Unit Experience

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Unit Experience

Post by Nekura »

I was looking a the warrior's sword swing and noticed that the Recovery Time was 0.0100 and the Recovery Time Experience Delta was 0.0100 too. In the fear documentation it states that the Recovery Time Experience is "the amount that is removed from the Recovery Time every time a unit scores a kill". So if the recovery time is 0.0100 and the recovery time experience delta is also 0.0100 does that mean once a unit makes just one kill 0.0100 will be taken away from the recovery time making it 0.0000? I don't understand exactly how this works. Could someone please explain? Also I want to make a unit that you more easily notice get better with kills. How much would I want to increase the Recovery Time Experience Delta would double the amount be good? 0.0100 to 0.0200? How sensitive are the values and how do they work?

Oh one more thing. How does unit morale work with unit experience? Does the morale feature even work? How close do units have to be (how is far is 255)? And if you change this value to a negative amount does this create a unit that can "scare" enemy units and reduce experience? Thanks for any answers.

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Post by gugusm »

First thing: I think it's 0.100 instead of 0.0100

About a Recovery Time: it also can be lower than 0, -0.500 for example. So when warrior kills second enemy, I believe he would have his Recovery Time equal to 0 then -0.100 then -0.200 etc.

About sensivity, I have no idea, but you can always set something, look at it and then compare to the other value.

Morale? Sorry this question is not for me... :?
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Baron LeDant
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Post by Baron LeDant »

Nekura wrote:Oh one more thing. How does unit morale work with unit experience? Does the morale feature even work? How close do units have to be (how is far is 255)? And if you change this value to a negative amount does this create a unit that can "scare" enemy units and reduce experience? Thanks for any answers.
If it works in M2 like it did in M3, then units within a certain radius of the unit(s) with the morale boost, will fight as if they had more kills/experience.

The obvious example of this is with the Aura of Command in Mazz which makes units fight better.
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Re: Unit Experience

Post by gugusm »

Nekura wrote:(how is far is 255)?
I forgot to wrote it earlier: If it's measured in world units, you can see how far it is in loathing. For example, circle with radius 255 WU would be very big.
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Post by Khadrelt »

Another thing about the recovery time - Myth stops subtracting from the recovery time after a certain number of kills (I think it's 5?).
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Post by Nekura »

Khadrelt wrote:Another thing about the recovery time - Myth stops subtracting from the recovery time after a certain number of kills (I think it's 5?).
Yeah I looked in the 1.5 fear doc and it said the myth default is 5. How do I change this? In the doc it said you use the extended flags and put a value from 1 to 255 in the marsh cost. But for some reason there is no extended flags flag in monster flags. I still have the "is skittish flag" instead of the use extended flags flag. Is this because it got removed and the fear 1.5 doc is out of date? Would I have to use a older version of fear? A lot of the things I read about in the fear 1.5 doc I can't find in my fear. I noticed this when I was looking for all the new monster flags. I'm using 1.5.2. shouldn't they be there?

Oh also the recovery time and recovery time expierence delta is 0.100 and not 0.0100 my mistake.
Last edited by Nekura on Wed Feb 28, 2007 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by A-Red »

If you've got the Skittish flag you're definitely not using 1.5.2 tools (or...maybe you're on a mac and it's different?). However, you can check Skittish and enter a marsh value and get the same effect as Use Extended.
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Post by Nekura »

When I look in "about fear" it says I'm using 1.5.2? Idk? Oh also I am no longer to get online I get the "data does not match" error. I reinstalled myth and patched it to 1.6 but still can't join games. I'm going to try reinstall it again. I'm pretty the reason I still have the the "is skittish" flag and weird version of fear doesn't have to do with not being able to connect online. I think I had the problem before that.
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Post by Khadrelt »

If you're using the Mac version of Fear, it doesn't have the same Extended feature that the PC version does.
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Post by Horus »

Khadrelt wrote:If you're using the Mac version of Fear, it doesn't have the same Extended feature that the PC version does.
In other words Is Skittish is the Mac's version of Use Extended. Just check Is Skittish and enter the number you'd like to have the unit vet to in it's Marsh terrain cost box and your good to go with that.
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I know it was pretty much stated earlier but..

