Myth IV

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Post by vinylrake »

William Wallet wrote:Talk about a derailed thread.
I thought this was about a hypothetical Myth IV, and not "The Wind Age"?

PS. Woah, that is one cool axeman.
It apparently WAS meant as a disccusion about a hypothetical officially sanctionedMyth IV, but someone associated with the Wind Age project saw the remark about Myth IV being a pipe dream that would never happen and took offense. That was the ball that got the avalanche rolling, and it's been all downhill ever since.
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Post by Death's Avatar »

vinylrake wrote:
William Wallet wrote:Talk about a derailed thread.
I thought this was about a hypothetical Myth IV, and not "The Wind Age"?

PS. Woah, that is one cool axeman.
It apparently WAS meant as a disccusion about a hypothetical officially sanctionedMyth IV, but someone associated with the Wind Age project saw the remark about Myth IV being a pipe dream that would never happen and took offense. That was the ball that got the avalanche rolling, and it's been all downhill ever since.
Well, aside from the parts that were pushed back up the hill, then rolled back down.

Seriously Though: Myth IV: World of Mythcraft
Renwood TWA
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PHLease Zeph

Post by Renwood TWA »

Yea to put all the blame on ME Zeph while mean spirited people like to bashed me and talk about things they have NO idea about is VERY funny.

it takes 2 to tango and maybe you should THOURGHLY READ THROUGH the first post i made on this thread were all i did was be nice and talk about how the whole myth community works with US and is really cool that its a Fan made project. Most these "Ren haters" dont hardly EVER even play the damn game online and all they do is troll these forums trying to kick up dust in my face evrey chance they get. It takes 2 to tango Zeph and if you dont know that your very missinformed about life indeed and need to learn a little more before taking such a harsh opinion twards anybody involved in this gay arguement.

Here is my first post on the subject below, if you can read this ENTIRE post and still think im the one that picks the fights on this forum you have a severe lack of logic and fairness twards any kind of debate.

Ren's first post in this thread:

Well the thing is people keep pretending to be other people evrey now and then and being TOTAL ASSFUCKS twards anybody that is working to make New content and is on the TWA (Myth IV) DEV team.

So Lord Raven it might have been an imposter being a fucktard and not the real you. Damn Doppelgangers!

Lank its funny you mention many of the things we either HAVE working allready OR things we have been trying to figure out how to implement into the game. Like knights on horseback that can attack while moving as you say. Problem is the myth engine is made to ONLY have units with MELEE or MISSLE attacks STOP WHILE ATTCKING! So for the time being we made the best Cavalry units IVE seen in any RTS game anyways.
But they can only kill by 1. fighting with normal stop and melee attack of targets and 2. they can stampede and run enemies the fuck over and send them flying/splatting. Its really fun to run a Horse through a pile of bodies and squish them and send them flying a little.

We (TWA) Dev team members dont really stop by magma forums anymore beacuse its seems to be filled with 90% smart asses who are big critics of things they know little or nothing about. The only people who seem to be worth talking to on the forums here are Carlinho and A-Red and the Project Magma Dev team members.

People should be a little happy or hopefull that at least 2 dev teams are working twards renewing the myth experience in an all new game for all the fans to enjoy. the TWA campain has a very high level of production value, and its a FAN funded and created project!

Things are going very well and we have a LOT of ALL NEW STUFF in store for myth fans. Staying true to the Setting and world that Bungie envisioned and putting a more Reality based fantasy horror treatment to it. We even have a few members that have roles they fill that a pretty fucking close to a FULL TIME GAME DEVLOPMENT role.

And they only guy to EVER successfully work with TAKE2 to get any kind of contract with them is on our team as well as a consultant. Some Loser.

He got the permission to work with the source code from take2 in the first place.

The Amount of skill and talented VERY experienced myth devlopers that work with us is just about the entire myth community. From Project Magma Members to Even the cool guys over at Onyx Warlords.

