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Wild West / Worlds Collide / MythWarrior Anywhere

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:42 pm
by Baak
Hey All--

I've finished three plugins that allow you to play Wild West, Worlds Collide, and MythWarrior "Anywhere" (i.e. on most maps!) :D

They convert 450+ units from all kinds of maps in as balanced a way as I could manage, and turn "excess" melee units into nothing (using a trick I devised for RDF/UGR) to make things more fun.

I have permission requests out for Worlds Collide and MythWarrior (just heard back from Frigidman who gave an enthusiastic blessing to Wild West Anywhere!). I am posting them publicly with the hopes that players will have a chance to play these excellent conversions more because they are no longer limited to one map:


I've included the conversion flags/balls for each wherever possible, and made sure all standard Myth flags/balls work as well (note that unfortunately the Balls o' Fun and Balls o' Death OoH plugins will not work with these as you can't double-up plugins in that way).

In addition, for Wild West and Worlds Collide there are some scenery items that convert to Lanterns/Medkits/TNT for WW and Shreen Grenades for WC. Lastly, I included Cydonian's cool Lizard unit as stampede/hunting/ambient life when playing with WC.

We've played them all a few times now and they are very fun! We just did MythWarrior AW on "Clash in the Cloudspine" and "Lichen Final" - yowza!

Grab them all on the OoH Downloads - Unit Conversion Plugins (where you can see snapshots of the plugins in action). I've included the original readmes/manuals (except for WW which has a link to Frigidman's page).

Enjoy!! :D

NOTE: If you downloaded any of the UGR / Wild West / Worlds Collide / MythWarrior Anywhere plugins before this announcement, you should be sure you have the latest updates, some of which were posted 4/23. These should be the final updates for quite awhile, and are: UGR 1.3g, WW 1.2, WC 1.1, MW 1.1.

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:40 pm
by The Elfoid
Baak I've wanted this for SO long! And never got around to it myself (like usual). <3 <3 <3

*hugs Baak*

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 4:49 pm
by Khadrelt
Awesome stuff Baak! :D

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:23 pm
by AblitERateOR

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 4:08 pm
by Baak
There was some confusion with some people thinking the Anywhere plugins worked on Solo as well - they do not.

I have plans on the drawing board for doing solo versions of the plugins - if they aren't too time consuming - but they have to be completely separate from the current plugins. This is because the Anywhere plugins convert "excess" melee units into "nothing" - for example, Thrall - this kind of thing tends to break solo levels for obvious reasons. ;)

Also in making something play for solo you have to take into account the following:

(1) Special units;
(2) Friendly units' artifacts;
(3) Enemy attacks (potentially the hardest to fine-tune) - this often requires separate custom built units (monsters);

I plan to start with The Wild West, since the enemy attacks should be very similar (if not the same) to friendly attacks.

We'll just see how much time I get over the next couple of months.

Besides... these things play GREAT on multiplayer, and I for one want more people playing multiplayer! :D

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 8:45 pm
by t o x y n
fun stuff, thanks

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 9:16 pm
by Frumius
I love 'em :!:

Who0T! First post for me !

tox, I'l be on later tonight (9-ish Pacific) if'n you wanna do some. Get the trebuchet plugin from downloads too. I was thinking of mixing trebs in with the Wild West guys.

Once everyone has these, the fun will never stop :!:


Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 4:03 pm
by Baak
Doh! I realized last night as I was drifting off to sleep that it will be fairly easy for me to make versions of these plugins to play on solo - as long as the enemy remains standard Myth (i.e. Fetch, Thrall, etc.).

I was original thinking of the complete solo conversions where you make the enemy units into the conversions units as well - for example, Wild West good guys versus Wild West bad guys. This is much harder because you often have to completely rework the enemy attacks (very time consuming with testing iterations).

By leaving the enemies as the standard Myth ones, I only (heh) need to convert the friendly units differently than on the multi plugins - possibly adding more ammo, not converting some units into "nothing", making them able to pick up some artifacts, etc.

So for the Wild West AWSolo (or whatever name I come up with), you'll have Wild West units against Soulblighter and his evil minions! Ooooooh. At the same time, I'll make it work with Magma's excellent TFL Solo conversion for Myth II.

Oh man, this could be FUN! :D

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 6:06 pm
by Roadwyrm
Heh, I actually made these conversions years ago (multi and solo) but didnt post them because they wherent my plugins :P

If you like I can send the unit file to you for the solo versions, they all work fine except for areas that require land movement for "soulless" if no unit has it :S

Yeah the issue with solo for the dark can be a bit of work but that wouldnt be too much... we have beta testers in MA guild that would be happy to help and I can pitch in some time with the alterations if you like... I do need to get back into the swing of things.

email or PM me if you like.

PS... for most of the main unique units I just did collection changes but it would be better to balance their powers out. Also I have them set up for TFL and other popular maps.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 7:48 pm
by Orlando the Axe
I did something a while back. You also have to leave story related characters alone like alric etc.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 9:44 pm
by Roadwyrm
Thats what I ment by "unique" characters...for the most part allot can be changed on them. Its pretty much knowing what needs to be there for most maps. Another facter is multi-play since some units are solo and some are not.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 12:49 am
by Baak
Thanks, Road - I'll definitely give you a buzz if/when I get into the solo conversions of the Dark. :D

So far I've only managed to contact Frigidman for Wild West and he has given his blessing. Most of the others seems to have dropped off the face of the earth - Myth-wise anyway.

One thing that makes these multi plugins super playable is getting rid of the excess melee conversions (e.g. Thrall and some others). If you notice on the Wild West snapshot in this thread you'll see that's your entire team - nice and small - and more importantly: manageable! Otherwise with MythWarrior and ADT you end up with an overwhelming number of uber-powered guys - it's way too much.

Also I took lots of extra time (and many test runs) to get the right balance for unit types. For example, in ADT one of the "standard" pulse rifle guys has a Special attack that's complete overkill (a grenade launcher) - large groups of these guys make the game not as fun as it is without. And adding ammo conversions here and there adds a lot.

I've whipped out solo "versus Myth" conversions for Wild West, MythWarrior, and ADT so far - am currently testing. The Wild West one is the most fun imo. MythWarrior is fun for creaming units in vast quantities (the enemy doesn't have much of a chance - but it's still fun!).


Posted: Wed May 09, 2007 2:09 pm
by Roadwyrm
Yeah I recallconverting the ADT units for solo and I was mostley baseing the units according to the basic units and found the I was getting slaughted fast in Willow Creek. Once I balanced it more (for Willow Creek) the other maps seemed to be unbalanced. It's rather tricky getting other units to replace the myth units properly just useing the units/monster tags without messing with the maps themselves :(

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 1:51 pm
by Baak
Roadwyrm wrote:Yeah I recallconverting the ADT units for solo and I was mostley baseing the units according to the basic units and found the I was getting slaughted fast in Willow Creek. Once I balanced it more (for Willow Creek) the other maps seemed to be unbalanced. It's rather tricky getting other units to replace the myth units properly just useing the units/monster tags without messing with the maps themselves :(
You nailed it! :)

I can't tell you how many hours I spent getting RDF Solo to work properly against "Evil Rocket Dorfs". I'm going to revamp it one more time (bringing the range in closer, updated fireball images, etc.) here this summer, but dang it's a lot of work! ;)