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Myth IV

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:03 am
by Lord Raven
It's an absolute pipe-dream. Pure mastabatory fantasy. But let's put aside the fact Take Two will never make it and Bungie won't ever care enough to buy back the rights.

Myth IV - If it happened, what would you want to see in it? I'm talking all facets. Story? New features? New units? Old units returning?

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:31 am
by Jagman
You're right, utter and complete fantasy. But because I'm bored and because I hardly ever post...
I'd like to see a departure from the north continent of myths 1 2 and 3. TSG appealed to me for that reason - traces of myth lore in a different setting, maybe a completely different era. Gameplay-wise a return to TFL-style explosives and other tricky facets that demand less hair-trigger and more tactical finesse ("luck" 8) ) (but run smoother).

Uh-oh, this could turn into a rant, fast.

Keep it simple, keep it colorful, and bring in the ragdoll physics!

Re: Myth IV

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 11:47 am
by vinylrake
Lord Raven wrote:It's an absolute pipe-dream. Pure mastabatory fantasy. But let's put aside the fact Take Two will never make it and Bungie won't ever care enough to buy back the rights.

Myth IV - If it happened, what would you want to see in it? I'm talking all facets. Story? New features? New units? Old units returning?
Didn't you know? Myth IV is already under development. Or so I hear. It's called "The Wind Age".

(just kidding, there's a very ambitious total conversion/campaign in development and there's been an ongoing 'discussion' about whether it should be called 'Myth IV' or not. If you have an opinion, don't re-start the debate here, just search the forums and find the previous conversation. I mention it here for entertainment purposes only)

Re: Myth IV

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:48 pm
by t o x y n
Lord Raven wrote:It's an absolute pipe-dream. Pure mastabatory fantasy. But let's put aside the fact Take Two will never make it and Bungie won't ever care enough to buy back the rights.

Myth IV - If it happened, what would you want to see in it? I'm talking all facets. Story? New features? New units? Old units returning?
What is your deal? Did one of us piss on your cat? The other day we're sitting in the marius lobby minding our own business and you spit out line after line of uninformed speculative nonsense about us and our project.

What's so wrong about doing what we're doing? Why do you continue to assume the tagset thats available to the public now is how our final product is going to look/play/feel like? Did you even read anything on our site? We're open to constructive criticism and suggestions, but if you're just going to continue to say crap like this, I won't even reply.

As far as what people would like to see in a future Myth release, we're all ears. After all, that is our goal. The TWA staff is dedicating the limited time we have to building something playable (in the form of plugins for Myth2) that can be pitched as a new Myth title. Even if it doesn't get picked up for development by a game publishing/developer, the final plugin(s) will be released to the public (for free, of course) and we'll all get to enjoy the new units, maps, features, etc.

The tagset you played is experimental, very far away from final, and is full of placeholders, temporary/experimental stuff, and even missing units. We haven't released any finalized maps. The CBI plugin isn't ours, it just works well with the powerful units we've played around with. We've tested the limits of Myth2, and will continue to see how far we can push things. We couldn't have done it without the help of people like Project Magma (currently working on Myth2 v1.7), and the people who have helped us test lately.


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:14 pm
by Pyro
I don't think he was insulting TWA, at least not from what he has said in this thread. I can't speak to what happened on Mnet but I don't see that he has implied anything about it.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:05 pm
by Frumius
Hmm, I thought it sounded as if Lord Raven hadn't heard of The Wind Age at all.

Tox, I ain't bin on much lately (way burned out on the rank-hoor-strutting-and-chest-beating BS*), but I'd gladly get on and test some more with you guys.

And I'd test your own maps, too! Gimme a shout. How's Javei? It must be done by now, but if not let's test it up. You have my email addy.

* Seriously, I host fun 3rd party ffa stuff and no one shows up anymore. People who come in demand standard ranked maps that I'm sick and tired of, and speak like a-holes. I can't get a decent game in except for OoH nights anymore. So I haven't been playing, not for months. Yeah, the "good" players drove me out. F' 'em. I'm here for fun, not BS, and I don't need to suffer their attitudes. I used to play and host all the time, and was known for having fun games. Looks like fun is out these days, replaced by bitching. I guess I'm bitching here myself...heh. Crap.

