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Mazz 6 tips please

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:29 pm
by Racnous
Hello first time poster and relatively new Myth player here. I've been playing Mazz 6 with some friends and we're getting our butts handed to us (and enjoying it). :) So, I'm looking for some tips. We're a small group so we usually play on Timid or Simple if that makes a difference.

First, can anyone tell me about how many kills the troops need to Vet up? Does any sort of symbol appear to let you know they've Vetted up? The Fluer-De-Lys or a skull maybe?

Second this Shadowy figure (the demon lord?) shows up and starts casting down red lightning down on us. It seems immune to most of our attacks don't seem to have much or any effect, any tips on what does or doesn't work against it?

Thanks in advance, I'll be popping back everyonce and a while looking for more advice as I hopefully push further and further into the game.

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 8:39 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
Most units (Forest Giant, Pathfinder, Striders, Demos, Electro and Pyro) level up at around 140 kills (around about). Heron Guards and Berserks level up at about 30 or 40 kills (although it doesn't always work). And the mort levels up at about 210. The rest don't vet.

The best strategy against the DL is to run away. Don't bother trying to kill it (I mean, you might be able to, but it's a waste of time and specials). It's only on the map to make you move around and stay active.


Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 11:56 pm
by AblitERateOR
yea as cid said the demon lord is just there to make sure you keep moving the map.. so run away from him.. he respawns in a knew position every 30 or 40 mins, starting in a random corner of the map.

The mort levels up at 250 kills.. on a lower difficulty some of the units need more kills to level up, like the forest giant is about 220 on timid

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 3:30 am
by Cobalt 7
These are just personal opinions but...

I've always felt that Managing your position was essential.
In essence, most games a team splits into 2 "sides" so as to best defend the "hill" they are on. Such as the NE Hill most head towards at the start of the game. One group defends the East Side of it, the other group defends the west.

Usually the archers take place on the hill, and if they're in 2 groups, they split so as to each cover an approach. The dwarves disperse evenly per side. Most times each Mage takes a side, one elec, the other pyro. In Mazz 5 that was often very effective, as it allowed for a concrete defense to develope.

The Pyro is much more destructive in the beggining of the game. So he doesn't need as much help. That allows the roaming units (Mazzarin, Forest Giant, Mortar, Paly) to assist where they are needed. Usually supporting the side the elec is on, otherwise she is worn out and over runn before she can develope a good stack of kills and mana.

However once the demon lord shows up, you must coordinate a move. Usually drawing a line and running the opposite direction is effective. Remember to travel the path that will slow the DL down the most, while being relatively easy for you.

watch your units, and be on the look out for wraiths. Incase a wave hits just as your relocating, you very well could have a spill over that annihilates your archers. Police your normal units with the Heros. Remeber not to travel towards the center, or over it, as you could end up surrounded , and taking on multiple waves at once.

A key of postion is managing your roots. In Mazz 5 root control was a large problem, as most times players went to the NE hill, blew up as many bushes as they could in the opening minutes, and then hunkered down and relied on mana heals and FG. But in Mazz 6 your constantly moving, so roots should never be a problem. Ever.

Units: Be aggressive with the pathfinder, and your other dwarves. Their specials are meant to be used. Especially the pathfinder. Use a couple of flares each time he levels, but once his attack rate rises, back off and save a few for the next level where your attack rate drops.

Mazzarin, the FG, Ranger, and Paly all have a responsibility to police the lines, and go where they're needed. Don't waste time on insignificant threats, when a wave of myrmidons is rushing a relatively undefended area. Be Aggressive. Don't hoard spells or HBs.

Items: Mazzarin spells, and Paly artifacts are the most important th ings to grab. Unit level up crystals are next. Considering the rarity however, you probably won't have to deal with them. Mortar Splash shells/ Strider timebombs are crucial. While not grabbing them isn't as bad as missing a dispersal dream, they can often make all the difference in a critical moment. Beware explosions and other highly destructive attacks/ items/ spells when you see a dispersal/ Strider/Mort ammunition. A common mistake is to destroy them while combating a wave. Try to attack arround them so as to recover them later.

Don't let your untis get seperated, keep an eye on them when fetching items, and moving.

Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:22 am
by Death's Avatar
Cobalt 7 wrote:Don't hoard spells or HBs.
While this is generally true. a well placed heal burst will pretty much dominate any assaulting undead. Myrms mugging your already injured archers? Healburst em. 2 for 1: heal and dead enemies, plus its great for leveling up paladin.


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 10:45 am
by Baron LeDant
Ok the first number if accompanied with (x levels) means the unit levels up at that mark, note when i say vets, I mean, gets as fast as possible on that level. Units seem to vet with fewer kills on higher levels (not difficulty levels).

