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Map Actions Reference List

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:28 pm
by GodzFire
I found this on the Myth 2 Handbook CD. It's a like of Map Actions References. It might be completely out of date, but I thought I'd post it just in case:

optional monster_identifier subj / Attackers / Monsters that will be attacking
optional monster_identifier obje / Targets / The targets to attack
optional flag _all / Attack All Enemies Flag / Attack all enemies on map
optional flag spec / Use Special Ability Flag / Use special ability when attacking
optional world_point2d wayp / Attack Ground Location / Attack the ground here.
optional flag near / Attack Nearest Flag / All attackers gang up on the nearest listed target.
optional flag dore / Don't Retarget Flag / Only attackers without valid targets or target locations will be used.
optional world_point2d poly / Polygon / Attack only units within the polygon (must be clockwise and convex)
optional flag clpo / Closed Polygon Flag / Indicates that the polygon is closed (i.e., the last point is connected to the first point)
optional flag repo / Reversed Polygon Flag / Tests for monsters outside polygon, rather than inside


Default Actions
required string name / Name / Name of the map action
optional action_identifier link / Link / Link to another action
optional flag debg / Debug Flag / If set, the map action reports debugging information
optional action_identifier acos / Activates on Success / Will activate all actions in this list when success occurs
optional action_identifier acof / Activates on Failure / Will activate all actions in this list when failure occurs
optional action_identifier acot / Activates on Trigger / Will activate all actions in this list when triggered
optional action_identifier acoe / Activates On Execution / Will activate all actions in this list when execution (success or failure) occurs
optional action_identifier acoa / Activates On Activation / Will activate all actions in this list when activated
optional action_identifier acod / Activates on Deactivation / Will activate all actions in this list when deactivated
optional action_identifier acer / Activates on Error / Will activate all actions in this list when an error occurs
optional action_identifier acin / Activates on Inhibition / Will activate all actions in this list when inhibited
optional action_identifier acmp / Activates on Missing Prerequisites / Will activate all actions in this list when missing prerequisites
optional action_identifier deos / Deactivates On Success / Will deactivate all actions in this list when success occurs
optional action_identifier deoa / Deactivates On Activation / Will deactivate all actions in this list when activated
optional action_identifier deod / Deactivates on Deactivation / Will deactivate all actions in this list when deactivated
optional action_identifier deer / Deactivates on Error / Will deactivate all actions in this list when an error occurs
optional action_identifier inhi / Inhibitions / Will fail to trigger if all of the given actions have succeeded (not valid if linked to)
optional action_identifier prer / Prerequisites / Will fail to trigger unless one of the given actions succeeded (not valid if linked to)
optional action_identifier trsi / Triggers Simultaneously / Triggering this action simultaneously triggers these actions

required action_identifier resu / Results Action / Where the subjects of the delay are sent
required fixed time / Delay Time / The delay time in seconds over which subjects are submitted to the result action
optional field_name type / Results Type / Field name under which subjects are stored (default is 'subj')
optional flag dist / Even Distribution Flag / Delays the monsters evenly over the delay time

General Action
optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters to execute the general command
required integer type / Command Type / 0=stop, 1=scatter, 2=retreat, 3=special ability (immediate), 4=guard, 5= taunt

Geometry Filter
optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters to check for in the geometry
optional field_name type / Object Type / Object type to check for in the geometry
optional object_identifier obje / Object Identifiers / Object identifiers to check for in the geometry
optional world_point2d poly / Polygon Points / Points to define a polygon (in clockwise order) (must be convex)
optional flag clpo / Polygon Closed Flag / Is polygon a closed surface (Must be convex)
optional world_point2d cent / Circle Centerpoint / Centerpoint of circle
optional monster_identifier cemo / Circle Centerpoint (Monster) / Centerpoint of circle is monster’s location
optional world_distance radi / Circle Radius / Radius of circle
optional field_name hold / Holding Object / Subjects which are holding this type of object
optional field_name noho / Not Holding Object / Subjects which are not holding this type of object
optional fixed hef> / Health Fraction Greater Than / Subjects have a health fraction (vitality max. vitality) > the specified amount.
optional fixed hef< / Health Fraction Less Than / Subjects have a health fraction (vitality max. vitality) < the specified amount.
optional flag ---2 / -Entire Map / Entire map type geometries
optional flag _map / Entire Map / Geometry is composed of entire map
optional action_identifier resu / Results Action Identifier / Location to place results of geometry test
optional field_name insi / Tested items Inside Field Name / Field name in results action identifier to place monster or object identifiers that are inside the geometry.
optional field_name outs / Tested items Outside Field Name / Field name in results action identifier to place monster or object identifiers that are outside the geometry.
optional field_name inlo / Tested Items Inside Location Field Name / Field name in results action identifier to place monster or object locations (world_point2d) that are inside the geometry.
optional field_name oulo / Tested Items Outside Location Field Name / Field name in results action identifier to place monster or object locations (world_point2d) that are outside the geometry.
optional integer _max / Maximum Number of Items / If this is set, it will restrict the number of items added to the result to this number.
optional flag mark / Use Markers instead of Monsters / If this is set, will use monster markers instead of monster positions.
optional flag uncr / Only Use Uncreated Monsters / If this is set, will only use monster markers that have not yet been created.
optional integer team / Tests For Monsters On a Given Team Index / Returns all monsters on a given team index
optional flag bmon / Tests For Berserk Monsters / Returns all berserk monsters on map

