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Okay Myrd....

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 8:53 pm
by haravikk
After you pestering me all this time to update my entries so they can be submitted, I go into them and try to edit the pages (because the formatting hasn't come through too well, doesn't look right in preview anyway) and the wonderfully information error message responds with "No".

This is the sample I'm trying to put into the page for Vamance:

Code: Select all

> Shadows and fog allow for great differences between light and dark meshes with Chimera fog around the water
> Fairly uncommon unit selection with only single assasin or stampede targets
> Bryce trees make incredible scenery with real forest passibility

> The Five Champions (4 teams light) - A 4 team mesh where each team has 1 Warlock Hero, 1 Archer Hero, 1 Dwarf Hero, 1 Beserk Hero and 1 Heron Guard Hero
> The Clash of Champions (4 teams mixed) - The same as Five Champions except that two teams instead have 1 Myrkridia (small) hero, 1 Ghol Brute, 1 Fetch Hero, 1 bre'Unor Hero and 1 lightning resistant Stygian Knight (suffers only 10% damage)
> The Dark Champions (4 teams dark) - The same as Five Champions except that ALL teams instead have 1 Myrkridia (small) hero, 1 Ghol Brute, 1 Fetch Hero, 1 bre'Unor Hero and 1 lightning resistant Stygian Knight (suffers only 10% damage)
> A shining brilliance (4 teams light) - A four start mesh with forces that change with difficulty, on Timid there are sufficient forces for 1 or 2 players, on Legendary there are enough for 3 or 4 players
> An uncertain air (4 teams mixed) - Same as Shining Brilliance except that two teams use dark units
> A perpetual shadow (4 teams dark) - A fully dark variant of Shining Brilliance

[Visit my web-site to give feedback](

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 12:04 am
by Myrd
Are you logged in? (If you kept your pending items page open for a while, you might have gotten logged out)...

If that's not it:

Is the error message given after you submit your changes? If so, what is the URL of the page you're at where it displays "No"?

The Tain is new, so obviously there's bugs to be found.

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 6:17 am
by haravikk
If I do it as the first thing right after logging in it still gives me an error, the URL is:

Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 10:11 am
by Myrd
This is when you click submit from the Edit page?

EDIT: Can you try again? I think I found/fixed the problem.

Posted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:46 am
by haravikk
Cool cheers, that works! However, you've missed your chance at getting me to sit down and do them in one go, will be done in pieces or later this week now :P

Also I only just realised what bq stood for, I assumed because it was beside ol that ol was ordered list (e.g 1, 2, 3, 4) and that bq meant bullet-something.
May I suggest relabelling bq as "Quote" and ol as "List" for simplicity?