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Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 7:19 am
by CIK
Ok I have a deal for you Mac map makers. If you download and test out the latest test build of Myth II 1.5.2 for me you will find in it a fresh OS X build of Fear. 1.5.2 can be used to play online with your 1.5.1 pals so don't be afraid to try it out. Please post your bug reports back to this thread.

This first version of Fear for OS X was meant to be a strict port of Bungie's 1.2 to OS X. It will also run under OS 9 for you hold outs. We will be adding the 1.5 fields & flags to Fear in the very near future once we are sure we got this version right.

For you windows folks we have fresh builds of all the map making tools for Windows. They need some good testing while the windows tools have really changed the source code for them was merged into our central repository that we have built the mac tools from. While it was just a house keeping issue the room for error was large. It's not easy merging well over 1000 files.

You can get this good stuff at under the Myth II 1.5.2 RC3 heading.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:00 pm
Ultimate cosmic power!!
*laughs psychotically*
*goes to download 1.5.2 and try it out*
I'll post my thoughts in a while.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 9:21 pm
by Death's Avatar
Oh Lord CIK. If I had money I would buy you a car. Or a house.


Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:42 am
by William Wallet
Dude I'd buy him both.
CIK you are a hero!

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 8:23 am
by Phex
Time for a cookie:


Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:56 pm
by GodzFire
My god, the speed....the SPEED of Fear!!! Finally, OSX gets the tools it deserves!!!


*humps CIK*

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:42 am
by Myrd
Wow, what rock did this crawl out of? Truly a great job, CIK!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 12:12 pm
by William Wallet
Testing 1.5.2, I'm a shitty tester I must warn you so I don't know exactly what it is I'm looking for to be broken, but so far things look good.

Can't thank you enough for porting Fear; even without the 1.5 features in it it's infinitely worth more like this. I... don't actually make plugins these days but my 10 year old nephew does so I won't have to put up with him putting us into OS9 whenever he wants to use Fear now. Thanks!

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 4:39 pm
by Death's Avatar
No freedom 3: The Far east?

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:54 pm
by try it out with new maps
I can try to test the new stuff im working on late next week so let me know where the beta is to dl...

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:21 pm
by cuzog
Awesome!!! :cool:

Now we just need Amber to be ported and we'll be all set. :lol: Intel Macs aren't gonna run classic. :( ... For PPC OSX apps we have Rosetta for now, maybe universal binary later? Probably more important to get that for Myth and Loathing first anyway. Is Myth's code base is already migrated to Xcode?

Anyway, I opened it up and so far it works very well. Only one suggestion I could think of is to make the program aware of the dock height. I always have my dock up and it is a bit annoying to have to expand the window to full width or hide the dock to resize the window.

Oh yea, and new OSX icons for Fear and Loathing would be cool. :D

Thank you for the excellent hard work!

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:15 pm
by Myrd
We're not planning to make Myth II a Universal Binary for the 1.5.2 release for several reasons.

First off, while we do have a version of it building in Xcode, it hasn't been tested much yet, and the x86 build is also not complete. Also, it seems there's a small performance penalty with the Xcode build, and the file size is larger.

Finally, I got two reports from two different Apple employees (!), who tried Myth II (demo) on the new systems and say it works perfectly fine under Rosetta without any noticeable performance penalty.

Edited By Myrd on 1137438966

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 3:03 pm
by cuzog
Myrd wrote:We're not planning to make Myth II a Universal Binary for the 1.5.2 release for several reasons.

First off, while we do have a version of it building in Xcode, it hasn't been tested much yet, and the x86 build is also not complete. Also, it seems there's a small performance penalty with the Xcode build, and the file size is larger.

Finally, I got two reports from two different Apple employees (!), who tried Myth II (demo) on the new systems and say it works perfectly fine under Rosetta without any noticeable performance penalty.

Cool, that works for me in the near term. I've tried Intel Macs in person and I'd be willing to bet Rosetta could emulate Myth II on Intel faster than most PPC Macs could natively. Hopefully some later release can be universal because running natively would be more efficient and wouldn't occupy as much cpu time.

Thanks for the info!

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:43 am
by CIK
I've seen Myth II running with more then acceptable frame rates on a DTK Intel Mac which are much less powerful then the shipping systems. We will be testing on a shipping intel iMac within the next couple of weeks. Since Apple is sending me a free one :)

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:51 am
by William Wallet

"No freedom 3: The Far east?"

Hmmm... officially, no. It's in the lap of the gods, as they say - I'm boned for spare time now.
Right now, I've no plans. But, I wouldn't say no to the odd solo stage here and there.

Besides, if it were anything it'd be the west. I've already been east. :D