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Myth, Manowar and iMovie - no good can come of it

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 2:50 am
by voiceofra
I was bored tonight, so I started up M2, loaded the Leggo plugins and mucked about for a few minutes, screencapping my shenanigans.
Then I started up iMovieHD, imported the 'cap & a Manowar track (death to false metal!) and this is the frightening result:

lame, maybe...but now I know what I can do with a 'barebones' of iMovie (no commercial/3rd party plugins, etc)

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:05 am
by Frumius
I checked it out. It was fun for a bit, but except for your titles it was really just a Willow Creek film from one angle with some metal music. I didn't see all of it, though... If you do some planning and editing you could make some interesting sequences and stories. You've got the tools! Doooo eeeeet! And then tell us again.

There are a bunch of Myth movies on YouTube now. Maybe you could get some ideas from those (I sure have, but where's the time to do 'em!?). Here's a good MWC one by Ducky: ... ed&search= . Man Ducky had this other one from MWC06 last year that was great, but I don't see it on youtube! It was called "Game 3 Review" and "Game 3 Redux."

I think this one is Enculator's about wacky dwarf action: ... ed&search=

This one's not as creative as the above, but it has me in it! It has me, to be precise, failing in on of my Frumious Wightblast! It was hilarious:

To see 30 or so other successful Frumious Wightblasts as regular Myth films (to view within Myth), and read my little article on 'em, click the link in this sentence or see my signature.