Harass (for ghols)
optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The harassing monsters (max. 64)
optional world_distance radi / Visibility Radius / the area around the harassing unit he can see
optional integer dela / Initial Delay / The initial amount of time (measured in consecutive calls to this action) each unit in the harassing group waits before starting to evaluate
optional action_identifier casu / Activate On Casualty / A list of actions to activate when we suffer a casualty
optional integer reev / Reevaluation Delay / Delay (measured in consecutive calls to this action) before reevaluating.
optional integer prra / Projectile Radius / The radius about the unit to look for projectiles to throw.
optional world_point2d wayp / Guard Waypoint / The location the unit goes to if no enemies are in range.

Invisible Pursuit
required monster_identifier invi / Invisible Unit / The invisible unit
optional monster_identifier subj / Pursuers / The pursuing monsters
optional world_point2d wayp / Meander Points / Locations to go to
optional action_identifier casu / Activate On Casualty / A list of actions to activate when we suffer a casualty
optional action_identifier visi / Activate On Visible / A list of actions to activate when the unit becomes visible

Legion (defensive)
optional fixed pora / Power Ratio / The power ratio (friends/enemies) above which the legion attacks
optional fixed vide / Maximum Damage Before Attack / The amount of damage the legion can take before it gets angry and attacks (default is 1.0, 25% of a ghol)
optional world_distance vira / Visibility Radius / The radius about it's current centerpoint within which the legion considers enemies
optional world_distance atra / Outer Attack Radius / The radius about it's current centerpoint within which the legion will attack enemies
optional world_distance crra / Inner Attack Radius / The radius about it's current centerpoint within which the legion will never stop attacking
optional world_point2d cent / Global Centerpoint / The legion's centerpoint (default is the centerpoint of the first group)
optional angle faci / Global Facing / The legion's facing (default is the facing of the first group)
optional action_identifier fall / Fallback Actions / A list of actions which get activated when the legion retreats to the end of it's line
optional action_identifier adva / Advancing Actions / A list of actions which get activated when the legion advances to the end of it's line
optional action_identifier acat / Activate on Attack / A list of actions which get activated when the legion attacks
optional action_identifier deat / Deactivate on Attack / A list of actions which get deactivated when the legion attacks
optional action_identifier acmo / Activate after Attacking / A list of actions which get activated when the legion stops attacking
optional action_identifier demo / Deactivate after Attacking / A list of actions which get deactivated when the stops attacking
optional angle grfa / Group Facing Array / An array of group facings
optional integer grfo / Group Formation Array / An array of group formation indexes (0=short line, 1=long line, 2=loose line, 3=staggered line, 4=box, 5=rabble, 6=shallow encirclement, 7=deep encirclement, 8-vanguard, 9=circle)
optional integer grgd / Group Position Depndency Array / An array of group indexes which specify which group (none if -1) a given group is guarding
optional action_identifier alli / Allied Legions / An array of legion actions which will attack simultaneously with this legion
required integer coun / Group Count / Number of groups in this legion
required world_point2d line / Line / 2 Points defining the line along which the legion moves (retreating is toward point zero, advancing is toward point one)
required world_point2d grce / Group Centerpoint Array / An array of group centerpoints
required action_identifier grun / Group Unit Container Array / An array of map actions which contain the subject lists for each group

required sound_source_identifier soun / Central Sound Source / The central sound source (where the lightning will be shot from)
required world_distance radi / Radius / The radius about the center to scan for monsters
required projectile_tag proj / Projectile Tag / The projectile tag used for the lightning attack

