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WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:09 am
by carlinho
it's dangerously close to beta testing
I used santa's head's plug and constructed on top of it new units.

basically it's 1 USA soldier and 1 German soldier.
they carry a RIFLE as standard ... /wwii2.jpg

and through inventory they KNEEL ... /wwii4.jpg

CROUCH--obviously to hide from bullets, and also when they crouch their selection box is really small ... /wwii5.jpg

Carry a submachine gun (USA = thompson, Germans = mp40) ... /wwii3.jpg

A bazooka (I only had the panzerfaust model, so both carry same gun) ... /wwii6.jpg

a HEAVY MG- (usa is browning m1919, germans mg42) ... apz007.jpg

And a flamethrower ... /wwii8.jpg

The novelty thanks to 1.7 is the inventory changes how they behave, and also the new models for the CARENTAN map allow units to take cover behind cars or buildings ... /wwii9.jpg

I did 1 russian tank (didn't have a USA one) ... /

and the german one is the jagdpanther, check the hard death animation, bodies fly. ... /

Plus here's an aerial view of the CARENTAN MAP, fully loaded with NEW models ... /

hopefully in a couple of weeks I can set up a plugin for testing with ooga, point, zeph and jon god, so wwii high res is closer and closer...
and it run perfectly on my mac intel


Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 2:23 pm
by Baak
WOW -- This brings back memories of playing Squad Leader back in the day. Nice!

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 3:21 pm
by Point
send me the .pzr base model frame you used to render your tanks with camera and lights ... and ill replace with the animated sherman model... my macbook for some reason wont open my old back cds circa os9 and pc... so still dont have the animated tiger file found yet... :( I could redo though tis a bummer because having the driver open hatch etc... looked kinda cool... and I had uploaded that bazooka etc.. a while back to my udogs. I have been on a much needed vacation from myth, got back into training and raced yesterday for the first time in ages...

a have a couple days this week to work on stuff.. . Looks great so far keep up the good work...

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 4:22 pm
by Jon God
Might want to get a higher res smoke to go with the explosions. Minor note there.

Damage wise, you might want to make fire hurt tanks a lot. After all, Molotov cocktails were originally invented(in their current form), for dealing with tanks, they were tossed on top, and the fire would suck all the oxygen out of the inside of the tank, killing the drivers. Flamethrowers were originally invented for the same reasons, but for foot soldiers.

This map, also, screams for a coop. I mean, damn. :) While I am not that much of a solo scripter, I'd love to potentially help make that happen.

I have some other gameplay questions, but I can wait until I have a chance to try it myself.

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 6:37 pm
by oogaBooga
I am in awe of the beat-up car model that the soldiers are hiding behind.

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 11:53 pm
by carlinho
haha you like that, amazing luck I had with that...
I found at work an old power mac with classic that hardly started and loaned it for 2 days
I have no clue how I managed to do that in 2 days, pure luck man, the model sucks, but I was so lucky with the textures I used that they shape the poor model so well, it even looks nice.

the best thing is the plate: it reads carlinho7

Point, we can add more tanks to it later, don't sweat. We can test the plug with the shitty tanks it has, and then we can make them look better.
I still haven't figured the best way to render them.
with big models camera angles are difficult, because they might look well in a zoom back angle, but as soon as you zoom in and the myth camera changes slightly angle they look weird.
all and all I rendered them at -27 degress, with a focal 80mm in auxiliary camera.
lights 360 even from mid height onwards looking down...

Jon, I suck at explosions, I was hoping ooga who's the master there to improve those...
I don't have any renders of high res explosions so all physics are the ones santa's head used....
but would love to improve those....

I have no clue at doing multiplayer maps, so the plug will be shitty developed in that way, but zeph probably is the one that knows more about tackle that...

dday map plays awesome as well with this units...
I still need to do a medic, and what i wanted to do eventually is create the ability to pick up heavy weapons, like heavy MGs, bazookas, flamethrowers,etc from the ground, so you start with basic rifle and submachine gun unit, and you can upgrade through picking up those...
but didnt' do that...
and maybe create parachutes of ammo that drop randomly from the sky, to pick ammo for those heavy weapons that have limited ammo....
give me a couple of weeks to polish a playable plug, and I'll let you know...


Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:11 am
by Jon God
carlinho wrote:Jon, I suck at explosions, I was hoping ooga who's the master there to improve those...
I don't have any renders of high res explosions so all physics are the ones santa's head used....
but would love to improve those....
Ah, gotcha, I completely understand.
carlinho wrote:I still need to do a medic, and what i wanted to do eventually is create the ability to pick up heavy weapons, like heavy MGs, bazookas, flamethrowers,etc from the ground, so you start with basic rifle and submachine gun unit, and you can upgrade through picking up those...
but didnt' do that...
Why did you not go with picking up? I'm curious.
carlinho wrote:and maybe create parachutes of ammo that drop randomly from the sky, to pick ammo for those heavy weapons that have limited ammo....
give me a couple of weeks to polish a playable plug, and I'll let you know...

That is easy, I could do that in 20 minutes, or less. :)

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:33 am
by carlinho
what, the parachutes?
but do you have something to create the sprites or you mean once I create the collections you can set them up in fear?

I have the ammo sprites, now I need to create the parachutes...(don't have the models, but shouldn't be too hard)

as for the picking up of weapons...because it's the boring part....hehehe

I still need to do the projectiles to be able to be picked by both the USA soldiers and the germans...
I did that for the greek plug (I think it was that each projectile -for example USA MG, promoted into the for example german MG...)
so same projectile made different units behave differently when picked up...
but I have the plug in the I have no clue how I set up that...

I can test trial and error in the next 2 weeks and get that going....

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:58 am
by Deqlyn
If someone wants to layout some towns and everything up to the scripting I would be willing to script it, nearly done with another map, only worked 2 days on it! Seems to get much faster the more you do it.

Im no scripting Lord but this version should be fairly simple scripting in that were looking at mostly platoon movement of patrols, reinforcements, and falling back to support flanks in a realistic way.

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:26 pm
by carlinho
that's pretty cool, if the plug has some success in playability, then we can implement a map-pack with scripting
maybe a heavy building city?
it would be interesting....

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:16 pm
by oogaBooga
I think I may be convinced to make some all-new explosions for the ww2 project... if carlinho magically finds the greek project to show me ;)

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:36 pm
by carlinho
what's up with the greeks, they've been dead for 2 thousand years....
they can keep dead for another year until I release this wwii....

I need to release something, or I'll be remembered as the guy that posts things that never get released...then we can go back in time to greek mythology....hehe

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 6:57 pm
by Point
i have the british paratroop supply drop cases with parachutes and animated ground .... (copied from a bridge too far years ago) the one in the local seems to lag games a bit... though i think it was it was high res 16 views...

as for filling in the rest of the blanks your looking for A lot of that is just a few alters away from this and that...

it will be fun to see this all come together...

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:48 pm
by carlinho
Yep, definitely 16 views I would reserve only for tanks. The idea is to lag as little as possible. Still you can in oak, duplicate the sequence, assign 8 views and use that as new collection...

Let me know if what I told you is enough for doing tanks. There's no science other than those three settings.

Re: WW II 1944 Normandy -high res

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:02 am
by Point
well take a look at the warfare tanks and tell me if those angles are ok... i know the some seem to have too much perspective... also i have the gun crew poses for the anti tank artillery piece ... well even the unit though not to your resolutions... though easy enough to put your units on the gun then apply reload and fire poses...

explosions and effects are in that local you have as well as supply cases ... I have a crate one also that drops... though OZ also has a good one in battlecaps...


and all this stuff can be re rendered higher res..


