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Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:08 pm
by carlinho
Thermopylae solo beta v1.0 is on the Tain, waiting to be accepted and released!!!

here's the description I posted on the tain, and as you can see, the reason why:

Greek Plugin: Thermopylae solo. V1.0

An original map from Unkfolt specially designed for the Greek Plugin, it was on the back drawer of the plug for ... was back in 2005....
the main delay was, as of many mods, scripting.

Basically after...7 years!!!, I took it out of the drawer, did a very simple script, and before I think it twice...bam! there it goes!

Thermopylae: no need to explain a lot...
300 spartans and their allies, maybe 5,000 or 7,000 total against...150,000 ? who knows, nobody will ever know the exact number, but definitely one of the most famous last stands in history.
This is just a very basic script to portray a bit of the fighting, showcase the units, and to ..after 7 long years...release at least something and avoid keeping them in the dust forever.
Maybe it sparkles attention, maybe a good AND COMMITTED script programmer wants to help finish scripting the other levels?

or simply, grab a beer, pop it open, and ENJOY!

Carlinho (on his 42nd birthday)


Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2012 11:07 pm
by juliocpaes

Very good this Greek-Plugin v1.0 Thermopylae ground, I'll wait for the start up with expectantly.
Carlinhos, Happy Birthday. Hey is a good idea grab a beer ! :D


Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 12:16 am
by Melekor
Approved! : ... pylae-solo

Congrats Carl! That must feel good to get it released. Only 7 years? Oak has been 9 so far, I guess you beat me. (I'll release it someday - soon(tm) ;))

PS. If anyone is having performance issues with the high res sprites in Thermopylae, rest assured that we've done significant work in this area and performance will be improved in 1.8.

PPS. Epic screenshot there.

PPPS. Happy Birthday!

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:40 am
by carlinho
thanks Julio, thanks Mel!!!!
yes, I feel relieved! (until the bad reviews start shoving , haha)
kind of needed to do this before I was too old ;)


Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2012 10:18 am
by Eddaweaver
As you say it's a beta I'll mention a few things. The mesh doesn't show after the plugin is activated - from memory, I think a mesh needs the 01 prefix for it to show without having been played previously or holding down shift. The first map has "Thermopylae pass." - I'm not an expert in English but shouldn't the Pass be capitalised? The Mission Objectives should say "The Persians mustn't be allowed through". Couldn't the units with special abilities have a description string text that says what their special ability is? Sorry for being a pedant. :oops:

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 12:15 am
by carlinho
haha, you are not a pedant!!
actually if you didn't tell me all that, I wouldn't have had a clue #1 it was wrong #2 how to fix it!
so thanks a lot Edda!
will definitely fix that once I grab all feedback as possible

did you like it?
was it fun?


Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:30 am
by iron
For extra lols you could always try 101, 201, 301, 401 etc - they'll give the level name a different colour in the menu :)

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 1:48 am
by carlinho
cool, thanks Iron
I listed it as 577, I have not a clue why...haha
maybe a 501 would do it, liked the green :wink:

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:50 am
by vinylrake
a little more detail about the colors of map names, an another tip from iron


Its fairly simple change the name of the Mesh ("mesh" option in Fear) to have a three digit number prior to the mesh e.g. "500 The wall" ( it will show up as green). The first digit sets the color and the other two are for the order it will appear in the list of maps.

(NOTE this does not work in Myth 3 -- Malek)

If your map is named "MyMeshName" and you want to make it appear green in the map selection list, name it "500 MyMeshName" and you'll get the color. If you have another mesh on the map you want to have the same color then name it "501 MyMeshName2", etc.

These are the colors available when naming maps:
1 = Blue
2 = Purple
3 = Red
4 = Green
5 = Olive
6 = Brown


Note about the order the maps are displayed in:

To make a map visible in the level selection list, name the mesh tag with a number ending in 01. For instance, a mesh called "01 Frenzy" will show on the list without shift-clicking, but "02 Frenzy" or "Frenzy" will not.

Also, the sorting of meshes is done in a strange way. Firstly its numerical in ascending order - ie. "01 village", "02 graveyard" etc. If the numbers are the same, then it's alphabetical in _descending_ order. So if you have "01 village A", "01 village B" then B will be listed above A.

-- Iron



Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:52 pm
by bigbro
I'm liking it very much. Great work as usual. Beautiful units. Very solid voice acting. As you said, It probably has a bigger potential with more complex scripting, but I'm loving it even under its present form.

Ennemy archers are deadly and have a way longer range than greek projectile units.
On one of my last attempts, I lasted until Xerxes launched what seems to be the final attack, and then most of my remaining melee units got wiped by some kind of long range fire attack, the source of which I couldn't identify - do they have a catapult or a similar device ?

My only problem is that I can't host these days so I have to wait upon people's very limited benevolence to play it in coop :-)

Keep up the good work,

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 8:07 pm
by carlinho
hey bigbro!!!
wassup! haven't chatted with you in ages
great that you liked it!
the units firing long range arrows are the persian immortals
Persians where really good archers as they used composite bows, probably taken from the scythians, very famous for their archers.
As a matter of fact the last survivors of the soldiers at Thermopylae are being said to been finished off with a missile volley, and lots of arrowheads where found at the last stand hillock (in the game the hill surrounded by trees above the fire place next to the wall.
The idea was to give the immortals a very long range missile attack, as to compensate the persians for their weaker infantry, and to force your units into different strategies to survive that.
but if it's just that and you finish, then you are almost that's the last charge...
I would love to host but my old mac is kaput, and that's the only computer where I could host that I have...sigh...

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:16 am
by Point
Cool cool cool downloading now... I have a day to play before my next summer trip !

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:01 am
by Point
units look really good and the map looks outstanding ... Very glad that guard seems to keep them from charging... just played a couple times so far... it would be nice if they had a inventory mode with shields to block arrows. all around great looking stuff.

in shields up mode they could have a higher absorb or block value maybe that way you could have them hide under shield and not have to use an attack to block arrows...maybe

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:48 am
by carlinho
wasssup Point! haven't talked to you in ages, neither had time to test any plugs lately!
that would be sweet
I tried to implement something like that but had no clue as to how to do it...haha
any ideas welcomed!

Re: Greek Plugin- Thermopylae solo v1.0

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2012 11:59 am
by Platinum
I remember seeing the original prototypes of this on youtube a while back. Can't believe you have worked on it for this long. Just downloaded, ready to play it now.