Meander Action (wander aimlessly)
optional monster_identifier subj / Meanderers / The monsters to meander (max. 64)
optional world_point2d wayp / Meander Points / Locations to wander to (max. 32)
optional action_identifier casu / Activate On Casualty / A list of actions to activate when we suffer a casualty
optional flag thre / Scan For Threats / If present, this indicates to scan for nearby threats
optional integer tscw / Threat Scan Width / The width in cells to scan for threats

Melee (for Thrall, Myrmidons, etc.)
optional monster_identifier obje / Targets / Only attack groups which contain these targets
optional integer form / Formation / (0=short line, 1=long line, 2=loose line, 3=staggered line, 4=box, 5=rabble, 6=shallow encirclement, 7=deep encirclement, 8-vanguard, 9=circle
optional world_distance dith / Power Over Distance Threshhold / The difference in radius within which we'll choose a more powerful group instead of a closer one
optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The attackers

Mesh Cell Modifier
required world_point2d pnts / Mesh Cells To Affect / Place a point in each mesh cell (square) that you want this action to affect.
optional flag kill / Kill this cell / If TRUE, will kill this cell. If FALSE, will unkill the cell.
optional integer teco / Terrain Cost / Terrain cost- 0=Dwarf Depth, 1=Human Depth,2=GiantDepth,3=Deep,4=Sloped,5=Steep,6=Grass,7=Desert,8=Rocky,9=Marsh,10=Snow,11=Forest,14=Walking Impass 15=Flying Impass
optional flag adva / Advance Flag / Advance the mission objective

Model Animation
required model_animation_identifier subj / Model Animation / Model animation to affect
optional flag stfo / Start Forward Flag / Start animation going forward from the beginning
optional flag stba / Start Backward Flag / Start animation going backward from the end
optional flag stop / Stop Flag / Stop model animation
optional flag back / Back and Forth Flag / Make animation go back and forth
optional flag cycle / Cycle Flag / Make animation cycle
optional flag rese / Reset Frame Index Flag / Resets the frame to the start or end when you tell an animation to start forward or backward
optional flag adva / Advance Animation Flag / Advance the animation one frame
optional integer ___> / Frame Greater Than / Tests that the current frame index is greater than the specified number.
optional integer ___< / Frame Less Than / Tests that the current frame index is less than the specified number.
optional integer ___= / Frame Equal To / Tests that the current frame index is equal to the specified number.

Model Effect
required model_identifier mode / Model / Model to affect
optional model_animation_identifier anim / Model Animation / Model animation to affect
optional fixed dura / Duration / Duration in seconds (when not present, it's infinite)
optional angle dyaw / Delta Yaw / Change in yaw per tick
optional angle dpit / Delta Pitch / Change in pitch per tick
optional integer newp / New Permutation / Crossfade to this permutation over the duration
optional integer perm / Permutation / Forces this permutation immediately.
optional flag fain / Fade In Flag / Fade model in
optional flag faou / Fade Out Flag / Fade model out
optional flag dele / Delete Model Flag / Delete the model on completion
optional flag peon / Permutation Only Flag / Only change the model permutation
optional integer mate / Material Index / Material Index to Fade in/out
optional fixed mafi / Material Final Opacity / Material index is faded to this opacity over the duration
optional fixed insc / Initial Scale / Intial scale of the model (.2 is min)
optional fixed fisc / Final Scale / Final scale of the model (3 is max)
optional field_name proj / Projectile Type To Detonate / Projectile type to create (detonates immediately)
optional world_point3d orig / Projectile Origin / Origin for projectile to create

optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters to move
optional world_point2d wayp / Waypoints / The waypoints to move to
optional flag cycl / Cycle Flag / Cycle through the waypoints
optional flag back / Back and Forth Flag / Go back and forth through the waypoints
optional flag prta / Preserve Target Flag / Preserves the target
optional integer form / Formation Index / 0=short line, 1=long line, 2=loose line, 3=staggered line, 4=box, 5=rabble, 6=shallow encirclement, 7=deep encirclement, 8=vanguard, 9=circle
optional angle fifa / Final Facing / The final facing to assume at the last waypoint
optional monster_identifier obfa / Object to Point At / A list of monsters to face at the end of the movement order.

