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Suggestions Required

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:16 am
by Falcon
So I'm working on a tourney website - it is , the website will cover the few low turn-out and (sort of larger :O ) mwcs in future.
I'm planning to make it look more appealing so that when the website is being browsed by someone whose ignorant about the game and how a small community is keeping it going, he gets a little more interested about the game itself. This of course includes web 2.0 design (that sadly most myth websites lack).
I've already started working on the website - it'll be using a cms(either gonna be Joomla, Drupal or WP3) so that the TOs and captains who're unfamiliar with web coding can easily update the website themselves and they can bypass the need of a web-developer.
I'm open for ideas, anybody got some suggestions?

Re: Suggestions Required

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 8:29 am
by Falcon
And should I keep to PHPBB3 or try something new like myBB this time?

Re: Suggestions Required

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 9:38 am
by vinylrake
really look into the CMS's to make sure they can handle the degree of security you want.

haven't looked at any of them in a year or so, but last i checked MOST cms's don't have the kind of security where you can create a team page and give access to just the team captain. CMS's tend to be role-based, so you can give someone an editor role so they have ability to add a page, or edit a page, or add/edit news/ etc - but they tend to assume if you are giving someone the ability to edit articles/pages that the person should be able to edit all articles. they might let you set up one account that can only create news items, and one that can only edit pages/articles, but i don't if any of the out-of-the-box CMS's let you set up different security for different 'content areas' (like team pages). WPS was by far the easiest to set up and add modules/functions to [you didn't have to mess with HTML or PHP unless you wanted to] so that's the one i looked into the most - mb joomla or drupal already have that functionality.

again - my knowledge of these is a bit dated, but that's the biggest thing / potential problem that jumps out when i think about setting up a tournament site using a CMS.

Re: Suggestions Required

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 12:20 pm