To have something against our TWA (myth IV) project is pretty much to dout the skill and judgement of the entire group of SUPER VETERAN Developers from the myth coummunity.

Sure we have to be carefull to do just say you said lank.. "add enough cool stuff to make it fresh and new, BUT Keep enough of what makes myth MYTHY!" (Paraphrasing you a bit lank hope ya dont mind)

Myth fans should be excited that there are going to be ALL NEW UNITS that USE THE NEW 1.7 FEATURES and have been in the story and waiting for these features to get fully implemented into our campain.

And these new 1.7 feature bearing units ARENT being added with 1.7 features JUST for the sake of using the new features, because
MANY of these new units were planned and researched well over a year or even 2 years ago.

The team we have working the on project is really getting things done and making high grade content for all myth fans to enjoy in the all new TWA campain within the sweet as fuck framework of the myth universe.

To me its pretty much like writing a comicbook. I love comic books and have allways wanted to write some at one point. To me Picking up the Myth franchise's more untold stories is much like taking over a batman title after the creator (Bob Kane) leaves the title. Or Spiderman after his creator Stan Lee left the title... How do you keep it Batman and live up to the mythos and the great story crafting that has been created for him over the last 70 YEARS, but tell new stories and try to make sure that the readers still belive what they are reading is a good batman title, yet show them something they havent seen before to hold their interest.

If nothing else at least we (Myth IV Devs and some of our allies) have risen to the huge task of filling Bungie's Myth shoes.

O yea and myth 2 was created by an entirely NEW group of bungie employees that either didnt know what the fuck myth was before they got hired to work on myth 2 at Bungie or didnt work on the TFL title.
ALso none of the TFL Bungie people worked on the Myth 2 title, they just handed it off to the new guard. The Key Bungie people were busy with Halo and Oni crap.

Now if people can just get the propper TONE out of my post and not think im getting all mad, because really I AM too happy with how things are going on the project to let a few people who only troll the magma forums
bug me.

Cant wait for the final of 1.7!!!!!!!

Also look forward to our Myth The Wind Age DEMO that will be coming out soon for EVREYBODY to see and get a taste of what we have in store.

Please dont go on a fooking quote lamefest beacuse i wont respond anyways. there is a reason i havent posted on the magma forums in months, Im too busy managing a GREAT dev team and working behind the scenes to make the end product the very best it can be.

So in short Dont hate! CREATE!!! and if you think you can do better then dont talk shit, just show us up with awesome myth content.

Man if only ooga would have responded to me on teamspeak, i could have been testing all new units that use the all new features on some all new maps with all new musical scores and not writing this long post.

Seeya fellow Myth Lovers!


How the things i said in this post are somehow seen in a negative light is beyond me. the ENTIRE theme of it was its great working together with all the helpfull people out there in the MYTH community. SO Zeph YOU CANT blame me i didnt start this BS in ANY way shape or form. IF you cant tell that, still IF you even read that all the way through i dunno what to say to ya. O yea and SOME LOSER says we are going about making our project is EXACTLY the way it NEEDS to be done. And umm his opinion TRUMPS THE SHIT out of all the haters on here by a factor of 100 billiion. Can you say "Only guy NOT employed by them to EVER have a written contract with take2?"

-Renwood lacks tact OMG NEWS FLASH!!!

it took people 10 years to notice this? heh

evreybody is NEVER going to like evreybody or get along with them in this world. Is this what your expecting Zeph, because if it is you in for a real shocker.

Peach Out
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Post by Death's Avatar »

You keep saying you don't come to these forums anymore, but every time a topic pops up you write another novel about how we are haters and don't play the game. Here are things to note:

-Vr plays all the damn time
-Other people who don't play (at least me), still have invested a lot of time in this community, and it still means something to all of us.

