your teeth like you often do, then sorry for the 'outdated' reference - and let me say "congratulations!" - last I heard from all accounts you were living the life of a stoner college student. Heck though, that was a few years ago, so I guess by now you've probably graduated and are a productive member of society with a job and a stable life. Time sometimes really does fly.

Re: Dubious Ratings

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2012 1:38 pm
by punkUser
Alright, quite enough of this thread too I think. Let's simmer down people.