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proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:09 pm
by lazarillo
Hi Everyone,

I've been having a bit of gaming nostalgia, and I'm sure everyone here agrees that Myth was one of the greats!

I'm happy shelling out a reasonable amount of cash, and certainly want to take a legal path, but I'm honestly not sure what the legal path is. There is no version of Myth for the Mac OS X system (or any modern system, to my knowledge). All of the wonderful work done here at this site seems to imply that we can only access either (a) updates to already-functional games, or (b) demo versions of the game, accessible on modern OS's. Do I understand that right?

Assuming I do understand that right, what is the suggested pathway in order to enjoy Myth / Myth II on a Mac OS X? Do you all recommend the following: (1) download the Myth Demo (version 1.7.2, if I remember right), as created by this wonderful group, then (2) download a bunch of the mods that folks have created. And don't worry about running the original campaign, because the original cannot be accessed due to copyright issues + no one who has copyright bothering to port them over to modern OS's? I'm OK with that, if that's the case. I just couldn't quite follow what the current situation is.


Re: proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 3:40 pm
by Pyro
The latest updates can be used on those old copies of the game. You can obtain a Myth II CD from eBay or Amazon for a few dollars. While the original Mac installer will not work with MAC OS X, the latest update to Myth II includes an installer that will grab the files from the CD and install them as well as update them. Then you will be able to play Myth II with a modern OS.

Myth TFL hasn't been updated in many years. The latest update for it might work for you, but I am uncertain on the details. However, you can simply download The Fallen Levels for Myth II plugin. Using the TFL gameplay checkbox in the updated Myth II, it will make it act like it did for Myth TFL. You can also use the TFL Interface to make the game look more like TFL.

If you are up to it, you can even make an account over at MariusNet to play Myth online with other people. Tell your friends. :wink:

Re: proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2013 5:40 pm
by lazarillo
Great, thanks so much! I appreciate all the helpful details... :)


Re: proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:00 pm
by Iophalanx
If you have the original CD mounted on your desktop, simply running "Myth TFL 1.5" will access everything you need and you'll be playing Myth 1. I'm doing it right now on Mac OS X (10.6, Snow Leopard). I can't vouch for later OSs. I'm also doing something similar with Myth II. You can also make a disk image of your CD, so the CD is no longer required. Then just open the disk image before launching Myth 1.

As a recap, I'm able to play both Myth 1 & Myth II on my MacPro running Mac OS 10.6.8 using the builds I'm sure I downloaded from this site years ago.

I hope this helps.

Re: proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 5:13 pm
by Iophalanx
FYI — The TFL 1.5 Update does NOT appear to work using 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Is there a more recent update than 1.5? Anybody know?

Re: proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 8:43 pm
by erileykc
Create a small disk partition and install a copy of OS10.6. Thats the last OS that incorporates the PPC emulator Rosetta making it well worth the disk space for running a variety of older apps.

Iophalanx wrote:FYI — The TFL 1.5 Update does NOT appear to work using 10.8 Mountain Lion.

Is there a more recent update than 1.5? Anybody know?

Re: proper way to access Myth (Mac OS X)

Posted: Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:20 pm
by Pyro
Myth TFL stop getting updated years ago now that the campaign was ported over to Myth2 it does not seem needed. The link to the TFL port is in my earlier post. If you have Myth2 fully updated, you don't need the CD to run the game.