Reading through these threads is another thing I've noticed:

Most of the posts with "negative" opinions in them are not directed at TWA teams ability to make an awesome map. It's directed at claims that were made (Calling it myth 4, asking for programmers, etc. etc.) and the attitude parts of the team have towards the community response(s).

Renwood TWA
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Post by Renwood TWA »

I never said i dont come to mamga forums, i just said i havent posted for like 4 months. but i notice the snide remarks aimed at us all the time.

I would hardly say vr plays "all the time" since i never see him on and i cant even recall what color he is. DA you are off white.

You never seem to notice DA that if people are going to be dicks they better be able to dish it out AS WELL AS TAKE IT.

maybe people mistake these forums for myth ISNT.

being popular on these forums is about as worthwhile and important as being in the comunity and having a high ranking on

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Post by Arthim »

this will be my only post on this thread. Am I the only one who can see the futality of this debate. Every one involved probably has something better to do with their time. Please, stop cluttering up the forums with this meaningless debate.
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Re: PHLease Zeph

Post by vinylrake »

Renwood TWA wrote:...maybe you should THOURGHLY READ THROUGH the first post i made on this thread were all i did was be nice and talk about how the whole myth community works with US and is really cool that its a Fan made project. ...

Here is my first post on the subject below, if you can read this ENTIRE post and still think im the one that picks the fights on this forum you have a severe lack of logic and fairness twards any kind of debate.
I am not 'hating' here, but you claim that all you did was be nice... so, as an exercise in logic, let's examine your post that you feel was only nice and positive. I will look for language that might be interpreted as "not nice" or that one might reasonably interpret as picking a fight or insulting people.

From your first post in this thread: (the very first sentence in fact)
Renwood TWA wrote:Well the thing is people keep pretending to be other people evrey now and then and being TOTAL ASSFUCKS twards anybody that is working to make New content and is on the TWA (Myth IV) DEV team.


So Lord Raven it might have been an imposter being a fucktard and not the real you. Damn Doppelgangers!

We (TWA) Dev team members dont really stop by magma forums anymore beacuse its seems to be filled with 90% smart asses who are big critics of things they know little or nothing about.
Do I really need to explain why calling people "fucktards", "total assfucks" and saying the forums are filled with "90% smart asses" who criticize things they know "little or nothing about" isn't exactly being "nice" or in any way matches what you claim you said in your post? Do you not understand how this might make the community bristle a bit in response when you say things like this?
Renwood TWA wrote: To have something against our TWA (myth IV) project is pretty much to dout the skill and judgement of the entire group of SUPER VETERAN Developers from the myth coummunity.
This is just ridiculous. It sounds suspiciously like "If you aren't on OUR side and agree with everything we say then you are on the side of the terrorists". Seriously, very bad global thinking there. Everything isn't black or white, I respect the skills of the people on the TWA project, I want it to succeed, but I still think calling it M4 is stupid. Want an exercise yourself? Find ONE instance where I have criticized or disparaged the skills of your project members, the project members themselves, or anything about your project other than the NAME of your project. (and no, finding places where I criticize your logic or language doesn't count)

Anyways, good luck on the TWA project. I hope the next few months of your forum hiatus are productive ones, so the next time you pop into the forums you will have some great news about a release date. (crossing fingers)
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Post by carlinho »

while you guys wasted your time writing nonsense in this post, and try to walk with the head upright out of a stupid fight,
I drank a couple of beers, went to the beach, and made this celtic warrior unit




don't tell me you still will keep wasting time...

maybe skip the beer and the beach?
at least play some more...have fun....
and fight less....
Last edited by carlinho on Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Zeph »

I read your post in diagonal, trying to get every bit of text with my name written in bug CAPITAL letters and here's my simple answer to you

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Post by Lord Raven »

I thought this was about a hypothetical Myth IV, and not "The Wind Age"?
It was. Ren just seems to have some kind of paranoid thing going on.
Everyone explodes...
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Post by Renwood TWA »

I do Belive Carlinho just Owned all of us.

