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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:14 am
by × K ¥ R Î Ç ×
In another thread some people mentioned making Myth 4 - or rather a game with similar gameplay with a new name in a new engine.

My first instinct was to laugh and think *yeah right*. But when I think back to when I played tfl a lot people were making maps with TFL and the tools weren't even public. Using hex editors and all the crap that was a pain the ass. But look at some of the things that came out like Ferrex's Raisin Barn using that all red map to make you blind, or Keep Across that had little castle things before M2. Remember that first WW plug-in for TFL on the balin level made by... shit what was his name... el bastard or something like that?

When everything started to go to crap after m2 came out and the gameplay sucked so much many people left the community and dissappeared. Then the unthinkable happened - project magma. You nutty bastards stole m2s units and put them in tfl. That was pure fuckin genius - just no other way to describe it.

Then was murdered. Wow, I couldn't believe how many people were msging me on icq and aim for games via tcp/ip after that. Soon after, and were born. Unbelievable - i didn't think it was possible. Since then there's been a ton of maps, you guys actually managed to fix bungie's horrendous bugs in m2 - not only that, but you also fixed your own bugs and put up with everyone's whining. This also included a series of updates, cabon/OS X support and OpenGL. The tools are better then ever now.

I think the Myth Community has gone through the worst.. and each and every time you guys surprise me and comeback stronger then ever.

So now when i think back to that *yeah right* - i know i'd be a complete fool to doubt this community. I mean it's been 10 years.

At the very least I know some of you guys practically have phds in mapmaking, scripting, solid gameplay mechanics - not to mention the dedication to stick with and do anything.

Take me for instance.

Back when tfl came out, I couldn't even draw. I did some map making, but all the hex editing and what not bugged the crap out of me. I got a hold of bungie's tools for tfl but at the last moment people decided not to give me the password to unlock it. Then m2 came out, I finally finished my map - i never realesed it, but it was fun to make.

Now in my free time I can do stuff like this in photoshop:


Check out this for the full version of what i'm working on:

I'm still painting the lighting and detailing it, but I think it shows you what i mean.

I can also paint textures and skins from scratch.

Like take a look at this skin I made for a quake 3 model back in 2000.

And here are the flats at actual size:

If you want to see more of my work you can check out my site - a lot of the stuff is outdated, but some of it is still good:

Now, I'm not saying I'm Craig Mullins or anything like that. And besides, artists are a dime a dozen - good programmers with free time and an interest the project - now those are hard to find.

Who knows? Maybe there are other long-time lurkers or fans of myth or helll...just anyone who would be interested as well.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:04 am
by William Wallet
"And besides, artists are a dime a dozen"

I wouldn't say that, but you're not half wrong about programmers.

Anyway, nice post, I thoroughly concur with your sentiment. I'd really love to see something made from the finer folks of the Myth community - be it a "Myth IV" or something in the same vein... mapmakers and so forth that are far better than I'll ever be, I believe if they all got together they could make something interesting.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:17 pm
by Graydon
Or something amazing. Give it time. You never know.

Very nice texture work Craig. I have to fully join you in the blame of mythmaking for my PS skills.

Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 12:28 pm
by William Wallet
"Or something amazing. Give it time. You never know."

Heh, I'm a worst-scenario thinker. But I just happen to think - nay, *know* from what I've seen in every aspect of the modding of this game that ye fellers (on this site and beyond) could make something cool. I'm too amateurish to ever contemplate anything but maybe the odd bit of pencil art and story writing but there you go - two jobs that don't need filling no more! Hahaha...

It's a well worn path that usuall leads to litigation but I tell you it's still not a bad idea. :D