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 6:15 pm
by lank
tox, i think LR was largely AFK when the whole debate went down and he is unaware of the thread and project in question. alas no heroes were born in the fire and bloodshed of flame wars that followed, but i digress.

in the absence of that information, LR was simply asking about people's pipe dreams.

i, for one, would like to see basically the old mechanics (it's why we play the game, after all, isn't it?), but with new features like slope conferring an advantage to melee combat, so owning the hill means the other guys have to really charge it to break the shieldwall. so momentum would play a part, too, and units could be knocked down, and cavalrymen could attack from the side of their mounts, a hack and slash as they rode past (i.e. it is not necessary to stop moving to attack). better terrain management - so you can have overhanging terrain where one unit can be on top of another without having to do fancy tricks with models like in the final level of m2, and where calculations of passability and/or speed of movement over terrain can depend on both the slope and the angle of approach to a mesh triangle (i.e. you can charge up a not-too-steep hill for a short while, but then you have to slow right down, whereas someone can just run from the top of the hill to the bottom, and you have to tread carefully to cross a steep slope sideways or risk falling down).

i want it complicated, but not too complicated. i want it different, yet the same. i want it original, but not to stray too far from the original vision of myth. i want it to be fun, but not arcadey. just like any good customer, i want to make life difficult for the would-be developers. :)

story-wise, i like the feel of TFL's story the best, and if that can be recaptured, i'll basically be pretty happy. i want to see glimpses of powerful magic and sorcery, but i want such things to be treats, as far as the gameplay goes, such as with alric in TFL - first you get to see what he can do, then, much, much later in the game, you get to do some of it yourself with him. with powerful magic comes a great need to micromanage. while this is an undeniable facet of myth's gameplay, units which need to be babied through each encounter in case they destroy your whole army are less than totally fun (except for dwarfs, who are always fun!).

Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:25 pm
by oogaBooga
::monstrous groan::

Do i need to bring out the dead horse being beaten gif?


Posted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:59 pm
by Lord Raven
What is your deal? Did one of us piss on your cat? The other day we're sitting in the marius lobby minding our own business and you spit out line after line of uninformed speculative nonsense about us and our project.
Whoa there, buddy. Slow down. I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself jumping to conclusions.

Prior to someone's post on the topic, I'd never heard of The Wind Age. I checked out the website last night and it looks pretty cool. The kind of thing I'd have gotten inordinately excited about when the game was in its prime and I lived and breathed it.

Good luck with it.

Hey Lord Raven

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 12:06 am
by Renwood TWA
Well the thing is people keep pretending to be other people evrey now and then and being TOTAL ASSFUCKS twards anybody that is working to make New content and is on the TWA (Myth IV) DEV team.

So Lord Raven it might have been an imposter being a fucktard and not the real you. Damn Doppelgangers!

Lank its funny you mention many of the things we either HAVE working allready OR things we have been trying to figure out how to implement into the game. Like knights on horseback that can attack while moving as you say. Problem is the myth engine is made to ONLY have units with MELEE or MISSLE attacks STOP WHILE ATTCKING! So for the time being we made the best Cavalry units IVE seen in any RTS game anyways.
But they can only kill by 1. fighting with normal stop and melee attack of targets and 2. they can stampede and run enemies the fuck over and send them flying/splatting. Its really fun to run a Horse through a pile of bodies and squish them and send them flying a little.

We (TWA) Dev team members dont really stop by magma forums anymore beacuse its seems to be filled with 90% smart asses who are big critics of things they know little or nothing about. The only people who seem to be worth talking to on the forums here are Carlinho and A-Red and the Project Magma Dev team members.

People should be a little happy or hopefull that at least 2 dev teams are working twards renewing the myth experience in an all new game for all the fans to enjoy. the TWA campain has a very high level of production value, and its a FAN funded and created project!

Things are going very well and we have a LOT of ALL NEW STUFF in store for myth fans. Staying true to the Setting and world that Bungie envisioned and putting a more Reality based fantasy horror treatment to it. We even have a few members that have roles they fill that a pretty fucking close to a FULL TIME GAME DEVLOPMENT role.

And they only guy to EVER successfully work with TAKE2 to get any kind of contract with them is on our team as well as a consultant. Some Loser.

He got the permission to work with the source code from take2 in the first place.

The Amount of skill and talented VERY experienced myth devlopers that work with us is just about the entire myth community. From Project Magma Members to Even the cool guys over at Onyx Warlords.

To have something against our TWA (myth IV) project is pretty much to dout the skill and judgement of the entire group of SUPER VETERAN Developers from the myth coummunity.

Sure we have to be carefull to do just say you said lank.. "add enough cool stuff to make it fresh and new, BUT Keep enough of what makes myth MYTHY!" (Paraphrasing you a bit lank hope ya dont mind)

Myth fans should be excited that there are going to be ALL NEW UNITS that USE THE NEW 1.7 FEATURES and have been in the story and waiting for these features to get fully implemented into our campain.

And these new 1.7 feature bearing units ARENT being added with 1.7 features JUST for the sake of using the new features, because
MANY of these new units were planned and researched well over a year or even 2 years ago.

The team we have working the on project is really getting things done and making high grade content for all myth fans to enjoy in the all new TWA campain within the sweet as fuck framework of the myth universe.

