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Map Actions thoughts...

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:43 am
by Point
Im setting up the Ai computer controlled versions of the units now... wondering if any thoughts and suggestions to map actions I should set them to as defualts....

or if I should set any for the player controlled units as well...


Re: Map Actions thoughts...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:54 am
by A-Red
You shouldn't give anything a default map action unless it's ambient. Only parameter-less MAs (chicken, peasant, etc) can be used as defaults. Enemies should be scripted manually, and player-controlled units should not be given any scripted orders because they'd conflict with what the player wants to do (though you could try inventoried defaults like the Wind Age team is doing).

Re: Map Actions thoughts...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 1:47 pm
by Pyro
I could be wrong, but I thought Point meant for the script going on the mesh for the enemy units. Maybe he wanted tips.

Re: Map Actions thoughts...

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 3:25 pm
by haravikk
To be honest there's not much that can really be said; it depends how the units are going to be used on each map.

My advice is to go for the simplest possible options to start with, such as guard actions for combat units, and shaman actions of healers, and see how well they perform and tailor to suit.

For example, you may find that the combat units aren't very good at choosing enemy targets, in which case you may want to test for certain high priority enemy units (in terms of Myth units these would be things like wights and fetch; archers need to take those out ASAP).

Likewise, while the Shaman action is a great way to quickly set up healers, you'll find that they may double-heal a unit, so make sure any AI healers have a mana based heal rather than an ammo-based one, or that they have a generous amount of ammo.

Often there's the temptation to leap straight into using GEOMs for everything, but not only is this one of the most costly map-actions in terms of performance (especially if you have several repeating at once), it can also get complicated very quickly and result in behaviour that isn't actually much better than a good old-fashioned guard or platoon action.

Re: Map Actions thoughts...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 7:19 pm
by Point
ok so adding the script manually to the map vs automatically is probably better... except maybe for the ai medics and doctors ... is sorta what I am hearing... for ai commanders I increased there distances ie call for help and act on their own ...

any tips or thoughts is what I was aiming at here.... I want this to be easy for map makers if possible... :0

how bout follow commands ie ai artillery men etc... or follow the flag bearer... anything along those lines..


Re: Map Actions thoughts...

Posted: Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:37 pm
by Pyro
There are no automatic scripts, such a feature does not exist. The only things you can set their monster tags for are deer, chicken, etc. All that stuff is for ambient units.