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Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 10:51 am
by The Elfoid
Why do Project Magma work on the Myth games if they never actually play them much?
Is there anyway I can get those weird little pewter Soulblighter figurines or any of the MythDev merchandise? Why is WWII the most popular total conversion? Can I make requests for cool map ideas on this forum? Why does Project Magma make patcher for Myth TFL when it's not played anymore. I love TFL but not many other people do. Perhaps you could start plugin development for TFL again?

Sorry to be a bother but I just have to ask these questions somewhere.

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 11:48 am
by Pistol_Pete
Here's a suggstion: Ask one question at a time. Asking a bunch of non-directly related questions at once tends to really confuse people.

To answer one of your questions: I played a MWC match against the Project Magma team on Sunday, so they DO play!

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2004 3:11 pm
by Doobie
Magma does play the myth games, in fact we're even participating in the MWC tourney this year. Why don't we play more? Cause we're too busy working on new patches, plugins, and websites. Why do we do that instead of just play? Cause creating stuff can be fun too, especially when you can play/use your creations when they're done, and when you've got such an awesome group of friends to work with.

As for the soulblighter pewter figures, i don't know, check ebay maybe.

Mythdev stuff isn't available as far as I know (I assume you're referring to their cafepress stuff). If you want a more deffinitive answer, ask mythdev/flyingflip.

You can deffinately make requests for cool maps here, just don't expect us to jump at every suggestion you make, we've already got a LOT of projects on the go, and planned for the future. Of course, even if we don't pick up on one of your ideas, somebody else who visits this forum might.

Why work on TFL even if not many people play it? Cause it's an awesome game (just like the rest) and it deserves an update. However, we won't spend too much time on it since there aren't as many people playing it.

I seriously doubt that magma will release any more plugins for TFL.

Got any other questions that need answering?

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 6:41 pm
by Sun
Although, Doob, it's really cool you people are still working on making Myth a better game (after all these years), don't forget that actually playing is what keeps the whole community alive and what spurs old and new players to continue this crazy crusade. :cool:

It's really nice to come back once in a while and see people are still playing myth. Keep it up.
I remember strat and I used to joke about how a few really dedicated and insane people would still be on some myth server cussing at eachother the year 2010.
And with the projectmagma and playmyth people around it almost seem possibly.

Just don't go thinking you're cooler than me or something.

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2004 11:44 pm
by Rubba
Heh ... ain't none that shines so brightly ... as da "Sun!" =D

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2004 4:50 am
by The Elfoid
i know magma is in MWC but that was what reminded me that I never c u online. it could b the time difference i supose:)

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 3:23 pm
by haravikk
When Magma plays it tends to be games of something that no-one else has yet, or on Mariusnet =)

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 5:59 am
by The Elfoid
What time (GMT or CST plz) r u on MariusNet? I really wanna c u guys in action and talk 2 u cuz I think Team Magma rules the roost in the mythworld.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 12:18 pm
by Orlando the Axe
I talked to you yesterday elfoid, I am in project magma.

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 5:26 pm
by Sun
At least Rubba knows what's going on. :cool:

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 6:20 pm
by iron
Hehe, Team Magma rules the roost eh? Probably best if you never saw us play if you want to hold onto that belief :)

Mapmakers generally make terrible players.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:53 am
by The Elfoid
rules the roost don't actuall mean ur good, just cool:) :) :)

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 10:54 am
by The Elfoid
Sorry Orlando, I can't remember seeing you. Ah well, it still doesn't shake my belief that you guys are the coolest mapmakers around

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:18 am
by Orlando the Axe
I was on poop (the team you forfeited to) on saturday. MY name may have just said OtA at the time.

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 11:40 am
by El Tainted Blissarino
iron wrote:Hehe, Team Magma rules the roost eh? Probably best if you never saw us play if you want to hold onto that belief :)

Mapmakers generally make terrible players.

Rohan (of MoR) made some pretty sweet maps, including leggo and myth(mech)warrior plugins. He also was a major part of the MoR team that was elite for many years.

A lesser known mapmaker/player was killerk. He used to make some incredible maps (there was this one where there were an insane amount of enemies, and you had dorf heroes that could throw satchel what you would do is lob a bottle really high, then throw satchels to where it would land and try to get them under ther enemy...most fun I've ever had) and he was a damn good player.

I think many people who suck at the game turn to mapmaking as another way to make an impact, but it think it's silly to say that mapmakers are bad players!!! :)