Netgame Type
optional integer type / Type / The netgame scoring type(s) to test for. 0=BC, 1=Bacon, 2=LMOTH, 3=S.Hunt, 4=F.Rally, 5=CTF, 6=Balls, 7=Terr, 8=Cpturs, 9= KOTH, 10=C. Drive, 11=Assassin, 12=Hunt, 13=Solo
optional integer team / Winning Team Index / Tests to see if this team index is currently winning the game.
optional flag ties / Winning Team Can Tie / Allows the "Winning Team Index" test to succeed when tied with another team.
optional integer scor / Winning Team Minimum Score / The winning team must have at least this score.

Observer Movement
required integer mode / Camera Mode / The camera mode (-1 = user control, 0= uncontrollable by user, 1= controlled by map actions, 2= object tracking)
optional world_point2d dest / Destination / The camera destination
optional angle faci / Final Facing / The final facing for the camera
optional monster_identifier subj / Viewing Subject / If you want the camera to move to view a monster, supply the monster here.
optional world_distance line / Linear Interpolant Separation / Distance between linearly interpolated camera positions. Default is .0625 (1/16) WU.
optional integer angu / Angular Interpolant Separation / Distance between angularly interpolated camera positions. Default is 2.8125 (FULL_CIRCLE/128).
optional fixed time / Maximum Time Before Cutting / If moving the camera using interpolation would take longer than this time, then we cut to the destination.
optional flag drco / Don't Return User Control Flag / If present, we don't return user control when the camera movement is through.
optional flag shak / Shake Camera Flag / If present, we start shaking the camera like in an earthquake.
optional fixed dura / Shake Duration / The shake duration in seconds. If not provided, it defaults to 8.0 sec.
optional world_distance inte / Shake Intensity / The shake intensity in WU. If not provided, it defaults to 0.5 WU.

Netgame Time
optional flag plan / Planning Time Over / Tests to see if planning time has expired.
optional flag deth / Sudden Death / Tests to see if the game is currently in sudden death.
optional flag over / Game Over / Tests to see if the game is over and the postgame screen will be displayed soon.
optional integer time / Time Remaining Less Than / Tests to see if there are fewer than this number of seconds remaining in the game.

Prohibited Netgame Teams
optional integer type / Game Type + Team Indexes / The first number is a game type followed by prohibited team indexes ( 0=BC, 1=Bacon, 2=LMOTH, 3=S.Hunt, 4=F.Rally, 5=CTF, 6=Balls, 7=Terr, 8=Cpturs, 9= KOTH, 10=C. Drive, 11=Assassin, 12=Hunt, 13=Solo).

Sound Action
optional monster_identifier subj / Monster / Monster that is the sound source (not necessary)
required sound_tag soun / Sound Tag / The sound tag to play
optional flag over / Override Flag / Plays the sound even if the monster has been issued commands by the user

Suicide (for wights)
optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The suicide monsters to attack with (Max. 64)
optional world_distance radi / Visibility Radius / the area around the suicide unit he can see
optional integer fedu / Fear Duration / The amount of time (measured in consecutive calls to this action) the suicide unit waits before trusting an attacking missile group isn't paying attention any longer
optional integer deth / Enemy Detonation Threshhold / The number of adjacent enemy units required for us to detonate
optional world_distance dith / Power Over Distance Threshhold / The difference in radius within which we'll attack a more powerful enemy group instead of a closer one
optional world_distance dera / Detonation Radius / The radius of our detonation effect (roughly)
optional fixed mipt / Minimum Power Threshhold / The minimum enemy power which we will attack
optional integer dela / Initial Delay / The maximum random delay, in calls to this action, before starting (evaluated separately for each unit)
optional action_identifier casu / Activate On Casualty / A list of actions to activate when we suffer a casualty
optional action_identifier suin / Inhibition / Prevents new units (i.e., those still with a delay) from being created
optional flag dumb / Never Avoid / Charges at an enemy without avoiding

