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Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 2:57 pm
by Phex
I have made a unit with a long-range and a short-range attack (like the myth archer with his knife).
But when I double click on a near target and let the unit use its short-range attack, it always turns arround 180° and back before it attacks. The attack itself works fine.

I would be glad about a helping hint.

- Phex.

Edit: I also have another question: whats the trigger for a unit to switch to its running sequence?
thank you for your help.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:46 pm
by ChrisP
Off the top of my head, here are some things to try. Dunno if any will work.

1. Reduce or increase the minimum range of the long range attack.

2. Change the order of attacks in the attack dialog box, i.e. if the short range attack is first on the list, make it second.

3. Duplicate the short range attack. Check the "Is Primary Attack" box. Use this attack in conjunction with your original short range attack while you repeat experiments with combos of #1 and # 2 above.

As for causing a unit to charge, I think you have to select the unit you want to make charge and click on an enemy unit that is within a set range.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:17 am
by haravikk
Run sequences can be used in two different ways:

First is ambient life, units with the 'Deer' script chosen in their tag will run away when units come near.

The 'Charge' ability. If you are using Fear 1.5 for Windows then you should have a new set of options which allow you to specify the unit as having the charge ability, this will require you to set a percentage by which the unit's speed increases, and also a range within which the unit will charge an enemy. All the info is in the docs.

When the unit is in charge range of the enemy and told to attack, or told to attack and makes it within charge range of the enemy, they will run at the speed determined by the settings and use their running sequence.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 6:02 pm
by carlinho
you can also check in page 2 of this mapmaking forums a topic by the name:

couple of fear questions

where I asked same thing and the guys at magma gave some really good answers too.