To me its pretty much like writing a comicbook. I love comic books and have allways wanted to write some at one point. To me Picking up the Myth franchise's more untold stories is much like taking over a batman title after the creator (Bob Kane) leaves the title. Or Spiderman after his creator Stan Lee left the title... How do you keep it Batman and live up to the mythos and the great story crafting that has been created for him over the last 70 YEARS, but tell new stories and try to make sure that the readers still belive what they are reading is a good batman title, yet show them something they havent seen before to hold their interest.

If nothing else at least we (Myth IV Devs and some of our allies) have risen to the huge task of filling Bungie's Myth shoes.

O yea and myth 2 was created by an entirely NEW group of bungie employees that either didnt know what the fuck myth was before they got hired to work on myth 2 at Bungie or didnt work on the TFL title.
ALso none of the TFL Bungie people worked on the Myth 2 title, they just handed it off to the new guard. The Key Bungie people were busy with Halo and Oni crap.

Now if people can just get the propper TONE out of my post and not think im getting all mad, because really I AM too happy with how things are going on the project to let a few people who only troll the magma forums
bug me.

Cant wait for the final of 1.7!!!!!!!

Also look forward to our Myth The Wind Age DEMO that will be coming out soon for EVREYBODY to see and get a taste of what we have in store.

Please dont go on a fooking quote lamefest beacuse i wont respond anyways. there is a reason i havent posted on the magma forums in months, Im too busy managing a GREAT dev team and working behind the scenes to make the end product the very best it can be.

So in short Dont hate! CREATE!!! and if you think you can do better then dont talk shit, just show us up with awesome myth content.

Man if only ooga would have responded to me on teamspeak, i could have been testing all new units that use the all new features on some all new maps with all new musical scores and not writing this long post.

Seeya fellow Myth Lovers!


Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 1:34 am
by iron
Heh, I bet LR's wondering what on earth his innocent remarks have stirred up :)

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 7:38 am
by Lord Raven
Someone was online using my trademarked username? The bastards! :shock:

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 8:36 am
by Death's Avatar
iron wrote:Heh, I bet LR's wondering what on earth his innocent remarks have stirred up :)
I love it. It really is hilarious. I shall make an overview of how this went down:

1) Renwood lacked tact. He made big silly claims. Said many silly things
2) People were upset by his big claims
3) TWA team gets defensive
4) Vinylrake pokes fun

Rinse and repeat 3 and 4.

It will probably continue this way till they finish (which I don't doubt that they will, I am also pretty certain it is going to be a very nice conversion/campaign)

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:23 am
by vinylrake
Death's Avatar wrote: I love it. It really is hilarious. I shall make an overview of how this went down:

1) Renwood lacked tact. He made big silly claims. Said many silly things
2) People were upset by his big claims
3) TWA team gets defensive
4) Vinylrake pokes fun

Rinse and repeat 3 and 4.

It will probably continue this way till they finish (which I don't doubt that they will, I am also pretty certain it is going to be a very nice conversion/campaign)
I too am greatly looking forward to the campaign being finished so I can play it.

When I see these long time-consuming and completely needless posts defending the honor of something that wasn't even being disparaged I can't help but think "If only that passion and energy and TIME were spent working on the plugin instead of WASTING it on the forums".

I also think there is a certain humor value in the fact that certain people associated with the Myth II campaign sometimes called "the Wind Age" feel SO "entitled" to the name "Myth 4" that when someone uses it in the NORMALLY/COMMONLY accepted way - to talk about a potential OFFICIAL sequel to the Myth series of games (e.g. "I know it's never going to happen, becauase Take2 won't make and Bungie doesn't care enough, but WHAT IF there was going to be a Myth 4, what would you want it to be like?") - they get their panties in knots and complain about haters and people dissing their project. Seriously, no matter how hard you protest, your project - at least to some people is never going to be considered "Myth 4" - that's not me 'hating' that's just a reality. Myself for example, unless your project is officially released/marketed by the company that OWNS the trademark of 'Myth' I am not going to think of your project as 'Myth 4'. That's NOT me disparaging or criticizing the work you are doing in ANY way, it's JUST my feelings about the NAME. As an example, if start work on a plugin/campaign and decide to call it "Myth 5" would YOU REALLY consider it "Myth 5" and call it that just because I SAY it's going to be great and really consistent with the Myth world/storyline?

Again, I am just poking fun at the NAME 'Myth 4'. I don't hate anyone working on the Wind Age project, and I don't want to discourage the project team - despite your collective stubborn insistence in calling the campaign something you have no rights (legal or otherwise) to call it, I really hope you all finish this thing up SOON so I can play this grand campaign, and you can bask in the adulation of the (ever shrinking) masses. (seriously)

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 12:45 am
by Renwood TWA
Please dont sit there and insult us, then try to not look like a dick by saying "Gee i really cant wait to play it though" that goes for VR and DA.

your like childern throwing stones at a giant crying that he doent notice you exist.

VR and DA get the fuck off the forums and get on Mnet so i can tear you to bits in game you dirty birds you!
