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Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:45 am
by PoohBear
I posted about this months ago. Now that the demo release is in sight, I want to make sure it wasn't forgotten.

Add a dorf riot variant to the Gimble mesh on the demo.

I know the vets have long burned out on it, but dorf riot is still the simplest game you can play on Myth. Point, click, run, toss a bottle, watch the dorf heads roll in amusing directions. Anyone can figure it out and it's fun in a goofy, appealing way.

It'd be a way to attract huge amounts of attention. When you get a mention on or Something Awful or Screenhead, you'd be attracting a huge new audience of curious players. And some proportion of that audience would try the harder games on the demo. And maybe stick around for more.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 8:09 pm
i think instead of a dorf riot, something more... better should be demoed. not saying it's bad, but i think putting out a TSG demo, BUSHIDO demo, WW2 would attract more people. People who have seen the Blue vs. Grey plugin said that was the most fun/best looking civil war game thing they've seen so i think those would all be good.

Posted: Fri Feb 04, 2005 11:06 am
by qwerty2
PoohBear is right, dorf riot would be a nice simple introduction to myth. If there is any possibility at all please include it.

What happened to all the fs guys, haven't seen any around for ages.