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Looking for testers

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:17 pm
by deadman
Iron and I are working on a little project... And we need playtesters.

More specifically, committed playtesters. We don't really want to distribute this plugin as a beta, or have an extended community beta test. We're aiming to release a final plug that plays well, but in order to do that we need lots of playtime on the thing.

I'm aiming to put together a small team that has the availability to play these levels to death, both solo and coop. Here are the details:

- be able to commit 1-3 hours a week towards playtesting
- be able to document bugs well (notes, screenshots, films, etc.)
- install and use skype for discussions (voice isn't necessary)

- A good 'ol pat on the back and your name in the credits
- If you live within driving distance of Denver, CO, I'll take you out for a beer (or several)

We currently have content that is ready to test, and there will be much more available in the future. If you don't have time now, but may in a few months, let us know.

If you are interested, please email me at, or send me a message on these forums.



Re: Looking for testers

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 1:33 pm
by deadman
Edit: You can also find me on HL now and then if you want to discuss.

Re: Looking for testers

Posted: Fri Sep 17, 2010 3:30 pm
by Deqlyn
Will you bring me a beer to KC? hehe j/k

Re: Looking for testers

Posted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 6:35 pm
by Sonixboom
Ill do it

I could but in a few hours a day or so if you need me

thats what great about being semi retired from a 10 year oldd videogame... its always fun to come back
