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TFL 1.5 strikes back

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 8:25 am
by Tireces
I have written about polish Myth DVD special edition bofore. It had no magma patches but few days ago I have found review of DVD edition.
Screenshots from TFL gameplay look familiar... ... z_gry_myth

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:03 am
by The Elfoid
The guy who got it probably looked up Myth patched and downloaded the update. I can't see him de-patching it for a review. That's my best guess, its not like finding the patches is hard.

I still don't get why you care about this DVD Tir...Myth on a CD or Myth on a DVD is still Myth as far as I'm concerned. I also don't get why it matters so much that you don't get patches because its nothing new not to. Infact, who cares Myth came out on DVD at all?

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 10:51 am
by Tireces
The Elfoid wrote:The guy who got it probably looked up Myth patched and downloaded the update. I can't see him de-patching it for a review. That's my best guess, its not like finding the patches is hard.

I still don't get why you care about this DVD Tir...Myth on a CD or Myth on a DVD is still Myth as far as I'm concerned. I also don't get why it matters so much that you don't get patches because its nothing new not to. Infact, who cares Myth came out on DVD at all?
This isnt about dvd edition. Its about patches. Eflroid plz stop posting shit. Thank you.

I heard that dvd sold quite well. Maybe they made few more copys with latest patches. I doubt it but who knows...
Anyway if Take2 is still trying to get money from Myth maybe Project Magma and Flying Flips could try contact with em. Releasing somethin like Myth Wolrds 2 ( all 3 myth games with latest patches and newest plugins ) would be great. Maybe Magma and Flips could get some money, or at least it would be good advertise for Myth, online myth servers and myth community. Small chances but if Take2 released such crap like 2006 DVD edition on old patches... worth checking, isnt it ?