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Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:16 pm
by skrew
does anyone know how would i go about emulating the movement of a hockey puck in fear? (I already have the collection) and if its rather complicated then could someone point me to a tutorial on fearing or whatever the relevant topic is, thank you.


Posted: Wed Apr 14, 2004 3:59 pm
by Graydon
....need more info on the puck a projectile that sits like a ball? or is it 'shot' from the player's stick like a ww2 bullet? You'll have to look at some other examples...Likely you want to make it similar to balls in myth, only make it really heavy so the majority of the time it stays on the ice. GL! (PS...I know jackshit about physics in Phere....heck I know jackshit about Phere! :P)

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 9:38 am
by skrew
yeah like a ball... but it will need like a slapshot special kinda thing, and its rather large and you shoot it along the ground... i think. hehehe, where is the "make it really heavy button" i cant find it. :;):

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 10:28 am
[color=DFC99B]In the Object Tag (OBJE).

While youre in the OBJE Tag for your puck you might want to lower the 'Elastic Coefficient' if you find your 'puck' bouncing too much, lastly to control how easily it is to move the puck about you also may want to mess with the 'Inertia' settings in the Projectile Tag (PROJ).

Some trial and error and should be able to get it behaving like a real puck mb ;o)[/color]

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2004 1:04 pm
by Graydon
Cant wait to see this map skrew! About time a hockey map was made!!! It would be HELLA sweet if you could choose your team.....mb release it before the end of the Stanley Cup...have the 2 teams in the finals be the team jerseys mb mb? I hope it has new units :P

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 7:16 am
by skrew
lol dont know about the new units, im modelling the goals though, and they are looking pretty sweet, the cmap is done aswell and well the puck is done i guess its model is anyway. havent really been paying much attention to it though... if you want you could make me a nice hockey player... im sure you could extract one from one of the many 3d hockey games.. but for now its gonna be jmen or herons check

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2004 1:47 pm
by Graydon
Skrew.....I dont like your comment about pink ice....I'm taking the inniciative here....if the Cmap is dull....I volunteer to whip a new one up. I promise it will pwn if I make it :;):

Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 3:02 pm
by skrew
pink ice? my cmap pwns... im just shit with disp maps... so the stand looks like shit.. havent really touched it... be playing round with the goals. your welcome to try though... but what would be even more helpful would be to make me a map useful for bomberman either inside a pyramid style or metallic... i preffer metalic, as i have alot of metalic textures to texturize the boxes

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:12 pm
by Dio
Did ya ever get it done?