Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 8:28 pm
I'm a huge fan of original sprites, and I've finally given in and began a list of all the new units, made over the years, that can fit into the Myth universe.
So it is excluding things like: leggo, Wild West, WWII, mech-warrior, civil war, pirates, and other things that would be blatantly out of place standing next to warriors, archers, and mythical creatures.
I have a ton of units on it, but it's nowhere near complete. So I call to you, the actual makers of such works, with the hopes that you can give a list of your original additions and / or heavy sprite reworkings and / or remakes of TFL sprites to the Myth universe, and what plugins I can find them on in case I've missed them.
It probably smells like I'm planning to use them for some kind of release, but remember, I can't script or colormap... for the time being it's for the sake of personal plugging-into-Bungie-solo-levels use. If, when the list and the plugin is finished (highly likely to be more than a year from now), and I think it's irresistibly cool, I'll track everyone down and request permission of course. But the more I think about it, my original planned release is a bad idea, since it's basically a giant rip-off of the entire Myth community since people started making sprites in the late 90's.
But for now I'm just trying to listify. I look forward to any responses, and I especially can't wait to see the list of Iron's (and Disc's and Cyd's and Wod's...) such contributions, likely to be a huge part since I'm counting Hi-Res units.
Here is a portion of the list:
Bungie's hidden/unused sprites: Skrael, Dirigible, Cave Spore, Mahir, Griffin
Bungie (?): Swineherd (it's the m2 peasant w/ axe riding a pig)
Bungie (? or Vista?): Lich (hooded thrall replacement used in Piety)
Chimera: Wasps, Fenris, Kyrilla, Changelings, Bonemen, & Demon Lord
-- LoGA, Creation --
Bre'Unor Shaman
fir'Bolg archer new
fir'Bolg Huntsman
fir'Bolg Mercenaries
-- Hexographica's original stuff --
Cavalry (Re-Animator: Craig Matchett)
Griffin (Re-Animator)
Dragon (Re-Animator)
Pikeman (Re-Animator)
Catapult (Re-Animator)
immobile Ballista (Uthuan: Anton Napiera)
dragonflies (Uthuan)
If anyone is intrigued by this, make a list of your own and in a few days when I post mine, we can compile a better one. I can hear it already: "omg wtf mins biger than urs LOL".
Kick ass!
So it is excluding things like: leggo, Wild West, WWII, mech-warrior, civil war, pirates, and other things that would be blatantly out of place standing next to warriors, archers, and mythical creatures.
I have a ton of units on it, but it's nowhere near complete. So I call to you, the actual makers of such works, with the hopes that you can give a list of your original additions and / or heavy sprite reworkings and / or remakes of TFL sprites to the Myth universe, and what plugins I can find them on in case I've missed them.
It probably smells like I'm planning to use them for some kind of release, but remember, I can't script or colormap... for the time being it's for the sake of personal plugging-into-Bungie-solo-levels use. If, when the list and the plugin is finished (highly likely to be more than a year from now), and I think it's irresistibly cool, I'll track everyone down and request permission of course. But the more I think about it, my original planned release is a bad idea, since it's basically a giant rip-off of the entire Myth community since people started making sprites in the late 90's.
But for now I'm just trying to listify. I look forward to any responses, and I especially can't wait to see the list of Iron's (and Disc's and Cyd's and Wod's...) such contributions, likely to be a huge part since I'm counting Hi-Res units.
Here is a portion of the list:
Bungie's hidden/unused sprites: Skrael, Dirigible, Cave Spore, Mahir, Griffin
Bungie (?): Swineherd (it's the m2 peasant w/ axe riding a pig)
Bungie (? or Vista?): Lich (hooded thrall replacement used in Piety)
Chimera: Wasps, Fenris, Kyrilla, Changelings, Bonemen, & Demon Lord
-- LoGA, Creation --
Bre'Unor Shaman
fir'Bolg archer new
fir'Bolg Huntsman
fir'Bolg Mercenaries
-- Hexographica's original stuff --
Cavalry (Re-Animator: Craig Matchett)
Griffin (Re-Animator)
Dragon (Re-Animator)
Pikeman (Re-Animator)
Catapult (Re-Animator)
immobile Ballista (Uthuan: Anton Napiera)
dragonflies (Uthuan)
If anyone is intrigued by this, make a list of your own and in a few days when I post mine, we can compile a better one. I can hear it already: "omg wtf mins biger than urs LOL".
Kick ass!