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Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:49 am
by LodewijkP

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 9:55 am
by Bou
I hope the creator of B&G will make such a campaign plugin. Would be awesome. The B&G level pack contains enough multiplayer maps but only 1 singleplayer map and that 1 map taste for more.

Civil war Reloaded for 1.6

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:09 am
by Point

CWR and CWE are in testing now... still looking for scripting though there are a great many new maps most based on historic battles that would make great campaign maps..

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 10:15 am
by Death's Avatar
Does this mean you are gonna write us one Lode? :P


Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:17 pm
by LodewijkP
yeah on a piece of paper :wink:

ive seen the screens of cwr and cwe it looks very good, can't wait to play it. 8)

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 3:43 pm
by The Elfoid
Why create a poll here AND on playmyth. And anyone who would do it would be a B&G fan and would do it regardless of this poll's results since we already know a fair few folk like B&G.

Pointless spam - and that's coming from the froid!

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 7:45 pm
by Baron LeDant
He has something useful to post and its not like all the same people read both forums

You just post so you can reply to everything :cry:

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 2:01 am
by The Elfoid
Magma are aware B&G is popular already, and they can check dl counts to prove it. They're not the types to make a plug cuz people ask for it, most Magma things are things Magma liked in the first place AND thought would be popular :\

You just like to reply to anything I say offensively.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 9:32 am
by vinylrake
The Elfoid wrote:Magma are aware B&G is popular already, and they can check dl counts to prove it. They're not the types to make a plug cuz people ask for it, most Magma things are things Magma liked in the first place AND thought would be popular :\

You just like to reply to anything I say offensively.
No offense intended, but how on earth can _you_ question the value of _anyone_ else's posts? Isn't that the kind of thing you used to get thrown at you all the time - people questioning your right to post in a public forum?

A couple of quick points:

1) As noted, not everyone who reads magma or playmyth forums is completely bi - some people read one or the other - it's entirely reasonable to cross-post if one is looking for information/feedback.

2) Unless someone is being a total ahole or breaking forum rules try to resist the urge to ask people why they are posting. People post things for a variety of reasons, just because you don't understand another person's motivation doesn't make that person's post stupid, pointless, etc.

3. Try to resist the urge to speak authoritatively about OTHER people's or group's motivations and thinking. While you might THINK you understand Magma well and what makes them tick, unless someone died and left you official spokesperson for Magma let Magma speak for Magmaself. Same for questions or comments directed at other people who are not you. Most people don't even know what's really going on in their own heads to say nothing of what's going on in someone else's so it's annoying as heck to read someone speaking FOR someone else unless it's clearly labelled as a 'guess' or a 'conjecture'.

ex. of annoying "I am an authority and know what this other person thinks" kind of comment :
Magma are aware B&G is popular already...They're not the types to make a plug cuz people ask for it, most Magma things are things Magma liked in the first place AND thought would be popular
ex. of conveying the same information without sounding like I am speaking FOR magma or reading their minds:
I am not in Magma, but my impression of how they pick projects is that they pick things because they like them, so the results of an online poll aren't going to be enough motivation for anyone in Magma to make a solo B&G campaign

ps. On the positive side, I appreciated that you avoided global thinking when you said "MOST Magma things are things Magma liked in the first place..." not "ALL Magma things are things Magma liked in the first place" or the assumed 'all' of "Magma things are things Magma liked in the first place".

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:22 am
by Baron LeDant
I think you should really take note of what Vin has said. I have run out of patience with you to wrap things up diplomatically anymore.


Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:40 am
by TheHelmet
Dum dum dum. :shock:

Anyway, it would be cool with a campaign if it happened, I've never tried B&G though. I'm sure if you wanna help Point out with some scripting, or better yet, further expand on the whole B&G idea, create your very own campaign with Point's ok on using his units no one would tell you you couldn't, Lode.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 12:16 pm
by The Elfoid
VR, I take note of your opinion. I don't agree with it totally, but I know I'm a social mess since real life experience has proved this so I'll follow your teachings more than I feel I should.

Dante you should have noticed no method from those I don't respect works.

A B&G campaign would rule on a more positive note. I think a set of battles rather than a continuous stories would be better tho personally.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:49 pm
by vinylrake
The Elfoid wrote:VR, I take note of your opinion. I don't agree with it totally, but I know I'm a social mess since real life experience has proved this so I'll follow your teachings more than I feel I should.
If you condense what I said all I really said was "Don't question other people's right to post to public forums" and "Let people speak for themselves". I am sure you agree those are good principles that fall into the "do unto others..." philosophy.
The Elfoid wrote:A B&G campaign would rule on a more positive note. I think a set of battles rather than a continuous stories would be better tho personally.
I think if one were to create a Civil War B&G campaign the continuous story - the Civil War - could easily be a series of large battles that you would like. It's really just a question of what kind of levels one prefers - I could see civil war levels based on recon or destroying ammo dumps or assassination of an enemy leader, and I think some of those type of smaller unit set/non-battle-goal levels would be a nice balance to a large campaign of mostly large scale battles but it's just a matter of personal preference and your opinion is at least as valuable as mine, and I have to admit that those mini units definitely lend themselves towards the large epic (no pun intended) scale battles you would prefer.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:48 pm
by Cobalt 7
Whenever I think of the Civil War, I think of fairly large scale stuff. I think the 1 Level that came with the B&G Level pack really manages to strike a near perfect balance on Army Size, and how you utilize the units.

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:07 am
by The Elfoid
Phex's Civil Wars plug is my fave CW plugin,