Post by cyan21 »

I was looking a the warrior's sword swing and noticed that the Recovery Time was 0.0100 and the Recovery Time Experience Delta was 0.0100 too. In the fear documentation it states that the Recovery Time Experience is "the amount that is removed from the Recovery Time every time a unit scores a kill". So if the recovery time is 0.0100 and the recovery time experience delta is also 0.0100 does that mean once a unit makes just one kill 0.0100 will be taken away from the recovery time making it 0.0000? I don't understand exactly how this works. Could someone please explain? Also I want to make a unit that you more easily notice get better with kills. How much would I want to increase the Recovery Time Experience Delta would double the amount be good? 0.0100 to 0.0200? How sensitive are the values and how do they work?
A recovery time of 1.000 = 1 second real time.

For simplicities sake, I'll give you an example of growth rates for melee attacks.

Give a Warrior a 1.000 Recovery time. This gives the Warrior 1 attack per second.

Now let's give him 5 kills, and a 0.400 Recovery Time Experience Delta.

This makes his attack -2.000 with 5 kills(default). Which gives him 4 attacks per second.

Using this information we can safely say that 1.000 of Recovery Time is equal to 1 attack per second. 2 attacks at 0.000, 3 attacks at -1.000, and 4 at -2.000. The reason I started at 1.000 is because at 2.000 Recovery Time, a Warrior would have half an attack per second, which doesn't make much sense.

You cannot attack faster than an animation will allow. So even if you made the experience gain continue beyond 5 kills, it would eventually cap at the animation rate. However, you can adjust the RTED lower, so that a 10 kill experience cap holds some value. Which can be very useful for single player maps, and less useful for multiplayer netmaps, because you don't want the units to cap too early and become top dog with just 5 kills each, so the scale of attack speed and accuracy improves marginally over the course of the map, rather than exponentially. With this method, you can retain the same gain over time without capping so soon.


(Warrior 1) RT = 1.000, RTED = 0.400 @ 5 kills = -2.000 RT
(Warrior 2) RT = 1.000, RTED = 0.200 @ 10 kills = -2.000 RT

As you can see, both warriors will cap exactly the same, but Warrior 1 will cap much sooner after only 5 kills, where it would take Warrior 2 twice as long to cap.

RTED always goes down, so with your example of 0.100 RT, it will become 0.200 after one kill with an RTED of 0.100, 0.300 after 2 kills, and so on.

I have also devised a formula for calculating the percentage of gain per kill, and at the experience cap.

[RTED x EC] / RT = Maximum ASI percentage (experience cap)
([RTED x EC] / RT) / 5 = ASI percentage per kill

RT = Recovery Time
RTED = Recovery Time Experience Delta
EC = Experience Cap (Bungie default is 5 kills)
ASI = Attack Speed Increase

For those of you who aren't into math, I'll give an example that should help in understanding the formula.

For my example I'll use the RT and RTED from one of my custom units, the Executioner. Experience cap is based off Bungie's default setting.

RT = 4.000
RTED = 0.600
EC = 5

[0.600 x 5] / 4.000 = 0.75 or 75% increase in attack speed at cap experience gain, which is 5 kills.
([0.600 x 5] / 4.000) / 5 = 0.15 or 15% increase in attack speed per kill.

(0.600 times 5 = 3, 3 divided by 4 = .75)
(0.600 times 5 = 3, 3 divided by 4 = .75, .75 divided by 5 = .15)

Now where you see 5 in the formula, that is the experience cap that you have assigned, Bungie's default cap is 5 kills.

So if you increased the cap to 10 it would look like this.

[RTED x 10] / RT or [0.600 x 10] / 4.000 = 1.5 or 150%
([RTED x 10] / RT) / 10 or ([0.600 x 10 ]/ 4.000) / 10 = .15 or 15%

As you can see, the experience gain per kill remains the same, however at maximum experience cap he will have twice the increase in attack speed at 10 kills vs 5 kills experience cap.

It should be quite obvious now that you can provide for a much greater challenge to a map by increasing the experience cap and lowering the RTED overall, especially for large maps with lots of enemies.

The general rule would be if you double the experience cap, like we did in the above example to 10 from the default 5, that you should also divide the RTED in half. So if you increase the cap, be sure to do the opposite to the RTED by the same value.


5(default EC) x 2 = New EC of 10, RTED / 2 = New RTED
5(default EC) x 4 = New EC of 20, RTED / 4 = New RTED

I hope I didn't make too many brains bleed with this post. Enjoy. I hope it helps.
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Post by toecutter »

don't forget that the attack speed will be limited by the rate of animation the sequence has in the unit's bitmap collection. I had to speed the animations up in amber to get them to attack as fast as I wanted.
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