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Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 3:02 am
by Welly
I have lost my knack for Fear. I'm trying to get my unit (the avatar over there) to spew out a ball of gas that pusses any unit it touches. But the movement of the gasball never makes sense, and for some reason the pus damage it does takes effect long after the ball has rolled over the units.

Just imagine a smog that casually rolls in one direction (maintaining a constant height, preferably), doing constant gas damage to any unit in its path while pussing them. How can I do this?

The damage I envision being done is exactly that like the Defense magic of the Disciples in TSG. Yes, I tried making that magic "mobile" but nothing (and I mean nothing) that I did to it made it capable of being moved or spewed from my dirigible unit.

I think I need real specific help, since I've tampered with this for a few hours with no result. Tell me about the object tag I'll need and the velocity stuff that would work.

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 4:17 am
by lank
... for some reason the pus damage it does takes effect long after the ball has rolled over the units.

what's the expansion rate in the damage paramaters of the projectile tag?

one interesting thing i've found in myth is that when a projectile detonates to do damage, it marks all the units in its damage radius at the time it detonates and their distance from its centre. then it calculates the time it would take for the damage wavefront to reach the unit and after that much time elapses the unit takes the damage, even if it's moved well beyond where the wavefront actually reaches.

i suspect that's why your pus damage takes a long time to affect the units it touches.

weirdobodomons taught me more than a few nice things about myth's engine. :)

The damage I envision being done is exactly that like the Defense magic of the Disciples in TSG. Yes, I tried making that magic "mobile" but nothing (and I mean nothing) that I did to it made it capable of being moved or spewed from my dirigible unit.

copying that style, make sure that "cannot be accelerated" is unchecked and see what happens (also making sure that the inertia is more than zero).

the object tag should probably have normal gravity (-0.004 or so?) and have the obvious "stays constant height above mesh" flag checked. you might also want it susceptible to some damage to simulate the cloud being dispersed by shockwaves from explosive style attacks. maximum/minimum velocity (whichever it is) should be 0.000

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 6:48 am
by Zeph
if your cloud is huge, i suggest you give it a "dmger contrail" basically, what you do is have a contrail on your gas that drops a "damager" object every 1-2 ticks. This damager is simply an invisible projectile with that deals damage with a radius and that is set to "detonates instantaneous" Make sure that your gas also passes through target and has a detonation fraction of 0.000

When it works, adjust the damage of the dmger proj so it is not crazy :)