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Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 1:56 pm
by Lugas
I dunno if any one has asked this yet, but do we know when Laws of Evil will be available for download? I'm asking cos I like Throne of the Lich King and that I zoomed in on the screenshot to find a Beholder from Mazzarin's Demise 5.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 3:32 pm
by Gleep
From what I understand, it was Khellek's project with some help by a few others, mainly GHOST. Unfortunately they went awol again and it may never get finished. Maybe they can come back and finish it because it looked like a very cool project.

Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:56 pm
by Horus
Khel tends to disappear often, so there isn't really a fixed date for completion (The Gods know I still have a collection to finish for LoE...).

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 2:15 am
by Gleep
Heh reread my post, a lot of ppl from Magma contributed to the project and I wish I could say I've played or tested it, but I haven't. From what I heard its good stuff, but not complete. If only....

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:17 am
by Zeph
my guess is that it will either :

1. be forgotten by khellek
2. lost in a harddrive crash
3. khellek dies

I dont think laws of evil will ever be released :)

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:49 am
by Horus
Someone could try emailing him...

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 11:41 am
by Gleep
Anyone know how many levels are complete? I think it's a campaign that needs them all, but if it's vaporware mb he would, either let someone else finish it under his not so direct supervison or at least rework a level for a single coop. Or better yet find time to finish it. It would be a cool map to play....

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 12:55 pm
by Lugas
Zeph wrote:I dont think laws of evil will ever be released :)
Never be released? Nooooooo! :cry:
I heard that units like the Pyro, Beholder, Lich and Marilith can't be used until it's released! The Pyro would look sooo cool for my map. Do you have any idea how silly the Warlocks look!
Still he has a cool special move! I won't tell anyone if/when I finish it... *makes shifty eyes*

Posted: Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:20 pm
by Horus
It will be released eventually (he tends to work on it, disappear, come back and work on it again, then disappear etc).

The last time he disappeared his comps were stolen...

Anyways I think he will be back so LoE will not become vapourware (he was reaching the final leg scriptwise, and wanted to do it himself since he knew what he wanted exactly).

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 7:45 am
by Zeph
the last time he dissapeared(in september 2005) he was looking for a myth2 soundtrack. one month later he told me he never received it and that's the last thing i heard about him.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:34 pm
by Graydon
Ok.. I'm on of those few privledged ones to have actually seen and beta tested this absolutely incredible plugin. A 1 level solo just wouldn't work for the way the units in this have potential to be set up. The idea is you start on Level 1 The Blizzard, and begin your killing here. Any units you lose, cannot be gained back without reverting to a previous save, or playing it over again. The same applies to later levels.

There were 2 of 5 levels that were COMPLETE (Blizzard and level 3, Enchantment) with level 2, The Abbey, being very complete in my perspective (and scripted by GHOST), but according to khel it wasn't quite up to what he wanted, and had plans to rescript a good portion of it. Pointless venture in my honest opinion, but Khel's a perfectionist. Level 4 has all the enemies placed, and all the vetting script done (heroes vet to level 3 in LoE, not just level 2 like mazz, so the opportunity for vetting throughout the campaign is truely astounding), however none of the enemies have brains yet.

And then there's level 5, the infamous Crypt. THE BEST COLOURMAP EVER MADE FOR MYTH, and I still swear by it to this day. It's amazing. And like Chris said in some post.... it's not just a mesh... it... does things. The model work Ozone did for this mesh really brings it alive. Last I heard from Khellek, around the same time Zeph did, he was working on The Beholder in the crypt.

I'm positive that this plugin could be finished by a 3rd party with the help of one of the few still active participants, ChrisP. However, all the members of LoE (ozone, chris, khellek, maug, lank etc etc) have been working on this plugin for the past 6 years, and have no real hurry to finish it. They claim it'll get done... one day. And that's good enough for them. Personally, it disgusts me. This plugin is amazing, and deserves to be released before Myth is gone for good (which it will be at the rate this plug is progressing).

Time will tell.

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 12:35 pm
by William Wallet
"I heard that units like the Pyro, Beholder, Lich and Marilith can't be used until it's released!"

Sure they can. It'd just be *really* bad form to do it.
I was under the impression that once you give something up into a Myth plugin, it's a free-for-all in terms of using it?
Of course, you'd be rightly seen as a jackass, and nobody would host yer plugin... but you'd get away with it in the end :(

Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 9:13 pm
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
William Wallet wrote:"I heard that units like the Pyro, Beholder, Lich and Marilith can't be used until it's released!"

Sure they can. It'd just be *really* bad form to do it.
I was under the impression that once you give something up into a Myth plugin, it's a free-for-all in terms of using it?
Of course, you'd be rightly seen as a jackass, and nobody would host yer plugin... but you'd get away with it in the end :(
I reckon you would do the same thing if you were in his situation. You wouldn't want people using the cavalry unit before you even released your plugin with them in. :D


Posted: Fri Apr 21, 2006 11:33 pm
by William Wallet
Ciddo, in any other situation I'd actually agree - but not with the cavalry. I'd be happy if *any* fucker used it, nevermind 'before release'.

Hahah. Besides that's all academic now, the thing has been around (in two forms) for about 3 or 4 years now.

Posted: Sat Apr 22, 2006 11:38 am
by Gleep
So, has anyone emailed Khellek lately and asked what's up?