Myth II Perfect Autohost
Posted: Mon Mar 11, 2013 7:24 pm
Hi everyone, I've recently created an autohost server(mauriusnet)
Open 24/7 for all to play. Called The Anvil of Culyweh. Now I'm no expert at Myth so I don't know the maps and game types everyone plays. The reason I'm saying this is because I have observed many complaints about the current list that it cycles through. Since this is to be a community server I'm looking for suggestions/comments on how I can make this a server more people will play, instead of just sitting around in the Lobby
Open 24/7 for all to play. Called The Anvil of Culyweh. Now I'm no expert at Myth so I don't know the maps and game types everyone plays. The reason I'm saying this is because I have observed many complaints about the current list that it cycles through. Since this is to be a community server I'm looking for suggestions/comments on how I can make this a server more people will play, instead of just sitting around in the Lobby