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Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:54 pm
by heathen00
Hello people...i have an issue hosting...whenever i join and try to host a game, i am firewalled for everyone...even from other computers on my home network that are connect to the game server as well. when i host or another pc hosts on my local network(tcp/ip) everything works fine.
my configuration is 2 wired pc s to a direct link wireless router,with the 3rd wireless to the same router. i have opened port forwarding for 3453 in the router itself. this router is connected to a modem that has its security settings to none..this is because when i enable security for the modem and set permissions for port 3453.....i cant connect to at all.
so to sum it all up:all pc have windows firewall disabled,can play fine thru tcp/ip on my d link router, but not be able to join each others host over
anyone have any ideas?

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:06 pm
by Pyro
Mnet does not let computers from the same IP join each other. I don't know if this is on purpose or just how it works. So the 3 computers in your network are still using the same external IP.

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 11:38 pm
by heathen00
Thanks for the info pyro. do you think its more than that tho? because even if i join m net.. i am firewalled for others outside my network when i host. with everything turned off too.avast anti virus on or off seems to make no differance either.
i was hoping maybe there was a common problem, or something i was overlooking that i missed in the forums.
Thanks a Ton for the quick reply.

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:50 am
by haravikk
How exactly have you opened the port? 3453 iirc is an incoming port, so you need to direct it to whichever machine will actually be hosting the game, otherwise new, incoming connections won't go anywhere.

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:09 am
by vinylrake
I have heard the has detailed instructions for forwarding the 'myth' port - for a large number of routers. Just ignore that big advertisement on the first page when you click a router link - click the 'no thanks' or 'ignore this page' link. all the info you need is on the site available for free, they just try to sell you their automated tool to do portforwarding.

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:14 am
by WazzaMouse
If I have a machine that I plan on hosting different games or services on, I put it in the DMZ on the router and just use a software firewall on that machine.

do a Start > Run > cmd > ipconfig
On the machine you are hosting on, get the local ip address it is using. While there write down the Gateway address listed. (if you are on a mac do whatever you mac guys do)

Open your browser, type in the gateway address. Login to your router using either the default login(usually admin/password) or whichever login you have setup.

Generally go to advanced ports/routing under a routing tab/link. You should see a list of boxes setup for IPs and ports. Put in the IP of the machine you want hosting. Put the port number (or range of port numbers for other games/services) and select save.

Now you need to adjust your firewall on your PC/Mac. Typically you can just add the MythTFL/2/3 application as an exception. If you are using the Windows firewall go to control panel > security settings > firewall

If you are using a 3rd party firewall open it up, find the section for programs and if Myth is listed(sometimes auto added after it has been used) and update the settings to allow it to act as a server(or receive connections)

ALSO: If you have an antivirus that utilizes its own firewall, make sure the Windows Firewall is disabled. If you have more than 1 software firewall active it will really hinder you when trying to set up host services. On another note, if you ever had norton security installed on the machine you will need to go to the norton website, search for removal program and run that(Since norton isnt really gone if you dont use their special removal device and the firewall service cans till be running and cause issues)

You shouldn't have to reboot but it never killed anybody (unless this machine is used for some sort of life support). Hope that helps, if not someone else might do a search in the future and find it useful.


Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 3:41 pm
by heathen00
thanks for the replies people , i appreciate it. i followed all of the instructions and it still wont work. host pc is listed as dmz, router security set to none, port tcp/udp 3453 in/out set up in profile, with still no hair is falling out :oops:

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:34 pm
by WazzaMouse
Couple questions:

What is the model of the router?
What OS are you using?
When you are testing this, which machine are you having connect to you and by what IP address?

If you are trying to get the wireless machine to connect to you through the LAN there is another setting in the modem that will bridge the wireless network to the local network. If you are having someone from outside of your network connect what IP are they using to connect to you? It should be your WAN IP not your local ip (local is prob 192.168.x.x or 10.x.x.x) You can find your WAN ip by going to

They should be able to connect by just using the IP, they should not have to change the port or add port info to the IP. Some extra hosting information can be found here:

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:37 pm
by heathen00
model #of the router/modem is westell 7500.
os is win xp on 2 wired and vista on one wireless.
when the 3 of us play together we can join each others host thru tcp/ip just fine .
the previous post has told me we all cant join each other on because we are behind the same ip. that makes sense . but i still cant get my pc to host a workable game for others that are not part of my lan. I searched and found online manuals for my device and followed the instructions, still no dice.

router /modem ip is
my pc
sons pc 192.168.36

Re: Firewall problem,please help.

Posted: Mon Jul 27, 2009 6:57 pm
by WazzaMouse
are your forwarding both TCP and UDP?