Good point man!

And there is no sense in me taking to any of these "negative" people since they dont want to get along with me anyways no matter what, that is very clear.

We will have a very cool thing for people to enjoy very soon, its an all new map called Land of Despair. Its a Spooky swamp with all kinds of good scripting on it and it will feature some of the most advanced AI behaviour for units actions ever seen in a any myth game. This goes for player controlled units and NPC Dark units as well. Its going to have many new things that we think people will really enjoy when they see them for the first time it should bring back a bit of the awe they might have felt when they played their very first few games of myth and were impressed by what they saw the game doing. the public beta should be in maybe 2 weeks and it will give people a good idea of the kind of things they can except on future releases from our dev team.

every day i spend from 4 to 8 hours mangaing the project and creating new content or directing the art department, and techincal direction of what new things we can add that werent possible just a year or 2 ago...or even 3 weeks ago ~*^)

I have thought a lot about what a Thermopylae map should look like based on what the terrain really has on it at the real location.

and hunted through tons of pictures of it to get an idea of what exactly it needs to be accurate and fun to play in myth. When i get some more of the stuff done on some of our maps ill be able to start working on it (MONTHS from now)

And BTW how is the whole unit inventory stuff going for you?
Since we first talked about how to make Leonidas be cool and not suck you made the Phalanx inventory guys. the video was sweet hows that going? I really want to see some guys that can throw their spears and fight with a sword when spearless and have to pick up a spear to have it again. anyways seeya Carlinho and when are you ever going to get on Mnet? heh


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Post by lank »

And there is no sense in me taking to any of these "negative" people since they dont want to get along with me anyways no matter what, that is very clear.
jesus fucking christ almighty!

you might have found a lot of the "negative" people (as you call them - if you put one in the same room as a "positive" person, does that mean the room is empty?) if you weren't so fucking hypersensitive and abrasive. stop calling people "haters" and "negative", and tone down your three-page-long rants and i'm sure you'll soon notice that people are less negative towards you as a person, whatever they think about what you want to call your plugin.


lank shakes his clawed hand in the air, then shakes his head and leaves, muttering rancid curses as he pulls the door closed behind him.
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Post by Renwood TWA »

I do belive you only read the first sentence of my last post lank, then made your response. thats very fair of you.. thanks so much.

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Post by Pyro »

Renwood TWA wrote:I do belive you only read the first sentence of my last post lank, then made your response. thats very fair of you.. thanks so much.

Why, why, why... would you think lank didn't read the whole post. He just quoted the only part that is infact negative. He doesn't need to quote all the parts that he might agree with, right? Like what you said about that LoD map and all the stuff about carlinho's greek plugin.

I wish to know who else in this community (how many people?) would agree with you Ren that people are somehow against you. They just don't like your negative comments. The odd thing is that you don't seem to realize how negative you sound sometimes, which is pointed out in VR's latest post.
Renwood TWA wrote:We (TWA) Dev team members dont really stop by magma forums anymore beacuse its seems to be filled with 90% smart asses who are big critics of things they know little or nothing about. The only people who seem to be worth talking to on the forums here are Carlinho and A-Red and the Project Magma Dev team members.
Just because the same few people are replying to your comments in a way you see as negative, does not mean that only they feel that way. Perhaps if Carlinho, A-Red, or someone from Magma actually commented about this you may be more open-minded to the idea that people are not against your project or you... just some of your negative attitude/comments.
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Post by Renwood TWA »

Why why why? maybe because he didnt say anything about ANY of the other statement i made in the post Myabe? i know if i saw someobdy talking about "Most advanced Myth AI unit behaviour ever"

I myself would ask something about it if somebody else said it.
or at least say "sounds kinda neat"

But nope, people who dont like me dont read what i even say and only focus on the negative only.

Its funny to watch really.

Peach Out
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