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Unit portraits ?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 3:13 pm
by Tireces
I would like to retrive some units portraits in such form

But all I can get with fear is this:

or this ( by simple cutting from screenshot )

Any ideas ?

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 8:24 pm
by Industry
Pretty sure if you are looking for the nice rugged frame you can find that in one of the interface collections.

Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:31 pm
by Eddaweaver
The frame is from the menu bar's graphics; all units' portraits appear under and therefore within the frame.


Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:53 am
by TheHelmet
I believe the top graphic is from the manual or some such thing, which is why the detail is a bit better in it. I don't believe all units had those portraits in the manual though, but the portraits that were should be available somewhere on uDogs hotline, at least I think I've seen them there.. :oops:

unit mug shots...

Posted: Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:37 am
by Point
the interface icon has an alpha map that makes it transparent and load over the units mugshot image... its in the myth install tag...
not in the units tags..

Re: ...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 9:38 am
by Tireces
TheHelmet wrote:I believe the top graphic is from the manual or some such thing, which is why the detail is a bit better in it. I don't believe all units had those portraits in the manual though, but the portraits that were should be available somewhere on uDogs hotline, at least I think I've seen them there.. :oops:
Nah, first I tought the same but now i rememeber that i dled first warrior in frame on black backgroud from old polish myth site. I also remeber that site had all units portraits - all high-res in frames and on black backgroud - from both TFL and M2 (in 2 frames types ). Ufortunatly site is down since january and I am left with M2 warr and brigad and TFL Trow only :(
Didnt find anything on hl. Linky link would be sweet :D
Point wrote:the interface icon has an alpha map that makes it transparent and load over the units mugshot image... its in the myth install tag...
not in the units tags..

Is there any way to rip em out ?

Re: ...

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:09 am
by Death's Avatar
Tireces wrote:Is there any way to rip em out ?
You mean the frame? Yes. But its just a bit of the background, and then the ring with black or blue in the middle (depending on which interface it is). Just pop open amber (or whatever you use to extract stuff), look in international small install, and nab the last item in "internal status bar XXXxXXX" (where the Xs are some resolution, the frame is the same in all of them).


Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:11 pm
by Tireces
thx. ok lets say that I have a frame already. Now I want to put a frame on non-frame potrait extracted with fear (vide warr pic #2 ) without hiding unit itselft and get portrait in fream (vide warr #2) . Any idaes what graph app and option should I use ?

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:52 pm
by Death's Avatar
Tireces wrote:thx. ok lets say that I have a frame already. Now I want to put a frame on non-frame potrait extracted with fear (vide warr pic #2 ) without hiding unit itselft and get portrait in fream (vide warr #2) . Any idaes what graph app and option should I use ?
So you want to manually put the image of each unit into the frame?

Well to be honest, I would suggest going in game, selecting the unit, taking a screen shot, etc. It is gonna be the same resolution in the end...

If you still want to do it manually, just take the frame, make the inside part transparent, and paste it on top of the unit portrait in photoshop.

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 11:37 pm
by Graydon
What DA just said. Go into Amber and open up the internal status bar collection and export that bitmap that has the frame in it, and then open up in photoshop. Copy the indexed image into a new document, or change the image mode to RGB. Save it in RGB as something like 'M2 Status Bar Circle-Frame', then with Amber open up any unit you want to have the headshot from, and find the 'headshot frame' (easiest to do by going into the unit's sequences palette then finding the 'headshot' sequence, and exporting the bitmap in there.

Once you've got all the headshot bitmaps, you go into photoshop and open those headshots, then open your M2 Circle Frame image, copy it, and paste it into a new layer on top of your unit's headshot. Effectively create the high-res headshot in photoshop.

If you have detailed questions PM me on udogs or here and I can give you details.

Re: Unit portraits ?

Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 5:02 pm
by vinylrake
Tireces wrote:I would like to retrive some units portraits in such form
If you are looking for those _exact_ images I have a set from (I presume) the now-defunct Myth site.

Let me know if you want them.

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 11:33 am
by Tireces
Dunno why but after resizing ( lets say making smaller 30x30 pix ) portraits on black backgroud look very bad tho potraits I captured from the game look way better so Ill use screenshots pic after all...
Just compare guys..
and screenie one

Vinyl, have you got full set of poirtraits or only some of em. It would be great if you could post full list of pic when u have some time : ) I would love to use em on site.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 9:05 am
by vinylrake
Tireces wrote:Vinyl, have you got full set of poirtraits or only some of em. It would be great if you could post full list of pic when u have some time : ) I would love to use em on site.
It's hard to say since I don't know what you mean by "full set of portraits". I have (I believe) all the portrait icons that were on the old myth site I found them on, but I doubt that I have a portrait for _every single_ unit in Myth II.

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:35 am
by Tireces
I have just found some TFL style portraits on old cd. Gonna zip/rar em all together and upload on hl. Not 100% sure but TFL portraits pack seems to be complete (or almost complete) - ill post what pics Im missing soon.