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Fetch power

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:54 am
by gugusm
I didn't know where to put this topic, but I put it here. This my question:
Wasn't fetch from TFL stronger than this from M2? I am testing my map now and I noticed that fetch has to hit berserk 3 times to kill him, fir'bolg (from Chimera) 2 times. Is it normal? I think when I was playing TFL fir'bolg was dying after first shot and berserk was surviving second shot only in few cases.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 10:19 am
by Baron LeDant
99% sure its stronger, pretty sure theres a smaller delay between telling a fetch to attack and it actualy doing so in TFL as well which makes Fetch more effective

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 11:49 am
by Doobie
fir'bolg aren't nearly as good as m2 bowmen either, just to complicate your comparison a bit.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:17 pm
by Cobalt 7
Hm, more mysteries, wrapped in an enigma, enshrouded in a fog of deceit!

So then, what exactly are all the differences between TFL and M2?

- Can someone fully explain what's the difference between Fetch? I think I get it, but I'd like another run through.

- So physics are different; Dwarf Bottles bouncier, Bacon's bouncier, Wight's more potent?

- fir'Bolg have worse overall accuracy than M2 Bowman.

- It seems that when units vetted in TFL, like fir'Bolg, Zerks, and Warriors, that there was a notable improvement in their accuracy, their damage, their health/ Shield ability.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:09 pm
by The Elfoid
Doobie wrote:fir'bolg aren't nearly as good as m2 bowmen either, just to complicate your comparison a bit.
That stands out a mile off. Its easier to say its so for arty in general though, there's a trend for it.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:11 pm
by gugusm
It seems to me that in M2 (or maybe only Magma patches are causing that? - nothing personal of course :wink: ) every dark units are a bit weaker. I have feelings that my light units are defeating them easier than before :?

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:56 pm
by The Elfoid
gugusm wrote:It seems to me that in M2 (or maybe only Magma patches are causing that? - nothing personal of course :wink: ) every dark units are a bit weaker. I have feelings that my light units are defeating them easier than before :?
I assume light and dark as in good and evil not as in multi map-type.

The game manual even mentions that, or the guide that came in Total Codex.

Warriors > Thrall/Brigands
Archers > Souless/Dark Archers
Berzerks > Myrmidons
Forest Giant > Trow (in a 1v1 that is - practical use wise I would take a Trow anyday)

But compare a Heron Guard or a Journeyman (the remaining Light melee) to the Dark's Maul and Stygs....its another story. And locks/morts both have their own uses.

Myrks are a dark unit added to M2 and really take the place of Myrms in dark armies. They beat a Zerk ANYDAY.

Then there's ghol, Myrk Giants...its impossible to make an overall comparison. In terms of 'base units' though you're right. The whole point of the single player game half the time is strength vs. numeric power.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 4:58 pm
by Pyro
gugusm wrote:It seems to me that in M2 (or maybe only Magma patches are causing that? - nothing personal of course :wink: ) every dark units are a bit weaker. I have feelings that my light units are defeating them easier than before :?
TFL has always been harder than M2. But if you are indeed making a plugin you could simply change that. Alter the tags for the plugin to give you a more TFL feel.

Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 6:29 pm
by Khadrelt
Doobie wrote:fir'bolg aren't nearly as good as m2 bowmen either, just to complicate your comparison a bit.
I find this amusing, considering that the fir'Bolg were supposed to be these master archers who deigned to teach a few humans the noble art...


Posted: Wed Jan 17, 2007 7:46 pm
by TheHelmet
What? You think they'd send their best to save the west?

Other than ki'Angsi I bet all the other were comparable to fir'Bolg heroes skillwise :D

And when the fodder got back, hopefully they'd be a little bit more experienced whereas the Myth II archers seems to not really vet at all :wink:

All put your hands together for this fine myth fluff save. 8)

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 2:28 am
by Tireces
"Fetch power"
sound like a plug about rasist fetch gang ;) ;)

Btw didnt fetch have a bit longer range in TFL ?


Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2007 6:01 am
by TheHelmet
My guess is you just got CL'd. :roll: