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Myth TFL Cinamatics without cd?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 3:44 pm
by Deafhawk36
Hey I recently got a copy of Myth the total codex and have started to install Myth The Fallen Lords and I noticed the video cinamatics won't play unless I have the cd in the tray. I was wondering if there were any 3rd party patches or addons that I could get that would allow me to play the game and watch the cinamatics without the CD in the tray? any help would be appreciated
Re: Myth TFL Cinamatics without cd?
Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2012 4:58 pm
by Pyro
Inside the TFL CD you should find a "cutscene.gor" file. Copy that into your Myth_TFL's "tags" folder.
For Myth2, you make a "cutscenes" folder in your Myth II folder. Then place your cutscenes from the Myth2 CD there. If you are on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux, instead of using those cutscenes from the CD you can grab the QuickTime version of the cutscenes at
the Tain which of course require that you are updated to the
latest version of Myth2.
There are also QuickTime (MOV) version of the
TFL cutscenes. These will only work on Myth 2 while running
The Fallen Levels plugin which is a port of the TFL solo levels to Myth2.
Re: Myth TFL Cinamatics without cd?
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:49 am
by Deafhawk36
thanks for the help
Re: Myth TFL Cinamatics without cd?
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:07 am
by Eddaweaver
CUTSCENE.GOR also works with Myth II + The Fallen Levels; the Myth TFL Quicktime cutscenes are specifically for Myth II on some Mac computers (and Linux?) where the original smacker cutscenes won't play. Could that Tain entry please be updated to be more specific about which platforms the Quicktimes are needed for?
Re: Myth TFL Cinamatics without cd?
Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 1:33 pm
by Pyro
Pyro wrote:If you are on
Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux, instead of using those cutscenes from the CD you can grab the QuickTime version of the cutscenes at
the Tain which of course require that you are updated to the
latest version of Myth2.
Mac OS X can only play QuickTime cutscenes. Mac Classic can only play Smacker cutscenes. Windows can play both but will choose QuickTime over Smacker if the files are there. Linux can play both as well as MPG.