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Omni Patch

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 5:25 pm
by Point
has anyone else encountered this???

Seems omni patch mac and pc omni patch might create two versions after patched. unless some other thing was going on..

same patch applied to same file via pc omni and mac omni

divided the players mac saw pc hosted games as red
pc's saw the mac hosted games as red...

the file transferred from a mac to a pc... had the game as white.

will test some more though so far seems to have held true for 5 macs and 3 pcs

if it is not omni patch then it might be how mac and pcs deal with determining what games to mac red ...

Re: Omni Path

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 6:59 pm
by Pyro
Omni Path? :P

Maybe compress the original and patch files for Myrd to look at?

Re: Omni Patch

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:10 pm
by Point
trying to find out if the pc people used the latest omni patch program.... i had linked it in the email so i would think so though maybe they had another version on hd...

they downloaded the full zip file and no more red games so just the pc omni patch application was bad...

Only one patch file had the problem the others seemed fine so must be something in that one patch that isnt right...

ill keep testing..

Re: Omni Patch

Posted: Fri May 13, 2011 11:13 pm
by Pyro
The patch is the same file used for both. Maybe it got corrupted when compressed? Were the PC users used the current OmniPatch or the old one that had just text? (Though both should work fine I guess.)

Re: Omni Patch

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:03 am
by Point
now that i'm back on the mac ... finding the same problem on occasion with mac and pc players finding each other red after patching.

the pc was limited on making patches by the amount of ram available, once i shrunk the plug a bit it made patches fine and we seemed to not have any segregation problems...

now that im back making patches on the mac... running into the problem again

using omnipatch 1.0 mac tried both zipped and not zipped

and figured it out it seems.... pc and mac naming issue... to sort tagset to top a _ space was at front of the tag name.. omni patch on the pc would leave that space off the front of plug name... thus making the plug red... changing the file name manually to remove the _space and all back to white.

so i guess no spaces at the start of the plug name may avoid this issue

Re: Omni Patch

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 11:00 am
by vinylrake
is it actually a space or an underscore?

because there used to be(still is) an occassional problem with i think older mac files - unzipping or copying a file from windows to mac or vice versa and back again would leave two copies of a file - one with the normal mypluginname and one with an underscore _mypluginname. _filename was 0 K.