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Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 6:37 am
Actually I have a couple questions:
The first two relate to Loathing. I'd go read the manual but the links aren't working anymore...the Bungie site no longer has the manuals for Fear and Loathing online anymore.
1. How do I edit the mesh? I'm trying to make cliffs, not hills...or dents...and its confusing me!!! :0
2. Is there a way to pile up objects (say boulders...) and get them to stay on eachother? To make say...a wall kinda thing...

The next questions relate to Fear:
1. Since I'm on a mac I can't use the item list features in 1.5 can I? I'm thinking of refurbishing (finishing up, combining...whatever...) MaraMyth/SiTH...once I get permission of course. But they'd be so cool with the item features.
2. Is there a way to create limited invulnerability or invisiblity as an item using the mac version of Fear?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:45 am
by Industry
Answer to Loathing question 2:
Put object on map.
Select object.
Edit Properties.
Tweak Z value so it is higher (object will appear to float in midair if you make it high enough.)
Place more objects at same x,y location.

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2006 9:35 am
by haravikk
Cliffs require finer tweaking of the mesh, if you choose the tool that looks like a cursor with a little square dot at the tip, you get a view which shows the mesh cells highlighted in red lines. Using this tool you can click on any vertex (where the red lines crossover each other) and raise it up and down. This creates a cliff effect, it isn't a perfect vertical cliff but unless you want to use models (which 9 times out of 10 you don't) then it should do just fine. Just remember to make the steep side impassable to foot units =)

The question on 1.5 features is already answered in your other thread on the issue, either check the link I gave or, the link Tarous Zars gives, depending what specific features you need. Otherwise you need to ask a PC user to make the changes for you (I'm sure there are plenty who'd be willing).

As for the final question. You can easily create limited invulnerability using artifacts. An artifact can override a monster's effect modifiers, these determine what percentage of damage the unit suffers from each damage type (so a value of 1.0 for slashing means they suffer full damage, 0.5 is 50%, 1.5 is 150% and 0.0 is invulnerable), set them all to 0.0. Artifacts can then be made to only last for so long I believe, thus making them temporary.

Invisibility requires scripting on a Loathing map, there are ways to do it by changing a unit's collection, but these aren't very good.
The map action you're looking for is the Unit Control, give it a subject parameter (to choose the monster(s)) and then the majk flag (Magic Invisibility) and set it to true or false as appropriate.