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Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 4:28 am
by New Guinea
Hey, wouldnt it be awesome to have an Alamo map? Modeled after B&G with different cannons (9 pounder, 12 pounder) and the heroes that were really there?

A cool idea for an ambitious mapmaker, the idea has been circulating among b&g fans at plymyth.

-New Guinea

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:59 pm
by The Elfoid
Not with me it hasn't, but the idea is good.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:19 pm
by TopGunZ'd have to modify the uniforms becasue the Alamo happened somewere in the middle 1800's. The Civil War happened in in the 1860's.

Posted: Wed Jan 19, 2005 11:50 pm
by mauglir
TopGunZ'd have to modify the uniforms becasue the Alamo happened somewere in the middle 1800's. The Civil War happened in in the 1860's.

By your timeline, the two happened almost at the same time. The 1860s are almost exactly the middle of the 1800s.

The battle at the Alamo actually took place in 1836, exactly 25 years before the American Civil War began.

Edited By mauglir on 1106196916

Posted: Thu Jan 20, 2005 8:37 am
by Brainbug
since there's a second thread about the alamo i can spam this one with my request:

a "battle of the gulden spurs" map:
(spurs = what horseriders wair on back of their feet)


The Battle of the Golden Spurs was fought on July 11th 1302 near Kortrijk, between the rebellious Flemish towns, led by Bruges, and an army sent by Philip IV of France, who had annexed Flanders in 1301. The French were totally defeated. The spurs taken from the fallen French knights formed so huge a trophy that they gave the battle its name. The victory of the Flemish militia, despite its lack of military skills, put an end to the enduring myth of the invincibility of the knight.

the army-size is not really consistent, some sources say it was 50,000 French vs 20,000 Flemish soldiers, the most detailed description (the one i will give) says both armies were around 10,000 men.

French Army
2,500 mounted knights
1,000 crossbowmen
3,000-4,000 pikemen
3,000 other soldiers

Flemish Army
400 mounted knights
8,000-9,000 other soldiers
since the flemsih army was build up with normal citizens and not trained soldiers, the exact amount of crossbowmen vs pikemen etc. is not known
The biggest part of the army consisted of infantery though, since only the city guards were armed with crossbows and normal bows

The battle
yellow: Flemish army
blue: French Army
black&white flags are the commanders of both armies

The Beginning


The French Assault


Flemish Counter-attack


The End


Edited By Brainbug on 1106247157

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2005 12:05 am
by TopGunZ
Wow, that's some research. I give the idea a 2 thumbs up.

And yes, my bad New. I forgot. I thought it took placr in 1820 or something. Just make the Americans uniforms look more scraggly and grubby. Make a Davy Crokett character too! You know with the little hat with the tail comin' out.