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Mouse camera movement only works half...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:06 pm
by kappagurka
I installed 1.8.0 myth 2 with the fallen levels v2 and the textures pack.
I started myth2.exe and the game works fine on my personal desktop computer.
On my laptop I have the same installation, but for some vague reason there is a problem with the mouse camera movement...
When the game starts, i move my mouse on the upper part of my screen and left side of my screen, the camera moves to both directions. But when i move my mouse to the lower part or the right side of my screen the camera refuses to move.
Together with this mouse problem i seem to have no mini map at all....
Pressing the shortcutkey TAB does not bring it up either.

P.S.: i disabled the touchpad but that did not solve the problem.

By running myth II old.exe i did get the camera controls back but it ofcourse reverts the game back to 1.7.1...

Thanks for answering in short notice guys. I have managed to fix my problem.
The drivers are updated and the laptop could run the game on the old version fine. But just in case i installed everything that was touchpad and mouse related fresh on my laptop from the factory site. Thanks again for reminding that it is always a good idea to update drivers Godzfire. But too bad it did not change anything for me. Then later i changed my DPI scaling settings like Melekor suggested. I did that by following these procedures that was on the official microsoft helpsite:
You can specify the scaling to use for text and UI elements by following these steps:

1. In Control Panel, click Appearance And Personalization.

2.Under the Display heading, click Make Text And Other Items Larger Or Smaller.

3.The default scaling options allow you to choose a 100-percent scale (the default), a 125-percent scale, or a 150-percent scale. To use one of these scaling options, make a selection, and then click Apply.

My settings were for some reason at 125 percent. This fixed my problem. Thanks a bunch!! Admin can close this thread now.

Re: Mouse camera movement only works half...

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 4:59 pm
by GodzFire
Go to your laptop maker's website and make sure all of your hardware drivers are up to date, especially your graphics card. Also check for BIOS updates.

Re: Mouse camera movement only works half...

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 1:57 pm
by Melekor
Sounds like the DPI scaling issue making the game window larger than your monitor, which we fixed in 1.8.1

-run in full screen mode
-disable DPI scaling for myth or for the entire system
-use 1.8.1