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Evasculate Spell

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:16 am
by fildred13
My New necromancer unit's primary spell is call Evasculate, taken from Dnd3.5 The Book of Vile Darkness.

Two questions:

Is there a way to create a "slowing" effect in fear? I'm not sure I have seen it in any spell before that does something like that, but I'm not a super experienced myther either. I am working with a modified 19 summoner vortex spell. As of right now, the units caught near the evasculated unit are stunned completely, just like the summoner spell. I am hoping I can change that to something like a 1/3 movement speed or the like, but I don't even know where to turn to start that.

Second question:

Magical damage causes a unit to gib on death. Anyway to avoid that? A flag maybe? Resistances and unit match ups are a big part of my plug, and I would hate to have to change the damage type just because I can't make the unit not gib.


Re: Evasculate Spell

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 2:31 pm
by Pyro
fildred13 wrote:Is there a way to create a "slowing" effect in fear? I'm not sure I have seen it in any spell before that does something like that, but I'm not a super experienced myther either. I am working with a modified 19 summoner vortex spell. As of right now, the units caught near the evasculated unit are stunned completely, just like the summoner spell. I am hoping I can change that to something like a 1/3 movement speed or the like, but I don't even know where to turn to start that.
I'm afraid there is not. Unless you use some scripting and artifacts. You can give a unit an artifact (with scripting) to make them move slower.
fildred13 wrote:Magical damage causes a unit to gib on death. Anyway to avoid that? A flag maybe? Resistances and unit match ups are a big part of my plug, and I would hate to have to change the damage type just because I can't make the unit not gib.
What is a gib? You probably mean remains or pieces. Some damage types automatically have certain effects on the remains of the units, no way around most of those.

Re: Evasculate Spell

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 5:48 pm
by fildred13
Since my necromancer is already going to only function on maps that are scripted specifically for him, might as well go for broke and get the slowing effect just right XD

I guess I will just make an artifact that gets placed in all the units of X radius around the evasculated creature, and the script will get rid of it after the duration has expired.

Gibbed. Yeah, like blowing apart into pieces. I thought that was a common phrase but I guess not. Unreal Tournament taught it to me. Nothing like an instagib match with those big purple guns.

Anyways, one more time, thanks so much for your help, I am very appreciative.

Re: Evasculate Spell

Posted: Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:45 pm
by Pyro
fildred13 wrote:Gibbed. Yeah, like blowing apart into pieces. I thought that was a common phrase but I guess not. Unreal Tournament taught it to me. Nothing like an instagib match with those big purple guns.

Yeah I recognize the word and it made me think of UT, but it just isn't something I hear around Myth and it seemed out of place.

Re: Evasculate Spell

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 6:13 pm
by fildred13
Discovered a bug with this spell. Need a little help resolving.

The spell is "scripted" solely in fear, finally I have a question that has NOTHING TO DO with loathing. If the necromancer casts the spell just as the unit dies, the effect still goes off anyways, but centered on the necromancer. Similarly, if I target the ground with the attack, the same thing happens: the effect is centered around the necromancer.

Most importantly: How do I stop that from happening?

Secondly: is there a way to make it so that the attack CANNOT target the ground, but ONLY enemy units?

I use a wall trigger object projectile to activate a local projectile group which calls 4 things: the projectile the creates the stun, the projectile that creates the damage, and the 2 projectile bloody pieces.

Re: Evasculate Spell

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 1:32 pm
by fildred13
just bumping this once to see if anyone has any ideas about this whole centered on self business.


Re: Evasculate Spell

Posted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 3:18 pm
by Pyro
Maybe if the attack is set to be a melee attack in the projectile tag? I can't recall how to work around this little issue, but maybe later I can remember or look for an example that deals with this.