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Click To Move/Select

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 10:52 pm
by bluseychris2
Is it possible to have click to move on either lmb or rmb only and have the other button for select? the reason for this is that I've been playing stuff recently and it having click to move on both buttons has done my tits in.

Like the heroes level of TSG where you teleport onto the ramparts. Select dwarf, click to move onto a ramp, go to select next unit and in advertantly bring back dwarf. I've had this with SotB, regular Myth 2, TFLevels, practically everything. In fact knocking game speed down to 1/4 doesn't help as I can still end up missing selection.

Maybe I'm just to lazy to change down speed and box select the units I want half the time. The fact of the matter is I don't want to play on half or quarter speed for everything in SP. It's also part of the reason I avoid MP completely.

So what do you say? Have click to select on LMB and click to Move on RMB only, or alterable. Therese only so much heavy cursing my computer can take.

Re: Click To Move/Select

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2013 11:49 pm
by Pyro
Currently there is no way to do that, but it might be worth looking into in the future. You could go to your controls and alter what right click does. For example set it to Deselect Units so that you only use left click to move units and right click to deselect before clicking on the next unit to avoid ordering the last unit to move there. There is also a checkbox that makes left click not gesture, so you don't accidently tell your units to face a different direction when instead you wanted to box select.

There are other alternatives. You could make use of the Enter key to select all units on the screen. No box selecting needed for that. Of course not perfect when you only want specific units. You can double click on a unit to select all nearby units of the same type. Might help in some cases. There is always presets. You use Alt+# and hold it for a while to save the selected units as a preset. Then press Alt+# again to recall that preset when needed. Or use the F key to cycle through your presets. You can also set your mouse wheel to cycle through presets.

Maybe you just need a better mouse? The units don't move that fast to be unable to select them correctly.

Re: Click To Move/Select

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2013 7:58 pm
by bluseychris2
I know, it's just done my head in recently. It's not about unit speed though, it's about precision clicking. On the whole I haven't had a problem but more recently I've been playing stuff that really get's boring with the speed ramped down (namely the teleport level in TSG). It does do my head in in multiplayer though.

Better mouse XD nothing to do with the mouse mate.

Oh well, I'm off to find a bitmap conversion guide so I can stick doom sprites in and watch doom guys running around punching people.