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Patch history of Myth I and Myth II (and glide support) ?

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 8:48 pm
by RPatrick
Hello !

I am hoping someone here can confirm for me which versions of Myth I and II were the last official versions from Bungie. If it is known where I can find those patches, that would be great too ! I'm having a very difficult and confusing time finding them.

I am building an older system for playing old games on, and I really want to see Myth running under 3dfx glide again. If you've ever seen Myth using glide, you may know what I am talking about. The terrain looked so smooth, and well, mythical.

As far as I know, glide support was dropped when the modern patches were made, although I think there is a possibility glide still worked with the initial Myth II patches. Does anyone know more about that ?

Any help or comments are appreciated,


Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 9:49 pm
by A-Red
1.3.2 was the last official Myth II patch. I don't know where you can get it, but since it's official it can't be that hard. I got it automatically with the Total Codex version of the game.

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 11:38 pm
by Eddaweaver
1.3 was the last Myth TFL patch from Bungie. You can download it from here ... 20updater/

Remember TFL 1.3 is locked to 640x480 resolution and won't start if more than 640mb of ram is active. You can disable quantities of ram from msconfig.exe if needed.

Old versions of Myth 2 did support 3DFX. The last version from Bungie was 1.3, but I think 1.3.2 from Projectmagma may have supported 3DFX ... /Updaters/

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:38 am
by RPatrick
I'm building a windows 98 system with 256 MB of ram, so no worries there. Aside from Myth, I'd also like to get good ol' Mechwarrior 2 running along with the X-Wing games and some others. With every windows update, more and more older titles are failing to work properly. For me it is well worth it to set up an old system, especially since some of those old games can be considered among the best ever written.

Thanks for the patch information and the links. That is just what I needed !


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 7:02 pm
by Renwood TWA
Yes i to find myself thinking i should build a circa 1999 kick ass computer.

And nothing i have seen beats myth running in Glide.
Bungie talks about how they worked directly with 3DFX programmers AT bungie studios to implement it.

They did a great job!

Does myth look just as good/smooth in voodoo2 cards?

Myth 1 and 2 look so much better in 3Dfx Glide that i can even tell when in game videos are taken with fraps from a computer with 3Dfx.


Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 8:15 pm
by RPatrick
I know for a fact I used to run Myth I with a Voodoo 2 card and it worked great without any problems. As far as I can tell, using a Voodoo 1 or 2 card (and possibly a Voodoo Rush or Banshee card) is a way to guarantee Myth TFL will work with Glide. Voodoo 2 is by far the best way to go of those options.

Voodoo 3, 4, or 5 cards sometimes have trouble with a game programmed for Voodoo 1 or 2, unless the game was patched specifically to address the issue. I have read that in the final Myth II patch, Bungie added support for Voodoo 3, which means there is a good chance Voodoo 4 and 5 might work also.

I was using the Voodoo 2 in an AMD 350 Mhz system. Due to the somewhat slow processor, the frame rates were not perfectly smooth, but they were pretty dang good and the game looked fantastic. Voodoo cards are known to scale up very well with increasing processor speeds, so a better cpu should make it perfect.

3Dfx and Glide were all about image quality, and its use in Myth left little doubt in my mind about that. I am really looking forward to playing through the single player levels again with glide support enabled. That will be a nice trip down memory lane !