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Subtract Monster Lists

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:15 pm
by A-Red
Hey hivebrain! I have been looking for ways to remove units from the subject list of a given map action (for instance, 10 ghols are in a Wander action over a broad area, and I want one who gets near to a certain player unit to break off and attack while the other 9 continue to go about their business). I've noticed that the GEOM action now has something called "Subtract Monster Lists," which seems relevant.

Does anyone have experience with this parameter? How exactly do you implement it?

Re: Subtract Monster Lists

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:37 pm
by Pyro
Have you tried looking it up in the Mapmaking docs that are included when you install Fear and Loathing?
Subtract Monster Lists - Takes two lists of monsters, one marked subj and the other marked obje. It adds to the results list all monsters that are in the subj list but are not in the obje list.
I know some old parameters hadn't been added to the loathing doc until the 1.8.0 update. Don't remember if this one was missing from earlier versions but its in there either way. Also, the description found in it while looking at it in Loathing can help too.

If you need additional details just ask.

Re: Subtract Monster Lists

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 3:53 pm
by A-Red
Yeah, I got the basic intent of the parameter, but I'm a bit confused by implementation. It sounds like it is designed to take two pre-defined lists and create a new one from them, rather than actively removing monsters from an already existing subject list? So basically you link to a subj and obj list, or feed one or both into the GEOM itself, and it returns into your RIA the units that are subjects but not objects?

That seems rather useful, though it's not what I was hoping to do. If I wanted to remove units from a list, I'd need to...maybe subtract lists and then continually MUNG the new one in as a replacement? That seems like it might work.

Re: Subtract Monster Lists

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 4:16 pm
by Pyro
Yes, you can have two lists predefined or feed one or both into the GEOM to return units that are in the subject list but not in the object list. Yeah, the munger approach is the way to go with what you need.