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The True Colors of Godzfire

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 9:45 pm
by Giant Killer General
Ladies and gentelmen, let me all tell you a little story...a little story about Godzfire

At around 1am on Tuesday, May 31st, Godzfire joins a full 16 player 2 team game hosted by punkuser. He promptly begins harassing one or two of the players in the pre-game for only having the 1.7.1 patch, not yet having upgraded to 1.7.2. He then informs these players that they cannot play the game because of this. Because punkuser is the host and also a member of Project Magma, godzfire apparently presumes that punkuser will back him up on this and enforce the rule that he has just made up, by booting the players. He is wrong. Instead he is generally ignored by everyone, and the game starts.

Below, Godzfire is still finishing up some complaining about some people not having 1.7.2 and how punkuser didn't "have his back" about booting them...


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Godz is randomed onto my team, and I give him flag defense and a scout...


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Here, godzfire can be seen laying satchels in a peculiar fashion around the flag he is supposed to be guarding. HRMM...I wonder what he could be up to...

Meanwhile...I am busy wondering where godzfire's scout is...


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Now, godzfire is moving his mauls on top of his satchel box while showing an attitude, apparently from everyone making fun of him earlier...


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At last, the smoking gun presents itself...


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And the inevitable drop while our team is only just realizing that our flag defense is now completely gone...


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The aftermath of the game...showing godzfire's login...


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And finally, godzfire's reaction to to the earlier day's events...

[img][IMG][/img] Uploaded with[/img]

Anywhooo...I just thought that if some of you may not know who godzfire is, or don't know him very well, at least now you can know a little bit about what this character is all about. Thoroughly presented in preparation for
godzfire's inevitable attempt at denial without any explanation.

Did someone else log onto his account? Is he going to try and blame me, the captain, for controlling his units despite me fighting battles simultaneously halfway across the map? Or will he blame a drunken stupor in that he must have blacked out and does not remember any of these events? Who knows!? Only godzfire apparently! let's see what he has to say for himself!

oh and the film, just in case...

note: not sure why the images don't work on this forum, worked just fine on the other forum!

here: ... #Post27181

Re: The True Colors of Godzfire

Posted: Tue May 31, 2011 10:15 pm
by Melekor
How interesting, an entire thread devoted to attacking someone's character.

Locked for being an obvious flame magnet.

PS: The images don't work because you used an extra unnecessary [img] tag at the start of each one.