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Dates on Tain uploads?
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 4:40 pm
by jason_ac
Since the Tain is a huge file repository, I'd love to see it show date-of-last-upload on the files. I'm surprised it doesn't. Sometimes I'm trying to figure-out if A is newer than B and often there's no way to tell other than to download the plugin.
Re: Dates on Tain uploads?
Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2014 5:07 pm
by Jon God
I agree with this. It'd be cool to see it happen.
Re: Dates on Tain uploads?
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:50 pm
by Pyro
It would be useful, but due to the age of the Tain, you might end up with uploads of very old plugins with an upload date of say a year ago. There have probably been people downloading newly uploaded plugins that were in fact from the 90's and thought they were recent.
Strangely enough the Tain's submission does allow you to set a date, but I guess it goes unused or something as you never see it listed.
Re: Dates on Tain uploads?
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:27 pm
by jason_ac
Pyro wrote:you might end up with uploads of very old plugins with an upload date of say a year ago
You mean because an old plugin just "recently" got uploaded?
The plugins themselves seem to retain their "old" file dates...I have recently downloaded plugins that are 98, 99, 2000, etc. How about the Tain display the file date of the plugin?
Re: Dates on Tain uploads?
Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:13 am
by Pyro
jason_ac wrote:You mean because an old plugin just "recently" got uploaded?
Yes. It has happened a bunch of times so far.
jason_ac wrote:The plugins themselves seem to retain their "old" file dates...I have recently downloaded plugins that are 98, 99, 2000, etc. How about the Tain display the file date of the plugin?
Sometimes the person uploading the old plugins doesn't have the original file and may have a copy that displays the date it got copied. At any rate, a Tain dev would be more useful in answering such a question.