Test Unit
optional integer ___> / Unit Count Greater Than / Tests for unit count greater than n
optional integer ___< / Unit Count Less Than / Tests for unit count less than n
optional integer ___= / Unit Count Equal To / Tests for unit count equal to n
optional world_point2d poly / Polygon / Polygon used for the test (must be clockwise and convex)
optional flag clpo / Closed Polygon Flag / Indicates that the polygon is closed (i.e., the last point is connected to the first point)
optional flag repo / Reversed Polygon Flag / Tests for monsters outside polygon (or circle), rather than inside
optional fixed >vit / Vitality Greater Than / Test for cumulative vitality (between 0.0==dead and 1.0==undamaged) greater than n.
optional fixed <vit / Vitality Less Than / Test for cumulative vitality (between 0.0==dead and 1.0==undamaged) less than n.
optional fixed devi / Change in vitality / Test for a change in vitality greater than n (as a percentage of the group's total vitality)
optional fixed >pow / Power Greater Than / Tests for cumulative power greater than n
optional fixed <pow / Power Less Than / Tests for cumulative power less than n
optional integer >dif / Difficulty Greater Than or Equal To / Tests for difficulty level greater than or equal to n (2==normal, 3==major damage, 4==total carnage)
optional integer <dif / Difficulty Less Than or Equal To / Tests for difficulty level less than or equal to n (2==normal, 3==major damage, 4==total carnage)
optional integer =dif / Difficulty Equal To / Tests for difficulty equal to n (2==normal, 3==major damage, 4==total carnage)
optional fixed por< / Power Ratio Less Than / Tests for power ratio less than n
optional fixed por> / Power Ratio Greater Than / Tests for power ratio greater than n
optional flag user / Received User Command / Tests if the units have been given a command by the user
optional field_name hold / Object Held / Tests if the unit is holding an object
optional flag _all / Object Held By All Units Flag / All units must be holding the object
optional world_point2d radi / Object Test Radius / First is the centerpoint for the test, second is an optional radial point.
optional world_distance crad / Radius About Centerpoint / Required for object test radius if a point on the circle wasn't provided.
optional monster_identifier enem / Enemy List / List of enemies to use for the Enemy Closer Than Radius test. If not provided, all non-teammate monsters are considered enemies.
optional world_distance clos / Enemy Closer Than Radius / Tests if there is an enemy closer to the subjects than the provided radius
optional flag igin / Ignore Invisible Units Flag / Don't test for magically invisible enemies within the radius.
optional flag sele / Units Must Be Selected Flag / Tests to make sure all the given units are currently selected (WILL CAUSE NETGAMES AND REPLAYS TO GO OUT OF SYNC!!!)
optional integer ammo / Ammunition Greater Than / Tests to make sure the given units have more than this amount of ammo.
optional fixed mana / Mana Percent Greater Than / Tests to make sure the given units have more than this fraction (0.0 to 1.0) of their original mana.
optional flag taun / Unit Is Taunting / Tests to make sure any of the given units are giving the raspberry
optional flag fwan / Unit Has a Waypoint Near / Tests whether a unit has a waypoint within 3 world units of a given point

Unit Control
optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters to affect
optional flag user / Received Use Control Flag / Received user control
optional flag igno / Ignores User Control Flag / Ignores user control
optional flag dnat / Does Not Autotarget Flag / Monster does not automatically attack nearby enemies (default flag is FALSE)
optional flag cnba / Cannot Be Autotargeted Flag / Monster is not included in spatial groups and is not automatically targeted by enemies (default flag is FALSE)
optional flag dele / Delete Monsters / Delete these monsters (reducing units for harder difficulties)
optional flag fade / Fade Flag / Remove this monster by fading them off the map
optional flag visi / Visible Flag / Make subjects visible
optional flag invi / Invisible Flag / Make subjects invisible
optional flag moso / Monster Source Flag / Makes this marker a monster source
optional fixed hefr / Health Fraction / Sets the health fraction of the subject (0.0 to 1.0)
optional integer nena / New Monster Name / Sets the name of the monster to the given index in the monster's name string list
optional integer expe / Experience / Sets the experience of the unit
optional integer lesu / Levels Survived / Sets the number of levels survived for a unit
optional flag moen / Use Monster Entrance Flag / Uses the monster's entrance projectile group
optional flag blam / World Knot Visibility Flag / Make this monster appear with the world knot appearance method.
optional flag tain / Tain Visibility Flag / Make this monster appear with the tain appearance method.
optional flag majk / Magic Visibility Flag / Make this monster magically invisible/visible (Ring of Invisibility)
optional world_distance heig / Set Marker Height / Adds this value (or random range) to the monster’s marker height.
optional object_identifier proj / Give Monster Artifact or Projectile / Force the subject monster to pick up the given object identifier (without walking over to it)
optional integer ammo / Ammunition / Sets the ammunition of a unit (doesn't pay attention to the maximum!)
optional flag remo / Remove Artifact Flag / Remove artifact from unit (don't confuse removing with dropping!)
optional flag rein / Reinforcements Alert / If new troops are being made visible, play the New Units Received sound.
optional flag tran / Transparent Flag / Makes unit 50% transparent