Mancers - 150-180 kills or so (3 levels) - vets around 90-110
Pathfinder - 150 ish kills (4 levels) - vets around 110
Mortar - 220 ish kills (4 levels) - vets around 140
Strider/Demo - 130-150 kills (2 levels) - vets around 100-110 (demo bugged)
Archers - vet around 90-110 kills (they are not to be mocked)
Ranger - not too sure, think it vets a bit quicker than archers. (grab roots so you can heal pally if he gets stoned)
Mazzarin - without either aura, he vets at 30 or so kills. he needs far more kills to melee fast with defense on and less with haste
Paladin - vet around 40-60 kills (THIS IS YOUR MOST IMPORTANT UNIT!)
Forest Giant - 180-200(?) kills (4 levels) - vets around 110
Berserk - uhh...40-60 kills? (2 levels) - vets at like 20 kills and again at 70 ish
Heron - 30-40 kills (then most of them will become heroes (low mana heals)) - vets around 25
Squires - Yeah right..... well ok - they seems to vet around 30 or so, but they are useless units that should only really be healed with mana or heal bursts

As to the Demon Lord, just run away as soon as you see it. I don't know the exact length of time, but it respawns every 30 mins or so. I have NEVER seen it killed or anyone get close to killing it.

If you really are determined to try and kill it I suggest this...

Multiple Iron Golems + paladin regeneration on DL + holy clouds + lvl 3 electro storms + lots of basic para bows to keep DL paralysed.

Heck, even that might not be enough, it really isn't worth trying. :shock:


Posted: Fri Jan 12, 2007 9:53 pm
by Racnous
Thanks for all the tips! I've been working under the assumption that to win Mazz 6 you had to kill every enemy, but if the Demon Lord is nigh unkillable I guess that isn't the case. That will save us some frustration.

The leveling up info is great too, that will give us a better idea of how to distribute the easy kills amongst the team.

And trees do provide roots?! We thought they might but usually got too caught up in battle to try to harvest them.

Thanks again for the advice. I'm sure I'll be back for more.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 9:11 am
by rabican
[quote="Baron LeDant"]
Mancers - 150-180 kills or so (3 levels) - vets around 90-110


noooot truuu, "vetting" part that is, mana replenishs vets all the way to 250 ! and muh. this is insanely hard to determine anyway and i dont think anyone knows exact numbers for this. unless uh huh huu peekapoo

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 11:02 am
by gugusm
Here are some Mazz6 films with Rabican's wins: ... 20Uploads/

I think everyone can learn something from this.

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:54 pm
by Baron LeDant
gugusm wrote:Here are some Mazz6 films with Rabican's wins: ... 20Uploads/

I think everyone can learn something from this.
Yeah rabs a big unit hogger

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 3:44 am
by Gjallarhorn
rabican wrote:
Baron LeDant wrote: Mancers - 150-180 kills or so (3 levels) - vets around 90-110
noooot truuu, "vetting" part that is, mana replenishs vets all the way to 250 ! and muh. this is insanely hard to determine anyway and i dont think anyone knows exact numbers for this. unless uh huh huu peekapoo
You shouldn't smoke such huge amounts of crack ;)

What the?!?!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:15 pm
by Racnous
gugusm wrote:Here are some Mazz6 films with Rabican's wins: ... 20Uploads/

I think everyone can learn something from this.
Agreed! I watched one of the Timid games he played (with one player for each charcter) and was stunned by what I saw. In the games of Mazz I've been play at about the 15 min mark Trow and Spider Queens start storming the battlefield from all directions (I used Holy Vision once to see this) which never fails to do me in. So seeing as how that didn't happen to Rabican & co. I'm assuming that's not automatically going to happen. Am I doing something to trigger the Trow swarm? Thanks again.

Re: What the?!?!

Posted: Sun Jan 14, 2007 12:20 pm
by gugusm
Racnous wrote:
gugusm wrote:Here are some Mazz6 films with Rabican's wins: ... 20Uploads/

I think everyone can learn something from this.
Agreed! I watched one of the Timid games he played (with one player for each charcter) and was stunned by what I saw. In the games of Mazz I've been play at about the 15 min mark Trow and Spider Queens start storming the battlefield from all directions (I used Holy Vision once to see this) which never fails to do me in. So seeing as how that didn't happen to Rabican & co. I'm assuming that's not automatically going to happen. Am I doing something to trigger the Trow swarm? Thanks again.
I think ChrisP should know it.

Posted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:28 pm
by ChrisP
The trow + spider queen + urVile onslaught is triggered when all the player artillery units are lost. So on timid, if you're down to just Mazz, the Paladin and/or the Forest Giant, you'll get rushed by that wave.

Posted: Tue Jan 16, 2007 2:57 am
by Industry
At which point you should have Mazz dispersal dream their giant Trow asses. Cause in that threesome--Mazz is artillery. Besides if you keep the pally healing you might actually make it. All three of those guys can take a timid blue burst or two.