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Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:28 pm
by Welly
I'm a huge fan of original sprites, and I've finally given in and began a list of all the new units, made over the years, that can fit into the Myth universe.

So it is excluding things like: leggo, Wild West, WWII, mech-warrior, civil war, pirates, and other things that would be blatantly out of place standing next to warriors, archers, and mythical creatures.

I have a ton of units on it, but it's nowhere near complete. So I call to you, the actual makers of such works, with the hopes that you can give a list of your original additions and / or heavy sprite reworkings and / or remakes of TFL sprites to the Myth universe, and what plugins I can find them on in case I've missed them.

It probably smells like I'm planning to use them for some kind of release, but remember, I can't script or colormap... for the time being it's for the sake of personal plugging-into-Bungie-solo-levels use. If, when the list and the plugin is finished (highly likely to be more than a year from now), and I think it's irresistibly cool, I'll track everyone down and request permission of course. But the more I think about it, my original planned release is a bad idea, since it's basically a giant rip-off of the entire Myth community since people started making sprites in the late 90's.

But for now I'm just trying to listify. I look forward to any responses, and I especially can't wait to see the list of Iron's (and Disc's and Cyd's and Wod's...) such contributions, likely to be a huge part since I'm counting Hi-Res units.

Here is a portion of the list:

Bungie's hidden/unused sprites: Skrael, Dirigible, Cave Spore, Mahir, Griffin
Bungie (?): Swineherd (it's the m2 peasant w/ axe riding a pig)
Bungie (? or Vista?): Lich (hooded thrall replacement used in Piety)

Chimera: Wasps, Fenris, Kyrilla, Changelings, Bonemen, & Demon Lord

-- LoGA, Creation --
Bre'Unor Shaman
fir'Bolg archer new
fir'Bolg Huntsman
fir'Bolg Mercenaries

-- Hexographica's original stuff --
Cavalry (Re-Animator: Craig Matchett)
Griffin (Re-Animator)
Dragon (Re-Animator)
Pikeman (Re-Animator)
Catapult (Re-Animator)
immobile Ballista (Uthuan: Anton Napiera)
dragonflies (Uthuan)

If anyone is intrigued by this, make a list of your own and in a few days when I post mine, we can compile a better one. I can hear it already: "omg wtf mins biger than urs LOL".

Kick ass!

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:57 pm
by Floyd is Pink
what the hell is the dirigible and the cave spore? are they undone units? if so has someone finished them?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:04 pm
by iron
Both TFL Bungie units. The dirigible is Welly's avatar, a floating undead thing mb similar to a wight, though what it was supposed to do is unknown. Cave spore were to be a kind of hostile ambient life.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:07 pm
by A-Red
iron wrote:Both TFL Bungie units. The dirigible is Welly's avatar, a floating undead thing mb similar to a wight, though what it was supposed to do is unknown. Cave spore were to be a kind of hostile ambient life.
Have they been converted to Myth II, and is it possible to get them anywhere?

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 9:41 pm
by Welly
Yes, I have made a Dirigible plugin and I think it's grand. I gave the sprites a Headshot and added some fun attacks. Send me your email and I'll email the thing to you, along with the Cave Spore sprites.

Iron, would you be able to help me with this list-making endeavour? It was a large post, so in case you didn't read the whole thing, I'm basically looking for a list of all the units you have made for myth so I can incorporate it into a larger wanna-be master-list of all Myth universe add-on units.

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:37 pm
by iron
Ok, I'll only include ones I modelled myself:-

the watcher

The other original units I've done don't fit into the Myth universe per se. Hope that helps.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:29 am
by Floyd is Pink
whoooaaaaaa hook it up with that fat unit!!!! i was actually thinking of a level he'd fit perfectly in for my thing im doing if i get far enough at it! if its alright with you. but does it have walking/attacking sequences by anychance?


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:22 am
by Welly
Ahh Iron thanks for your reply! Would the list of Hi-Res units be as follows?
Heron Guard
Mortar Dwarf

Of course I'm curious about your other original unit work, even though it wouldn't fit on the list. I'm sure I've seen at least some of the rest of your sprites elsewhere, I just wouldn't be able to connect you with them in my memory.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 3:26 am
by Welly
whoooaaaaaa hook it up with that fat unit!!!! i was actually thinking of a level he'd fit perfectly in for my thing im doing if i get far enough at it! if its alright with you. but does it have walking/attacking sequences by anychance?

Heya floyd, what you see there (that is, only those angles of the unit spinning around), plus the headshot graphic I added to my own version of this unit, is what you'd get if I sent it to you.

So, it never originally had any other walking/attacking/anything sequences, and I know of nobody else who has added anything to it besides me. But I think I managed to make a useful and fun unit out of it:

begin rant on dirigible plugin

The unit I made from those sprites (creatively called "Welly's Dirigible") floats around (like a real dirigible but only a foot off the ground) and spews out pus packets using a re-colored pus collection. It's special attack is a cloud of gas that stuns units, which itself sort of rains down pus packets.

My favorite thing about my little bastard creation is the gore: when struck with arrows, blood and black spider-Shiver's blood fly out all over the place. :D A number of archers or soulless working on one of my diris will produce a huge amount of bloody mess.

end rant on dirigible plugin

So if you'd like it PM me, I've already sent it to a-red, it's my pleasure. Who doesn't like showing off their stuff, even if it sucks compared to others'? No one? Awww crap... :;):

A-Red I got your email and sent you my final diri plugin plus the Cave Spore sprites. I forgot to mention that Bungie included a spelling and a flavor text in the .gor:

The Spore, though immobile, are feared for their deadly vapor...

If you can't open the stuffit archive for whatever reason just let me know and I can send it bare. Also, errr.. all the documentation that came with it was for 1.0 back in 2002, even though the unit is 3.1, so don't read it religiously as some parts of it have changed since three years ago.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 4:44 am
by capital
Way back when, in perhaps 1999/2000 there was a plugin that ported most of the TFL units stuff over to SB.

I think it might be this one, or something similiar in name.

Anyways it had things like the cave spore and blimp.


Apparently the one I've linked isn't the same one I recall seeing all those long years ago. I will try searching for the one I knew of way back when...

Edited By capital on 1127211933

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:21 am
by capital
capital wrote:I will try searching for the one I knew of way back when...
Ok, I found it, it s called "" had it one of my old backups. This contains a local folder with the goodies...

The readme for it states:

Peruse Me ¡
:·ÿ 8"·þàJ JÿÕ P¡¸¡ŸÈ(«XP ·ÿ ¡ŽTEXTttxt

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:18 am
by William Wallet
I made a Myth cavalry unit once using the M2 warrior and horse bitmaps from Cydonian. Does that fit in at all?

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 10:41 am
by Point
My udogs folder is full of stuff and adding all the time WOM world of myth tagset would be nifty... :D Point

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:42 am
by vinylrake
I don't have any easy way of seperating "myth-universe-appropriate" from the others but would a general list of units that use non-bungie-standard collections (bit maps) be of any use? [It would include things you don't want, like WWII and Leggo and Wild West, ADT, etc]

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 6:27 pm
by Welly
replies for William Wallet, Point, and vinylrake

Will: you made a cavalry unit? sure it would fit in! if it's not on a map thats available anymore, could you send it my way?

Point I took a look at ur folder and by golly that's alot of stuff.. amazing work man. Let me know which might be good for a list of myth-world plugins, since all the ones I checked out were WWII (awesome nevertheless but tanks don't go well with dragons). :D

vinylrake: sure, a list like that would be great, I'd just tell you what items from it I'd add to my own. much appreciated!