Weirdomodobons - What was the last version?
the last version released was 1.2, which you can find in the uploads folder at
i'm in the process of fixing it so that one or two things that broke in 1.4/1.5 are fixed. i also want to make it compatible with things like the fallen levels and tfl mappack (i.e. adding weird myrms and forest giants). there's a little still to do to make sure it's all working according to plan, and after that i'll try to rope some people into testing it. i'll post about it then. in the meantime, have fun and don't forget to tell your friends.
i'm in the process of fixing it so that one or two things that broke in 1.4/1.5 are fixed. i also want to make it compatible with things like the fallen levels and tfl mappack (i.e. adding weird myrms and forest giants). there's a little still to do to make sure it's all working according to plan, and after that i'll try to rope some people into testing it. i'll post about it then. in the meantime, have fun and don't forget to tell your friends.
Thought that might be how it worked.
We enjoy playing them both, though I must admit I haven't played enough to fully understand the implications of all the units and how to trade properly.
I extracted the on-line manuals at one point because the popups on the site where I found them caused my browser to have seizures.
We enjoy playing them both, though I must admit I haven't played enough to fully understand the implications of all the units and how to trade properly.
I extracted the on-line manuals at one point because the popups on the site where I found them caused my browser to have seizures.
wm2 was made almost entirely by goft, with some contribution (mostly months of testing) from skarg and me, while our order was still slightly active.
wm1 was made by bo'alor (our then leader), goft and me, with testing from all of MiR and a few select friends (where are you captain red?! my pie-maker won't stop making pies and my stockpile is really huge. the pressure on the bottom is so great that the pies are starting to fuse and soon it'll create a pie-sun that will destroy the world!).
eh-hem. sorry. :0
wm1 was made by bo'alor (our then leader), goft and me, with testing from all of MiR and a few select friends (where are you captain red?! my pie-maker won't stop making pies and my stockpile is really huge. the pressure on the bottom is so great that the pies are starting to fuse and soon it'll create a pie-sun that will destroy the world!).
eh-hem. sorry. :0
i'll spoil the mystery and tell you. in tfl, bo'alor made a little plugin called "weird mons", because all that he edited was the mons tag, and he made them weird, so it was a fairly obvious name. later on they were combined, and when he made it for myth two, it was the second version, so it was weirdobodomons. sorry. :p
Very cool!
I still don't quite understand the "bodo" part... I looked up the word and got the following definition - somehow I don't think this quite fits:
I still don't quite understand the "bodo" part... I looked up the word and got the following definition - somehow I don't think this quite fits:
Main Entry: Bo·do
Pronunciation: 'bO-(")dO
Function: noun
: a genus of minute usually ovoid biflagellate kinetoplastid protozoans (family Bodonidae) that are common in stagnant water, dung, and sewage and include numerous intestinal commensals of vetebrates