World Knot
required model_identifier mode / Models / The models composing the world knot
optional model_animation_identifier anim / Model Animations / The model animations composing the world knot. Do NOT animate them when the world knot is doing something!
required fixed dura / Duration / The duration of the teleportation effect
optional flag _out / Teleporting Out Flag / Teleporting out
optional action_identifier acow / Activate on wave / Array of map actions (one per wave) to activate each time a wave successfully completes.
optional action_identifier wave / Monsters to bring in / Array of map actions (one per wave) containing subj fields of monsters to bring in.
optional action_identifier next / World knot to go to (linked list) / Next world knot’s knot action identifier
optional action_identifier strt / Trigger on Teleport in / Triggered when world knot starts a teleportation in sequence
optional flag knce / Use Bounding Box for Knot Center Flag / If this flag exists, we use the point bounding box to determine the knot center. If not, we average to find it.
optional flag wace / Use Bounding Box for Wave Center Flag / If this flag exists, we use the point bounding box to determine the wave center. If not, we average to find it.
optional world_point2d dist / World Knot Centerpoint / Only specify this if you know the centerpoint computed by the map action would be wrong (as it was on Pools of Iron)
optional world_distance radi / World Knot Radius / Only specify this if you know the radius computed by the map action

Action List
optional action_identifier acti / Actions to Activate / The list of actions to be activated
optional flag rand / Random Selection Flag / Only activates one randomly selected action (does not work with deactivation)
optional flag only / Activate Only One / Tries to activate just the first action, if this fails, it tries the second, etc ...
optional fixed acch / Chance of Activating / An array which contains the chance each action will actually activate when asked to.
optional action_identifier deac / Actions to Deactivate / The list of actions to be deactivated
optional fixed dech / Chance of Deactivating / An array which contains the chance each action will actually deactivate when asked to.

Action Sniffing
required integer case / Test Case / The case to test for
optional flag nclr / Don't Clear Flag / Don't clear the test case after success
optional flag keep / Keep Reporting Errors After Initial Success / Keep reporting errors after the action was successful the first time.
optional integer time / Time Between Errors / The minimum and delta time between error messages (in ticks)
optional integer inde / Delay Before Announcing Errors / The initial delay before paying attention to errors and announcing them.

Ambient Sound Control
required sound_source_identifier subj / Sound / The ambient sound identifier.
optional fixed volu / Volume / The volume, from 0.0 to 1.0 (1.0 is full volume)
optional fixed dura / Duration / Duration in seconds for fade to desired volume

Assassin (for Mahir)
optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The suicide monsters to attack with
optional world_distance radi / Visibility Radius / the area around the suicide unit he can see
optional integer fedu / Fear Duration / The amount of time (measured in consecutive calls to this action) the suicide unit waits before trusting an attacking missile group isn't paying attention any longer
optional integer dela / Initial Delay / The maximum random delay, in calls to this action, before starting (evaluated separately for each unit)

CD Audio
optional integer trak / Play Track / The track to play
optional flag repe / Repeat Flag / Repeat the tracks
optional flag faou / Fade Out Flag / Fade out the current track
optional flag fain / Fade In Flag / Fade in the current track


required object_identifier obje / Objects / The objects to connect
required connector_tag conn / Connection Tag / The connection tag to use
optional world_distance dist / Distance Between Interpolants / Defaults to 1.0 WU

Endgame Condition
optional flag dark / Dark Victory Flag / Indicates dark victory
optional flag ligh / Light Victory Flag / Indicates light victory
optional flag fail / Failure Flag / Indicates failure (only valid for light victories)
optional flag susp / Suspend Flag / The game will enter sudden death instead of ending if this is set
optional integer team / Winning Team / Winning team index
optional flag noce / No Celebration / Does not allow the units of the winning team to celebrate

optional world_distance radi / Radius / The radius within which we consider spatial groups
optional world_distance fora / Follow Radius / The radius at which we follow units or groups (defaults to WORLD_ONE/2)
optional action_identifier acfa / Falling Behind Actions / The actions to activate the first time we decide we're falling behind
optional action_identifier acab / Abandoned Actions / The actions to activate the first time we get abandoned
optional action_identifier erel / Follower Elimination Actions / The actions to activate if all the follower monsters die
optional action_identifier edel / Followed Elimination Actions / The actions to activate if all the followed monsters die
optional flag stop / Stop When Idle Flag / Prevents following monster(s) from attacking

