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Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 9:26 am
by ozone
In the fear read me it really doesnt say much about these settings. Just that it really doesnt do much but upon further review..I think it does.

Ive made a few different projectiles for SF2 but Ill use my nade launchers as an example.

The original projectile is NAde Launcher (init)
it promotes into the actual nade launcher (round).
Now...the actual nade launcher round only does explosive damage on direct hits but within its detonation group there is another projectile that has "AoE" explosive damage. The reason I did it this way is because by just setting the "nade launcher(round) to do "AoE" explosive damage head shots wouldnt always kill and to me a nade launcher to the head should kill you. So after talkign with jagman he advised me on this new way of doing it...


After toying around with the nade launcher and stuff...I started noticing that if the enemy I was atacking had 1/4 health and I shot a nade launcher "near" him the nade launcher would explode but then the strangest thing would happen...the enemies body would blow up using the nade launchers detonation group as if the body was an explosive item. Well I started scratching my head as to why this was happening. I tried different units that use the same dbl damage technique and I noticed that the tank shell wasnt makign the bodies explode like the nade launcher. For a few hours I tweaked and tweaked but couldnt figure it out. Then I realized that the nade launchers projectile class was set to "Explosive" were as the tank shell was set to lethal.
So I changed the nade launchers class to "lethal" and my problem is solved...

so what Im asking is what do those class settings actually do?


Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 12:40 pm
by carlinho
forgive my ignorance, because I don't know the answer...
I tried several times to assign the most sgnificant name here : spear on ground(item), cannonball (lethal object)
but I noticed that for example a sword thrust in myth is designated class unknown, and shiver's magic ring : explosive

I guess it's the way the projectlie behaves and somehow it has a full effect on how the projectile lands on a surface...
dunno how...but yes, it has some effect for sure.

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 11:05 am
by Zeph
im thinking it could also affect who gets the dmg?

Potentially explosive objects tend not to give dmg to their user it seems

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2006 1:37 pm
by haravikk
Projectile classes are mostly unused, just set something sensible or "unknown" if you really don't know.

It's the damage type and hard-death settings of the unit which determine how it dies. I'm gonna real them off the top of my head so I'll probably miss some:

Slashing Metal - typical impact, falls to pieces if damage exceeds hard-death
Kinetic - something that isn't pointy, same as slashing metal
Slashing Claws - same as slashing metal
Fire - leaves a charred body, iirc it can blow you to bits if damage exceeds hard-death, and the pieces will be blackened
Explosive Electricity - always falls to pieces (regardless of damage) which are charred and smoking
Charm - converts an enemy unit to your side (provided there is a monster of that type for your team in the Loathing monsters window, you don't have to place one though)
Gas - doesn't leave chunks, note that few units are hurt by this (see note on object tags).

I'm certain I've missed one or two, there was definitely one added in 1.5 which is Explosive Gas or something like that.

Anyway, I've mentioned unit hard-deaths as being units falling to bits. Well, in a monster tag you'll notice a "Hard death system shock" box which is usually around 0.4 for most units. This value is how much damage the unit must suffer in order for them to fall apart when killed by damages which use hard-death.
Soft-death is where they just fall down as a body.

Now, it's important to note that the damage of an attack is affected by a unit's object tag, so it's the FINAL damage that determines if the unit falls to bits, not the raw damage of the projectile.
Object tags have a damage modifier button, which allows you to set what percentage of each damage type the unit suffers. So if they have 0.5 for slashing then a slashing damage of 2.0 will only take off 1.0 health. Paralysis determines how long they are paralysed for and stoning determines if they can get stoned =)
One curious note is that only Soulblighter, and a few which were probably left by accident, can be hurt by gas damage. And it's this damage type that is used in the Deceiver's lightning spell on level 20: A Murder of Crows. This is why it tears Soulblighter to shreds so quickly, but if you've ever seen him hit another enemy, it does no damage.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:39 am
by ShadeOfWar
Yes, Hara, but in this case it hardly makes sense. The unit could not have had two hard death sequences, and the only thing I can imagine is the burned sequence being triggered, but that is rather obscene, and I take it Ozone didn't give the unit any sequence, hard death or otherwise, that resembled his grenade explosion...


It WOULD be interesting if these classes actually affected something. But has something of the sort ever happened before?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 12:41 pm
by haravikk
Hrm, it could be a bug in 1.5 that is causing the burned sequence to be triggered when it isn't there. What is the damage type?

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:30 pm
by Myrd
They affect several things, but not particularly significant things.

For harass_action_proc, it affects what the ghols will choose to pick up, when given a choice between two projectiles. They like explosive objects and lethal objects first and foremost.

Then, the rest is just for explosive projectiles to behave like explosives (ie, detonate when a unit dies a hard death, not be rendered under water, be included in explosions, etc). All the other classes are currently really unused.