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evaluation of plugin

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 3:37 pm
by juliocpaes
Hi myth dudes,

I should that you do a evaluation of plugin the-valley-of-the-shadow

I saw that my plugin had 28 downloads. so I would like an opinion about: comments, criticisms (constructive eh eh) so I can improve in other plugins.

how much :

pregame : imagem, sound, text;
postgame : imagem;
ambient and sounds of the plugin;
solving the puzzle is good;
the distribution of units around the map.

thanks :mrgreen:

Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Sat May 11, 2013 9:55 am
by juliocpaes

Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 12:00 pm
by bluseychris2
I'll get round to it soon, it is sitting there in my plugins folder but between work, chasing ladies and other irl stoof I'm a bit bogged down.



Spelling/Grammar improvements


The Dwarf and Warrior spirits must survive.


1/8 - Find The Healer's Journal. Only the Warrior can carry it.
Combine hints 2 & 3
5/8 - Many ghols lurk in the graveyard, kill them all.
6/8 - The Dwarf and Warrior must survive.
7/8 - Only the Dwarf may carry the bright orbs.
8/8 - Once all the knots are activated go to the centre of the circle.

Play related stuff:

Don't make anything other than the Myrks and the Heroes a ghost.
Don't make anything float if it has legs, otherwise it looks wierd.
Don't have the spade/journal as attackable objects.
Get rid of the luminous archer corpse.
Have the ghosts as normal units that have just been re-skinned.
Get rid of the Duff's satchel charges, give him the ability to carry all the orbs.

That's after 20 minutes of play

Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:42 pm
by juliocpaes

Thank by commentary, I will being attentive to details that you mention.



Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 5:12 pm
by capital
Fury and I played your plug, overall it was good plugin, english descriptions & hints need to be rewritten for clarity and comprehension reasons.

Come online some time and I'll play test it some more with you.

Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 8:01 pm
by juliocpaes
Capital // Fury,

wow, yes I wait . also in µDogHotLine.

at first, I wanted to make a map with incessant heavy rain, lightnings, dark place.

a place infested with "wandering". where the souls of some heroes can fight his last battle.

is a map very gothic. (well, i guess).


Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Tue May 21, 2013 3:30 pm
by bluseychris2
It's a cool map, if you do a rev 2 let me know. You may also want to remove willow creek from the plugin :P

Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 5:34 pm
by Phex
Hello julio, I played your map together with BluePhoenix. Overall, the map was alright and we had some funny games. These are some random comments which came to my mind while playing:
  • Language could be improved, as stated before.
  • Is there any reason why the whole map is visible at start? Since its an exploration map this does not seem to make much sense.
  • The archer shoots fire arrows for the first two shots. Then only normal arrows. But he walks back sometimes after shooting which is unusual.
  • Some of your world knot pillars are not placed correctly on a mesh triangle.
  • Dead bodies have neon colors.
  • Since the rain makes the dwarf mostly useless, we are contraint to two archers, warrior and zerg. This is not that interesting in the long run. Especially without ranged enemy units.
  • In constrast to your map, ghosts do not bleed and vanish to dust according to Myth mythology. They also should not have shadows. And be colored slate blue.
  • Some scenery is too bright and needs to be tinted appropriately (skulls, crosses...). You can look at my plugin "5 kingdoms" where I used the same map as you do and some of the same scenery as you use but with the correct brightness.
  • Whats the shovel good for? It can be attacked but seems to take no damage.
  • The riddle is ok. However, the dwarf should drop the crystals like satchels and not throw them like bottles. Otherwise it is hard to place them where they belong. That is really frustrating!
  • I like all the nice details you put on this map!

Re: evaluation of plugin

Posted: Fri May 24, 2013 7:42 pm
by juliocpaes
Phex wrote:Hello julio, I played your map together with BluePhoenix. Overall, the map was alright and we had some funny

Thanks Phex and BluePhoenix for have played and by review my plugin !

*Language could be improved, as stated before.
reply :ok this can be improved;
*Is there any reason why the whole map is visible at start? Since its an exploration map this does not seem to make much sense.
reply : yes, a plugin usually comes with the "exploration map" closed, but I chose open, since the map is very dark i
tried it facilitate. I realize that now that the players prefer map exploration closed;
*The archer shoots fire arrows for the first two shots. Then only normal arrows. But he walks back sometimes after shooting which is unusual.
reply: this firbolg archer ghost is not my creation, I do not remember who is the author, indeed the behavior of archer
ghost hinders the battle;
*Some of your world knot pillars are not placed correctly on a mesh triangle.
reply: yeah, it was a blunder of mine;
*Dead bodies have neon colors.
reply: I used the dead body of the "group projectiles" and it's got that neon color. it not combine with a map too dark;
*Since the rain makes the dwarf mostly useless, we are contraint to two archers, warrior and zerg. This is not that
interesting in the long run. Especially without ranged enemy units.
reply : I tried to make an intermittent rain, where the dwarf is useful When the rain stays off or 10%.
I tried to make a difficulty in the game (remember from the plugin "across Gjol"? when it very rained and the dwarves were useless, I wanted to do something;
*In constrast to your map, ghosts do not bleed and vanish to dust according to Myth mythology. They also should not have shadows. And be colored slate blue.
reply : I used the standard myth ghosts, only warrior ghost is the plugin Chimera, and Firbolg ghost, I do not know who is the author ;
*The riddle is ok. However, the dwarf should drop the crystals like satchels and not throw them like bottles. Otherwise it is hard to place them where they belong. That is really frustrating!
reply : yes I agree it can be changed.