Netgame Goal
required world_point2d poly / Polygon / The goal polygon (must be clockwise)
required integer team / Team Index / The team index who owns the goal

required action_identifier stat / Initial State / Must be guard or split up action

Group Guard
required world_point2d poin / Guard Point / Point to guard
required world_distance radi / Guard Radii / Inner and outer radius to guard within
required action_identifier acti / Actions / 0=action used to set up this group (usually movement), 1=action used to attack

Group Split Up
required integer thre / Thresholds / Surviving monster counts; each number in this list corresponds to an element in the setup list
required field_name setu / Setup Action Pointers / The field names of each of the setup action lists; there must be one more setup action list than threshold

optional monster_identifier subj / The Group / The monsters to lead around
required monster_identifier lead / Leader / The leader
optional world_distance rata / Range to Target / Leader-to-target distance at which the leader thinks they've found the target.
required world_distance mara / Maximum Range / Maximum range separating leader and group
required world_distance dera / Desired Range / Desired range separating leader and group
required world_distance mira / Minimum Range / Minimum range separating leader and group
required integer type / Target Type / Type of target (0= waypoint, 1= monster, 2= object)
optional world_point2d wayp / Target Waypoints / The waypoints to lead the group to
optional object_identifier obje / Target Object / The object to lead the group to
optional monster_identifier mons / Target Monster / The monster to lead the group to
optional action_identifier beck / Beckoning Actions / Actions to execute when beckoning to the group
optional action_identifier flee / Fleeing Actions / Actions to execute when the leader flees from enemies
optional action_identifier died / Leader Died Actions / Actions to execute when the leader dies
optional action_identifier gone / Target Gone Actions / Actions to execute when the target is gone
optional action_identifier succ / Success Actions / Actions to execute when the group is successfully led to the target
optional integer deby / Delay Before Yelling / The lower bound and delta (in ticks) to delay before successive yells. Default is (120, 0).
optional integer yect / Maximum Times to Yell / The maximum number of times a unit can yell until it changes states. Default is NONE (no limit)
optional integer debe / Delay Before Beckoning / The lower bound and delta (in ticks) to delay before successive beckonings. Default is (120, 0).
optional integer bect / Maximum Times to Beckon / The maximum number of times a unit can beckon until it changes states. Default is NONE (no limit)
optional world_distance mrbf / Minimum Radius Before Fleeing / How close the leader can get to the enemy before running. Default is 6.0.
optional world_distance flra / Fleeing Radius / How far behind the friendlies the leader will cower when he flees. Default is 2.0

Local Projectile Group Action
required local_projectile_group_identifier grou / Groups / The projectile groups to affect
optional flag __on / Turn On Flag / Turns the groups on
optional flag _off / Turn Off Flag / Turns the groups off
optional fixed opac / Opacity / 1.0 is completely opaque, 0.0 is completely transparent.

required action_identifier keys / Keys / Keys
required action_identifier acti / Actions to Activate / Actions to activate
required action_identifier deac / Actions to Deactivate / Actions to deactivate

deactivates_on_successful_executionMove Marker
optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The monster marker to move. The monster cannot have been created before you attempt to move the marker.
optional integer team / Team Index / The team index to move the marker near.
optional world_point2d dest / Destination / The point to move the markers to (only works with live monsters, not markers)

optional action_identifier pins / Insert Parameters / Parameters to insert
optional action_identifier prep / Replace Parameters / Parameters to replace
optional action_identifier pdel / Delete Parameters / Parameters to delete
optional action_identifier papp / Append Parameters / Parameters to append
optional action_identifier adea / Deactivate Actions / Actions to deactivate
optional action_identifier aact / Activate Actions / Actions to activate
optional action_identifier adel / Delete Actions / Actions to delete
optional action_identifier asuc / Actions to Make Successful / Actions to mark as successful

Object Control
required field_name type / Projectile Tag / The projectile tag to affect
optional flag real / Reveal All Flag / Reveal all instances of this object
optional flag rera / Reveal Random Instance Flag / Reveal a random instance of this object

Particle System Control
optional flag swit / Switch Particle System State / Toggles between snowing/not snowing
optional fixed mult / Target Multiplier / The target particle number multiplier


