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Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:52 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
Freedom II has (presumably) finally been completed, and is awaiting being put up on the net (sometime this week, I hope) with more than 10 multiplayer maps (11, I think), 12 or 13 massivly exciting single player maps and loads of features.

Freedom II: The East, coming this week-ish.

PS. I just realised that probably nobody here remembers it, or the people who do aren't here. Oh well. I try. Publicity matters. :lol:

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:44 am
by Eddaweaver
was Freedom that solo campaign with the Australian guy narriating the pregame?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:17 am
by William Wallet
Aha! Cid is earning his bread for the week, I dubbed him 'publicity boy' and as such it's his job to get news about Freedom 2 around. To wit - don't expect to hear anything about Freedom 2 any time soon unless it's "We're releasing Freedom 2 now" (seriously, it's done, I'm just too lazy to upload it. Will do so after Thursday when my dole obligations are over for the week).

And yes Eddaweaver - Freedom was the solo campaign that I narrated. Hahaha, I'm surprised anyone remembers it sometimes. (my accent was THAT noticable? Then again, I wasn't tryin to hide it)

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:56 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
If you haven't noticed, we don't really notice our accents. Notice.

Yeah, isn't there like, three Australian's in the myth community right now? If there's more, sorry I don't know you/forgot you. The one (besides me and Will) is... Iron? Maybe? Correct me if I'm wrong.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:36 pm
by Doobie
Iron and lank to name a couple, and i think Zeph, and probly a half dozen I'm forgetting.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:58 pm
by lank
umm... zeph is french canadian (unless it's a different zeph than the one who used to be called head and was a member of renaissance).

lord raven (wherever he be now) is an aussie. used to hang around at the asylum a lot. in a straight-jacket, like iron. :p

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:59 pm
by carlinho(not signed)
an australian with scottish accent, a new freedom plugin, c'mon don't be shy !
post it so we can play mate!
eagerly waiting...hehe

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 6:31 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
Ok, the whole plug-in is really finished right now, I just need to get around to testing it!

And another inquery to you long term Myth-ers: How many plug-ins have been made that have any sort of cutscene in them? Because me and Will have been planning cutscenes today, and it's basically ready to animate.

And these won't be included in the final download, 'cause it will take a while to do them, and the file is already a bit beefy.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:32 am
by William Wallet
Cid beat me to it.

Yeah - we wrote scripts for 6 cutscenes today (we're always makin' movies so this is a doddle). We're gonna shoot real video and make flash cartoons over the top (like an old Disney movie).

And yeah - not for a while. Freedom 2 won't have cutscenes just yet, we want to get it over with and release it.

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2005 7:44 am
by William Wallet

Cid is also the publicity guy, so he'll have to get news around when we release it. You know - Freedom 2 is FRONT PAGE STUFF
I hope you're listening Magma, Playmyth, Mariusnet....

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:11 pm
by carlinho
one question out of the what format do you need to save the movies in order for myth to play them?
let's say you have a flash movie, or a quicktime...
with what program do you convert the movie files to that format needed?

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:33 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
I don't know what programs you use, but I do know that Myth uses .smk files.

I dunno howda makem.

EDIT: Woah, my post is orange.

EDIT2: Ok, after we iron out the few bugs we found yesterday (ew) it should be good for release THIS WEEKEND. Ok? Ok.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:35 pm
by carlinho
ahh...shame...I have no idea how to make smk files...
I use final cut & flash...which programs are you going to use to make your cutscenes and export them to myth?
cool color!

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:38 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
I reckon Flash, then Final Cut, then yeah.

I'd tell you more but I'm not the one making them. I'm just Mr. Publicity.

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:47 pm
by William Wallet
Here's the scoop man
we're gonna film "Real Us", to do all the characters (this includes ghols, trows and all the supporting guys). Then I'm going to draw over frames of this footage in Flash. Then I'm probably going to take this animation and put it over backgrounds and do cool whoosh and movements in After Effects.
Then I'll add sounds and music in Final Cut. THEN I'll turn it into an AVI, then into a SMK... all this will mean going from PC to Mac several times. It'll take months. But it'll be cool - expect cheapo imitations of Myth II cutscenes.