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Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2004 11:19 pm
by Frederick the Great
For a long time, I've thought that the Myth series, if done right, would make great epic fantasy war films. I'm thinking in particular Myth I and II; I'm not familiar enough with III to pass judgment on it. Of course, the plot would need to be streamlined (especially for TFL; Soulblighter's got a much tighter storyline), central characters would need to be developed, etc.

At any rate, this is really just for my curiosity, to see what other Mythers think about the subject. What would you want to see in a Myth film? What do you think would not work well? Who should the main character be (assuming he'd be the same person who writes the journal in the game) -- a warrior? journeyman/heron guard? archer?

Those are all the questions I can think of at the moment; I wouldn't mind answers to questions that I haven't thought of. And if nobody thinks it's a good idea, that's cool too.


BTW: Just in case it needs clarifying--I'm not actually considering trying to make a Myth film at this point... don't have the resources, the know-how, or the rights. But maybe one day if I ever "make it" in the film industry I'll beat down some doors and get one made. Obviously it'd have to be marketed on its own merit, and not as "based on the hit game from Bungie," because by then the games will be older than old hat... :(

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:21 am
by William Wallet
My thoughts.

The central character would almost certainly have to be a warrior - it's simple, and you could take the guy almost anywhere. Myth (being based on so many stories like Lord of the Rings and what not) would easily provide a bunch of interesting characters like a dwarf and and elf - I think a proper Myth movie would get ragged on because of it's similiarities to so many established series.

Having said that... it would be wicked, especially if I did it! I think Bagrada is a must. The troopers are sitting around the campfire on the way to Rhi'Anon, and all of a sudden those horrid booming footsteps are heard... mayhem!

There's a huge market for zombie movies and the undead, and anyone who liked Army of Darkness would most likely enjoy Thrall and stuff.

Aside from Bagrada, there are levels and cutscenes that would EASILY translate to a movie format. Take Truan at the start of TFL. The Watcher would be something to see (at the head of a 1000 thralls for instance).

I dunno - it's all stuff that you really need a budget to do I spose (Avon's Grove was a valiant attempt, but still not so great). But a Myth Movie is always at the back of my mind, so who knows - similarly inclined folk who like making movies AND playing Myth may one day do one.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:27 am
by William Wallet
Personally, I wouldn't bother with a Myth II movie. The story isn't quite as compelling as the first one.

But there is so much literature floating around about the Myth series (like Fang Grinder stuff), and so many conflicts you could explore (I've always fancied the idea of the war between Berserks and the Kithless - in fact I've expanded upon it in Freedom II).

It would need to be oh so similar to the game. The diary for instance would have to feature in there somewhere. It would be counter-productive and somewhat cheap to get the same 2 or 3 guys to do all the voices, but the feel should be the same. As with the music - using the same compositions it would be fun to do them with a proper orchestra (good as the old songs are, they are most obviously the product of a keyboard).

GORE! Blood and gore would have to be on a par with the game, no question.

Just thoughts of a filmmakin' dude too busy with other movies (and too poor to consider a Myth Movie).

William Wallet Zebonka Kellogs McCl, man trying to make his name longer at every turn.

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 11:36 am
by William Wallet
I think it would not work as a Hollywood film. They'd cast a bunch of no talent shmucks, fill it with analogous references to the war on terror and cap it off with a Danny Elfman score.

Nope. It'd have to be handled like an independent film. Which is probably why it's never happened (that is, no money is available).

Anyone else have anything to say about a Myth Movie?

Posted: Sun Oct 24, 2004 4:06 pm
by sillek
Dead rank hoors and elitists, obviously.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 3:23 am
by William Wallet

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 10:09 am
by William Wallet
No really. Huh? What about dead rank hoors and elitists, I don't get it.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:04 pm
by Pistol_Pete
I think Sillek is implying that dead rank h00rs and elitists would be the only ones cast for a Myth movie. If that isn't correct, then I wasted a lot of time and money trying to understand English.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:26 pm
by sillek
I meant that the movie would be highly successful if it showed the deaths of rank hoors and elitists.

Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2004 7:31 pm
by Baron LeDant
Maybe hire them as stuntmen for the fighting scenes but with real weapons killing each other...

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:44 am
by William Wallet

Posted: Tue Oct 26, 2004 5:18 pm
by TopGunZ
Hey Sillek, who would you wanna see get hurt?