Pick Up Object
optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters to pick up the object
required object_identifier obje / Object / The object to pick up

required action_identifier stat / Initial State / The initial state (movement, scouting)
required action_identifier init / Initial Squads / The initial squads comprising the platoon
required world_point2d cent / Centerpoint / The initial centerpoint
required angle faci / Facing / The initial facing
optional action_identifier alli / Allies / Other platoons marked as allies, called when attacking

Platoon Movement
required world_point2d wayp / Waypoints / The list of waypoints
required world_distance wayr / Waypoint Radii / The random radius around each waypoint
required world_distance radi / Radii / The minimum and maximum radii for detecting and attacking enemies.
optional flag loop / Loop Flag / Loop through the waypoints
optional flag chrg / Charge Flag / Charge when told to attack
optional flag ntrp / Interpolate Flag / Interpolate between waypoints
optional world_distance spac / Interpolant Spacing / Space between successive interpolated waypoints. Default is WORLD_ONE
optional flag cong / Congregate Flag / Congregate at your apparent center before moving towards the first waypoint

Platoon Scouting
required world_point2d wayp / Waypoints / The list of waypoints
required world_distance wayr / Waypoint Radii / The random radius around each waypoint
required world_distance radi / Radii / The minimum and maximum radii for detecting and attacking enemies.
optional flag loop / Loop Flag / Loop through the waypoints
optional flag chrg / Charge Flag / Charge when told to attack
optional flag ntrp / Interpolate Flag / Interpolate every WORLD_ONE/4 between waypoints
optional world_distance spac / Interpolant Spacing / Space between successive interpolated waypoints. Default is WORLD_ONE
optional flag cong / Congregate Flag / Congregate at your apparent center before moving towards the first waypoint

optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The monsters to rout
required world_point2d dest / Destinations / The destinations to run to when routed (picks closest)

required monster_identifier subj / Shaman / The shamans to control (only handles 1 currently)
required monster_identifier ally / Allies / Allies that shaman tries to heal
required fixed <vit / Vitality Threshold / Shaman heals allies if their vitality is less than this.
optional action_identifier fall / Fallback Action Identifier / Triggered if the shaman has no one to heal


optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters in the squad
required world_point2d cent / Centerpoint / The centerpoint
required angle faci / Facing / The facing (should always be 0)
required integer form / Formation / The formation to assume when walking the waypoints

optional integer loss / Units Lost Before Attacking / The number of units which can die before we attack
optional integer time / Time Before Attacking / The amount of time (in number of calls to this action) before we attack
optional action_identifier acat / Activate On Attack / The actions we activate on attacking
optional monster_identifier subj / Subject / The monsters to surround with

Wandering Movement
optional monster_identifier subj / Monsters / Monsters which will wander
required world_point2d cent / Centerpoint / Centerpoint of the wandering
required world_distance radi / Wander Radius / Radius of the wandering

Re: Map Actions Reference List

Posted: Sat Sep 12, 2009 11:39 pm
by Pyro
I guess it is the thought that counts. Anyone with Fear can see these when they open the template tags. The latest are on the Patch 1.7 Templates addon plugin, but Fear can't read addons like the one in 1.7. You would need to untag them into the local folder for Fear to read the latest. Though there really is no reason to look at these in Fear since you can only use them in Loathing (which does load addons).

Re: Map Actions Reference List

Posted: Sun Sep 13, 2009 10:00 am
by A-Red
GodzFire wrote: Movement
optional flag prta / Preserve Target Flag / Preserves the target
This was always my favorite description. In many years, I still haven't figured out what they're talking about, because the description gives me absolutely no information other than what's already in the name of the flag. Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Does anyone know what this does? What is the target in question, and why is this flag useful?

Re: Map Actions Reference List

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 6:46 am
by haravikk
A-Red wrote:Does anyone know what this does? What is the target in question, and why is this flag useful?
It doesn't appear to be valid in the context of a scripted-action. The flag is handled in the same code that handles all movement, which includes moving toward a targeted unit (to attack/heal etc.). If the preserves-target flag is present then the unit will keep re-evaluating its way-point as the target moves, otherwise it just sticks with the way-point it already has.

The effect is that a monster with preserves target would move towards where a target is while one without will move to where a target was.

Of course this is useless for scripted actions, as its not possible to specify a monster that you wish to move toward, only way-points. The only monster reference for a MOVE action is to allow you to turn to face a particular unit.

The flag is therefore only used internally, it's possible that with a MOVE action you could actually un-set a unit's preserve target flag (causing them to lose a moving target) but it could have any number of unforeseen consequences, so I would not recommend it at all.