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Posted: Sat May 14, 2005 12:38 pm
by Melekor
Hey everyone, I need your help to find any bugs that exist in my new and improved windows version. Once they've all been eliminated, this can become part of the standard ProjectMagma distribution.

The main feature of this release is the ability to go toggle between windowed mode and fullscreen, but it also has a lot of other fixes and improvements. See the site for a full list of changes. Be sure to check it out, I think you'll like it!

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 4:51 am
by Brainbug
does it have posibility for windowed mode for lobby but full screen for game as well?

[edit] just tried, and it seems it has :D

it still is slower then the loading on my brothers mac (which as far as i recall doesn't switch between resolutions at all)
BUT it only checks one resolution now or so it seems, not the 5-6 checks it did before when launching myth...
i already love it :) just hope it doesn't go OOS for some reason

Edited By Brainbug on 1116151390

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 1:31 pm
by Melekor
Thanks for the feedback Brainbug. It shouldn't be checking *any* resolutions when starting up. About the OOS factor: that part of the code hasn't been touched. This version will go OOS exactly the same places as the regular 1.5.1 ;)

I've uploaded a new build with some improved code that tries to not switch resolutions unless it's absolutely necessary. Cab you see if that fixes it on your computer?

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 10:10 pm
by Brainbug
no, not when starting up, it checked the resolution between a game and lobby

Edited By Brainbug on 1116213070

Posted: Sun May 15, 2005 10:50 pm
by Melekor
Ah, I see. The myth lobby is fixed at 640x480, so if your game is set differently than that, it will need to switch when going between the two(and I would think the mac version has to as well). However, the old build would switch even if your game was the same res as the lobby. That's fixed now, for OpenGL and software at least. Also in the new build, the fullscreen toggle keys don't repeat, so you can no longer accidentally switch modes more than once by holding the key combo down too long.

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 4:11 pm
by Brainbug
trying latest version now:

in multiplayer it crashes when you're not playing on same resolution as your monitor is in windows (only tried with 2 resolutions yet now)

Posted: Mon May 16, 2005 8:00 pm
by Melekor
That is very strange indeed. I don't see what it could have to do with multiplayer and I can't seem to reproduce your problem on my computer.

I've uploaded a new build that will output a lot more information about Direct3D errors to myth_log.txt. Try it again with the new exe and hopefully the myth_log.txt will give us a clue as to what or where the problem is.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 6:02 am
by Heinzoloiger
Incredible work about the startup time.
With the old 1.5.1 it took up to 17 sec to load.
Now, it's less than 2 sec !!!!

My biggest wanted feature would be to keep visible the myth window when it loses focus. (like in OS X)

Keep working on this awesome project

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 10:27 am
by Myrd
Also, Alt-F4 didn't seem to be working, despite what documentation said.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 11:58 am
by Melekor
Myrd: I've set it up so that pressing alt-f4 is exactly like pressing escape. Isn't that the behavior that you're experiencing?

Heinzoloiger: Thanks for the praise :) I'll look into your idea of keeping the window visible when it loses focus. I'm pretty sure that it will be possible.

Edited By Melekor on 1116436006

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 3:51 pm
by Melekor
Heinzoloiger, I got it your idea working, but now that I did, it seems like the old behavior is actually more desirable. When you want to switch tasks, it seems better if myth is out of the way, not using your cpu power while behind other windows. Can you elaborate on how you think it's going to be useful? ATM I'm inclined to keep it the old way.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:11 pm
by TarousZars
I was gonna request the same featur eas Heinzoloiger.
It's handy to have firefox open and myth open and be able to see both. So if I'm waiting for a game to open, i can surf the net without having to switch between apps.

Also. I noticed that when i switched between windowed and full screen mode, it seemed to stretch the fonts a little bit. I'll try to get a screenshot tonight to show you what i mean. Suffice it to say, if i used the 1.5.1 Normal version, fonts in 800x600 looked fine. If i did the same res in windowed mode (while monitor is at 1280x1024) when it changed to full screen the fonts looked weird.

Posted: Wed May 18, 2005 4:45 pm
by Melekor
Ok, I see your point about not having to switch windows. How about making it behave that way only when you're not in a game, would that be a good solution?

About the fonts thing: Are you sure you're using the same renderer? The font looks different with different renderers. I can 100% guarantee that my changes can't have any effect on fonts. Although if you have screenshots, by all means, I'd like to see what's going on.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 2:55 am
by Orlando the Axe
Is there any possible way there could be an option added for widescreen like 1600x1024 or something in the same ratio? I just got a new monitor and Myth is all stretched on it. If it's a lot of work then don't worry about it, it's no big deal.

Posted: Thu May 19, 2005 3:00 am
by Orlando the Axe
Actually I just tried 1152x864 and it looks good, so don't worry about it :).