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Zak Belica

Posted: Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:03 pm
by Lord Thanos
Now that I have returned from the abyss, I thought I would share an email from composer Zak Belica regarding the Myth 3 OST and his other works.

This was Mr. Belica's reply to an email I sent him in 2009:

"Thanks so much for the kind words. I'm really glad you enjoyed my music, I enjoyed creating it. The Myth3 score is one of my favorites. Lori Goldston, cellist for the Black Cat Orchestra and cellist for Nirvana, did the work on this soundtrack. She is amazing, and played with a desperate passion that the soundtrack called for. When creating this soundtrack, my main goal was a primitive, passionate, desperate folk composition, that spoke of a mythical place that is familiar and strange all at once. I find that a combination of real human players and sampled/synthesized elements can create a very powerful impression. Here is the link to the Myth3 soundtrack:

listening to Myth3_Mourning.mp3 still makes me sad. I don't know of many other soundtracks like it; it resembles some of the sad Gladiator tracks.

The Sin Episodes soundtrack was a lot of fun to do, and a lot more upbeat in a soundtrack style. I haven't really considered working with other composers, though I am acquaintances with and respect both Jesper and Inon's work. It's great that there are game composers out there who are as good as film composers these days.

Here's a link to that soundtrack:

Lastly, the 'reef' track is from the original SiN game from 1998. Here's a link to the soundtrack:

Thanks again for writing, hope you enjoy the additional music :)

He is a gracious fellow indeed.