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Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 9:40 pm
by iron
At long last the hectic series of co-ops and multiplayer maps that is Frenzy have been rolled up in a plugin and uploaded for your Mything pleasure.

Details and download links here. Hope you all enjoy it :)

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:49 pm
by Floyd is Pink
is that a im quitting myth or is that a im not making anymore plugins?!!??!?! because i forbid you from leaving

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2005 11:58 pm
by iron
Were Myth to become freeware/abandonware, or were a free or open source Myth-ish game to be made then I'd definitely be game for making plugins again.

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2005 2:50 am
by William Wallet
I'd find it hard to quit if Floyd forbade me.

Yay! Frenzy!

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:27 am
by Phex
Well done! A really nice plugin!
I especially like the high-res units and the Windmill of Doom! :cool:
One question: What effect does the arm have on the journeyman?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:36 am
by The Elfoid
You've been good to us Iron, sad to see you halt work.

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 11:07 am
by William Wallet
Is Syndicate being passed on to someone else, or is it pretty much dead now?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:14 pm
by Subzero
How do morts keep appearing? Also how is a heron guard with rabican on the hero version? Also didn't he defeat shiver while defending a city?

Also didn't the head tell him how to defeat shiver?

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:26 pm
by iron
There's nothing in the Myth story that says morts weren't around earlier. The flavor text implies that they're recent by talking about advances in explosives over the past sixty years, but that's not definitive proof to me :)

Rabican defeated Shiver on the outskirts of Madrigal. Bungie's comic showed it happening outside the city on a hill.

As for the heron, if GHOST can use them out-of-context, so can I. The Champions mesh is really just for the fun of the gameplay. Its just a co-op. Relax on the storyline bit and enjoy it eh :)

The arm really doesn't have any effect on the journeyman. Its a means at the beginning of deciding whether to have the AI control him or not, otherwise its merely cosmetic. Not like the effect the arm had in Shadow III ;)

Regarding Syndicate, it still needs a ton of work. I've really no-one to pass it onto seeing that I found it very hard enrolling help when I was working on it. Anyway, its not something that I'd want to pass on, its too personal. Who knows, perhaps it'll see the light of day at some point but I'd not hold my breath waiting for it.

Never thought I'd bring up my 1000th post with a message like that :\

Edited By iron on 1124666232

Posted: Sun Aug 21, 2005 6:39 pm
by haravikk
What difference does it make if Myth is freeware or not? It's a great game either way, so if you've nothing more important to do then you should still make maps :)
It's only if you don't enjoy it that you should stop, or there is real-life stuff in the way.

I'm hoping to get back and make a map soon, I've all these unfinished plug-ings that have really cool elements to them that show what I can actually do, but none are close to complete enough for release.
I've got a map idea that's stuck with me for a while though, so I just might be able to finish it.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:36 am
by William Wallet
Ah well - you certainly picked a good plugin to finish off on. That Rabican - the first time I saw it, I thought it was some unused TFL collection, it just fits in with the TFL units so well.

GL HF & 12, IronDuke.

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:29 am
by Graydon
So um... Iron... syndicate???

Those models!!! 8o|

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 2:15 am
by Industry
iron wrote:Were Myth to become freeware/abandonware, or were a free or open source Myth-ish game to be made then I'd definitely be game for making plugins again.

So, I hate mention/start this, but I really like the existing Myth, but I too want an Open Source version, so I can at least try to hack in features that I desire. I frequently hear that it isn't worth it to try and mod the original Myth source to do the crazy stuff people want (like 10,000 units on-screen). I assume that that is because Myth just used the same Scene Graph that can be found in the Marathon 2 Open Source Code, and by that I mean the big fat linked list, or as a Graphics Programmer might call it, NO Scene Graph. Are there other reasons people feel it wouldn't be worth it?

Is there something else wrong with the original design decisions Bungie made for the Engine?
I still think that billboarded scenery, pre-rendered unit animations, and pre-rendered and fixed lighting look great. I can't imagine that it is any of these three features that make the Engine unscaleable. Am I wrong? I mean Halo seems to be the Myth Engine with a automatic camera and only one unit...

I think the same design decisions that were made to make the small squad tactics game look awesome on a Pentium 133 with 32 MB of RAM could be used to make the large army tactics game on a 2.4GHz with 512MB of RAM look pretty cool.
Or if we still can't do large army. At least we could add a skybox and multiple media types (ideally even Fear-able media physical models) and mipmapping for unit collections and 3d audio chat and other stuff.
OpenGL, OpenAL, SDL, am I missing something?

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:15 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
You can be the one to try and pursuade Take 2 to go open source. Good luck with the snakes.

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:51 am
by William Wallet
That's quite a welcoming committee.

Hey, those are some neat ideas Industry. But that's less developing-to-make-a-profit and more 'art'. Let's face it, a lot of people would look at a neat list like that and just go 'bweeeah the sharemarket is diving and I don't have time to implement blah blah blah...'

Back to Frenzy.
I suck at it. I can't win it unless I'm on Timid. If you guys could see the films of me and Cid playing it... bwahahah.